AU future fic.


A twenty-five year old man's turned a bright red color and his face was turned side ways. Slowly his hazel eyes moved indifferently towards the owner who had slapped him, he did not do anything else but just stare, as if he knew this was going to happen.

"You were just playing with me!" the woman screeched, her eyes fixed in a glare at the man. The hand that had slapped him clenched into a fist. She scowled at him with utter loathing and hatred.

"Yes, I was," he replied, touching his hit face gingerly. He winced as his fingers ran over the bruise, but his eye returned to the woman who stood before him. "You knew that from the start, hadn't you?"

She was on the verge of tears and she scowled at him. She looked away and spat, "My friends had warned me about you! I should've listened."

"Well, you should've done the correct things…correctly. Oh, and by the way, you're not fit for the job. Thanks for trying though." He looked at her with a con smile on his face. "It was nice playing with you. Thanks for a waste of time."

"What?" she yelled at him. "Now you're dragging the mention of my job? What did this have to do with being your secretary?"

He roughly grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him. His golden eyes turned icy and cold. He said huskily, "You're a real catch, but you're not fit for it." His eyes wheeled away and he said to himself. "All girls are always the same."

"You're being a sexist!"

He narrowed his eyes at the ground and looked at her with an apathetic look. "So what if I am? I'm not lying," he replied sharply. "You women accept my offer of a 'date' and it ends the same." He smirked. "They end up going home crying."

"You're a bastard," the woman said bitterly. She directed all her hatred into the glare she gave him, but to her dismay it caused his grin to grow wider. Her brown eyes turned glossy with tears, and she growled at him.

He countered, "And you're a bitch. Scratch that, all women are such dumb shits."

"You just lost your job, Natsume-san," he continued smoothly, as he brushed his fingers through his light brown hair. "Go ahead and cry; women always do that."

"You're a cold-hearted bastard, Hikaru-kun!" she cried, throwing a box onto the floor. Natsume broke into a run away from him, and Hikaru stared into the crowds in which she disappeared through.

Hikaru bent over to pix up the box, and he saw that the glass merchandise inside had shattered. A sigh escaped his lips, and his smile faltered. "Another one failed," he muttered to himself, disappointment clear on his face. "Two hundred or so women rejected in a month."

"Why are they such idiots?"


Once Hikaru had opened the door to the air-conditioned office, the other that was inside noticed the absence of a secretary behind him. Also, Hikaru's slapped disposition told him the whole story.

"Hikaru, you rejected another one…again?"

Hikaru fell on his reclining chair and smoothed out his brown tresses. "Of course, Kaoru, Natsume-san wasn't the one who's work material," he replied nonchalantly, as he picked up a pen and continued his work on the paper in front of him.

His mirror image frowned at him as he placed a stack of papers in a drawer. Kaoru turned around and placed a hand on top of the black compartment and he sighed, "Why are you so picky of these things? I just randomly picked an assistant, why don't you also do that?"

"Women…" Hikaru started out as he stared into the air. "Are idiots. I may be forced to believe that theory if I don't get a perfect secretary."

"Perfect?" his twin asked, raising an eyebrow. "You're fantasizing too much. You will never get a woman who's perfect enough to be your assistant. Hikaru, you're pushing yourself too much. You can't do this alone."

"But aren't you helping?"

"Well…yeah, I am. We're both presidents of the Hitachiin brand, but each of us are in charge of half and half," Kaoru informed. He pointed to his stack of papers and then to Hikaru's. "I have my assistant but you don't have yours."

Hikaru growled to himself as he compared his large stack of papers to Kaoru's small little stack.

"I'm fine working on my own," he grumbled, leafing through the papers. "Damn stupid paper work."

"That's why you need someone to help you," Kaoru replied in a sing-song voice. He dropped limp on Hikaru's shoulders and nuzzled his face into his brother's neck. "Stop being so rebellious, Hikaru. You can fire her if she doesn't do well."

"I don't like firing people."

"Oh? Not enough guts for firing but you have enough to break their hearts."

"Kaoru, please get off me," Hikaru said bluntly, trying to shove off his twin from his shoulders. The door opened slightly to reveal a woman. She stared at them, and they stared at her. She cleared her voice.

"Kaoru-kun, I filed the papers for you," she said, not at all disturbed by the contact that the two males were having. Immediately, the younger twin had stood up and straightened out his suit which was odd against Hikaru's different form of clothing.

"Ara, done that fast, Miyu-chan?" Kaoru asked the woman who had walked in. She nodded and handed him a manila folder in which he leafed through it. He snapped it shut and placed it absently on his desk. "Excellent, Miyu-chan! You can get yourself a cookie!"

"Er…" she said, her eyes sliding to the sides. Kaoru surprised her with weirdness every day, but other then that, she was too used to his antics and his 'touchy-touchy-touchy' attitude.

"Thank you. Would you like me to get you one also?" she asked politely, she turned towards Hikaru who was busily working. "How about you, Hikaru-kun?"

"We'd love to get them," Kaoru answered, as he shoved her outside. "Now, chop-chop, off you go. You have a delicious time down there!"

"Hai. Then I'll excuse myself," she said, before the door closed with Kaoru's back on it. Hikaru paused and tapped his chin with his pen a few times before he placed it on the table.

"Kaoru…I was thinking…"

He turned towards Hikaru and raised an eyebrow. "Yeah?"

"Are you in love with Miyu-san?"

"…What are you talking about?" he asked confusedly. Hikaru tapped his pen against the table, unconvinced.

"The way you spoke to her…"

Kaoru's face turned into one that sported worry. He walked closer and tilted his head; he asked, "Are you afraid of me leaving you? Don't worry; I won't stop crawling into your bed every night. So don't feel lonely, kay?"

"Actually, it'd be better if you start sleeping in your own bed. You take up too much of my space. You have your own room, go there."

Kaoru snorted; he didn't appreciate Hikaru's tone and statment. "Look who's talking. You're the one who kicks me off whenever I crawl in."

"Why crawl in then?"

"Well…" Kaoru argued.

The door opened and a man walked in, papers in hand.

"I just want to hold you, Hikaru. You look so…so…lonely without me there!" Kaoru's voice changed into a desperate uke one, as his hazel eyes turned glossy with fake tears. He clasped his hands together and murmured shyly, "But, we're so busy…that we can't spend any time together…"

And the guy walked back out.

"Anyways," Hikaru said, rolling his eyes at Kaoru's act. "You actually like Miyu-san, am I correct?"

"What makes you say THAT?" Kaoru asked, flustered that his brother brought up the topic again.

Hikaru casually shuffled his papers. "Kaoru, we're adults. We're not children anymore," he said. "If you want to fall in love, then go ahead. I won't interfere with you." He looked straight at Kaoru and noticed that his face was turning red.

The younger twin stared at the table with a lot of interest, not wanting to say anything. Hikaru took this as a sign to continue. "You can eat cookies or whatever with her; I'll be focused on getting an assistant."

"You'll still be my number one, Hikaru," Kaoru muttered, staring at his face that was right now, unreadable. He continued quietly, "I'll always be there for you."

"It's fine…Kaoru," Hikaru said. He nodded at him with a small smile. "I know."

There was an awkward silence between the twins as they stared at each other with their golden orbs. Kaoru swallowed thickly as he moved around so that he took a seat on the chair's armrest. He said wistfully,"We're…not the same anymore."

"Miyu-san spoke to us correctly," Hikaru said. "These days…people can tell us apart."

"That's a bummer," Kaoru joked lightly. "We work so hard to look the same and act the same."

"Turned out to be useless. We're growing up," Hikaru said with a strained voice. He leaned back and closed his eyes tiredly. He muttered in a quiet voice. "We hardly can express fun anymore."

"It sucks, doesn't it?"

"Hikaru. I have a solution."

He gave him an interested glance. "What is it?"

"Get an assistant!"

"…Kaoru, you've been saying that too much. Seriously, what is it?"

"I said, 'an assistant.' You need someone to take a load off you. You can't do everything by yourself! Hikaru. You. Need. To. Re. Lax."

Hikaru sighed. "There's no real reason behind that, Kaoru. I don't get what you're saying."

"You need to relax, take time to actually express yourself. The damn papers just keep you from doing it," Kaoru protested.

"I know what I'm looking for, Kaoru. I'll see if the ones who're looking for the job is actually fit for it."

"Hikaru, don't go too hard on them. They can be nice people if you get to know them," he said in a distressed voice. He watched Hikaru stand up from the chair and look at him. There was a long silence.

"Can you tell me again how you met Miyu-san?"

The younger Hitachiin stayed silent for an amount of time. He mumbled, "I…"

"Yes, you met her outside of a commoner's supermarket."

"I just bumped into her that's all."

"And spilled her groceries," Hikaru listed; he rose his eyebrows as he said: "And fell on her."

"…Are you trying to shame me?"

Hikaru ignored his question and walked around waving his hands to accompany the words. "And then you HAD to help her because you're a GENTLEMAN."

"I can't be a good guy?"

"I suppose that you noticed that you cracked a lot of her eggs," he continued with an unusually peppy voice. He smiled angelically at his twin, who was as of now frowning and speechless.

"That…Hikaru…was a mistake."

"And then you decided to buy another pack for her."

"Is that bad?"

"And then, you talked to her, hired her and then-"


"You fell in love with your…" Hikaru silenced himself when he saw Miyu standing at the door way staring at them.

"…mop," he finished lamely.

"Nevermind, Hikaru, Miyu-chan," Kaoru said, as he ran towards the woman who was holding two cookies that were wrapped up with a napkin. He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and said, "He's always a liar."

Miyu stared at Hikaru, who was pretending that he hadn't said anything. She then turned her attention to her employer. "Well, I got cookies for you two."

"How were they?" the calmer of the twins asked as he took a large cookie from the napkin.

"Kind of lacking of sweetness, but I'm sure you'll enjoy it, Kaoru-kun."

He turned to Hikaru and waved his hand at Miyu. "You're dismissed, I'll call you when I need you."

"Hai, Kaoru-kun."




"You really, really, really, really, really LIKE her," Hikaru teased.

"S-Shut up."

Knock, knock.


"Excuse me, Hikaru-san…you have thirty young women who're applying for the position of being your assistant," someone said before they left. Hikaru gave Kaoru an accusing glare.


"Aw, come on, Hikaru," he said, while pushing his older brother to the door. "I know you detest them so much, but they're more trustworthy then guys."

A brunette fidgeted as she was sitting in the waiting room. There were thirty or so other women waiting with her, so she knew that the chance of getting the job would be slim. Very slim. She did a quick calculation on how much her chance would be. And her chance came out to three percent.

The twenty-five year old brushed her fingers through her dark brown hair and she drummed her other fingers on a black case on her lap. She NEEDED this job in order to live out her dream. Law school was eating up her saved money fast and the woman needed to get more.

Being a secretary, or more so an 'assistant' in the employer's term, was too easy for the woman. She had dealt with paper work before, so she can finish them up quickly and at the same time attend Law school with the money that she would make.

Who was this woman? Well…her name was:

"Fujioka Haruhi," a woman said as she stepped out from an enclosed room. "Please come this way."

Haruhi stood up and slowly made her way to the door. Someone passed by her, the woman was rubbing her red eyes. She glanced at the crying woman before being pulled away inside.

She concluded that she was crying…

But why? Once she walked in, she was surprised that she was in a hall. All the chatters that were occurring outside disappeared once the door closed behind her. The escort led her to one of the doors along the hall and nodded briefly before exiting the hall. Haruhi gulped and flattened her casual top against her beige colored pants.

First impression was always good, a neat suit and orderly skirt is a must.

But to Haruhi…first impression was too expensive. And so she opted for something like a casual wear. She hoped that this first impression would turn against her. Knocking once on the door, Haruhi opened it slightly and peeked in.

"Come in," a blunt voice ordered immediately. She slipped in and closed the door quietly behind her to see that her employer was actually her age. She stared at him in shock, and he was flipping through and reading the résumé.


She blinked and sat obediently on the cushion chair that was placed before the desk. Haruhi took the time to stare at the twenty-five year old man in front of her who was leafing through her résumé.

It was hard to believe that someone as young as him had inherited the Hitachiin Co. and made it the most popular among the fashion designs. Haruhi was truly amazed, and felt small when she realized how prodigious that the man was.

As well…she noticed that he had faint dark rings underneath his eyes, as his eyes skimmed papers boringly. Maybe that was why he was looking for a secretary.

The last thing that struck her strange was that instead of a suit, he was wearing casual wear. A beige colored t-shirt underneath a red v-necked tank, and black cargo pants that ended in mid-shin. Wasn't he a businessman?

Hikaru glanced at her and then back at the papers. He let out a sigh, 'She looks a lot like a guy…'

"Have you any experience with dealing papers?" he asked, jumping straight to the point. Haruhi jolted from her senses and opened her mouth to speak.


There was silence, only the sound of the air conditioner rattling in the vents above filled in for their lack of speech. Hikaru singled out a small stack of papers amongst all of the others on the desk. "Your work history's a bit jumbled, explain please."

"Well, currently I attend my Law school, and because I need to pay for the tuition and items that are supplied, I constantly switch from job to job. And…so…" she bit her lower lip, as she played with her fingers. 'And so what…great going, Haruhi…' she mentally chided.

"But it says here that you had been unemployed because of some unknown cause at your previous job…?" He looked up and raised an eyebrow.

"Well, technically, the owner had some difficulties with managing the company, so he was forced to shut it down."

Hikaru kept reading the paragraphs on the paper. His interest in this woman was starting to spark. His eyes paused after one sentence and he slowly looked up at Haruhi. She noticed his stare and fidgeted uncomfortably.

"You're a commoner," he stated, expecting her to confirm his guesses. Haruhi squirmed at the name and asked.


Hikaru roughly closed her folder and stood up from his seat. Haruhi was staring at him in question. He asked with a stern edge to his voice, "Do you want this job?"

"Of course, I do," Haruhi replied, standing up from her seat. Hikaru shrugged at her and opened the door, and he walked out with Haruhi following. He pocketed his hands and said in a low voice.

"There will be a test."

"Is there?" Haruhi asked, as the Hitachiin walked back towards the waiting room; he shrugged.

"It's hard. My decisive factor is too long and too hard. And unfortunately, you won't be informed of this criterion," Hikaru said, he turned around and faced Haruhi. "This test is harsh, and believe me…all the women who had taken this test, they all ended up backing down during the middle. You may end up running home in tears…or worse. Are you sure that you want this?"

Haruhi gulped and then nodded determinedly. Hikaru stared at her with a blank face and then he flung open the door to the waiting room. The door slammed against the wall causing all eyes to turn to him.

"Hired," he said nonchalantly to the escort. He walked towards the door leading outside. Haruhi was staring at him with her mouth wide open. He paused before leaving, "But don't put the files in yet, there's a high chance of failure."

"Will do that," the escort said. Haruhi slowly followed Hikaru outside of the building and stared at him as he stood there, his back to her. There was silence, as a gust of wind blew at them.

"Uhm, Hitachiin-san, why-"

"Hikaru's fine with me," he said, turning sideways so that he could looked at her. "There's two 'Hitachiin-san's here, so I suggest you use my first name."

"Hikaru-san," Haruhi corrected herself. She asked curiously, "How will the test be like?"

Giving a smile, Hikaru took Haruhi's wrist and pulled her into a walk to a limousine that was parked right before them. He said, "We'll talk about the test later. Right after we'll have a"

"Wait…" Haruhi said, stopping in her tracks. Hikaru turned to look confusedly at her. "What date?"

"A date, so I can get to know you and you get to know me," Hikaru said with a smile. Gently pulling her hand, Hikaru led her to the limo. "We'll just use the whole day. Is that fine with you?"

They climbed in and Haruhi frowned slightly; Hikaru noted it. She felt strange in the luxury, and she mumbled, "I rather I start on the paper work first, but if you insist…"

"It's fine, really," said the Hitachiin as the car started to go on the move. He called to the driver, "Take us to Ginza, please."

"Ginza?" Haruhi repeated surprise evident in her voice. "That's an expensive shopping district!"

"Not at all," Hikaru said with a carefree smile. He leaned back in the limousine and hummed. "I'm one of the presidents of the Hitachiin Co. I reel in a lot of you're wondering."

The brunette frowned and looked away. But her thoughts weren't focused on about money…

Her friends had told her about this certain Hitachiin before she applied for the job. They said that Hikaru was one to break hearts, and that he could easily whip away her job if he wanted to.

He could make people cry, and that probably explained the girl crying. Haruhi nibbled on the back of her index finger and tossed a sneaky glance at Hikaru.

'But…Hikaru-san seems to be way different than what everyone says…'

The car ride continued in silence until the limousine driver skidded to a stop underneath a highway bridge. Haruhi looked out the window and saw many cars and people go by. The chauffer announced, "We're at Ginza now. Hikaru-sama."

"That'll be okay, I can get out myself," Hikaru said, when he saw that the man was about to get from his seat. Seriously, whoever said that her employer was really a cold-hearted bastard was wrong. First impression was saying that he was actually decent.

The two adults got out from the car and Haruhi awed at the large buildings that had large posters on the side, animated commercials. There were many people walking around that it would be easy to get lost in. Cars zoomed busily by, people sporting many shopping bags walked on by.

Signs stood at the start and end of a street that prevented cars from traveling through it. Many people walked at that road and held bags and food products.

"Welcome to Ginza," Hikaru said nonchalantly, as he turned to stare at the display of buildings. "Wonderful, no?"

"I guess…you can say that," Haruhi said in a daze, her eyes transfixed at the scene in front of her. Hikaru gently took her hand into his and pulled her along.

"If you want something just tell me," Hikaru said, as he took her into a store. A blast of cold air awoken her from her daze, and she stared at the watches that were at display. Small cards were naming the prices…and they was rocketing.

No way could that twenty-five year old man afford something like that. Haruhi stared at the watches that were displayed in glass cases. They were the most breathtaking of watches that she had seen. The unique designs were carefully carved and crafted…and they were done by hand.

She marveled at how constructed it was…and for how much? It would be in its high hundred-thousands of yen. Haruhi was completely convinced that this man couldn't buy it. It was too high, and for a watch, nonetheless.

"These prices are just too cheap."

Haruhi became silent and she turned to Hikaru who was boringly looking through the glass and at the watch. She interrupted his gaze with a cough, "I'm not that interested in watches, Hikaru-san."

"Of course, your personal history says that you actually have nothing to do with it," Hikaru said. He nodded at the people who work there andcasually walked back out with Haruhi tailing him.

And they went through crowds and walked into a building, before they knew it they were walking around in the giant mall that was soaring with prices over the ten-thousands. Hikaru was, ever so often, glancing at her with a small smile without her knowing or seeing.

He wasn't disappointed…yet. The watch store was just a little test to set the piece of information in her head that just screamed: You can get whatever you want; I can buy it for you. Of course Hikaru had so much money in his disposal. He would buy anything that a girl asks for, even though it was for a small cause.

This woman…Fujioka Haruhi…didn't make a move yet.

However Hikaru learned to not be hopeful, because when he did… he was quickly disappointed when the 'candidate' saw perfume.

"Do you like this place?" Hikaru chanced to ask. Haruhi glanced around the area which was full of cosmetics and jewelry. She gave a dissatisfied frown, something that Hikaru hadn't seen in a place like this.

"Actually, the prices here are crazy, how do they expect people to buy it?" Haruhi asked.

"I can buy it for you, my treat," he said with a grin. He leaned down and said against her ear, "I'll make sure you have a great time…"

'Before I hurt you in the end.'

She shuddered when the hot breath sprayed against her ear, but she pretended not to notice his slight predatory attitude. Haruhi stepped away slight and smiled back at him. "Thanks, Hikaru-san."

"You're welcome," he replied. "That smile looks great on you."

'It's going to turn into a frown soon.'

"Ah, Hikaru-san!" exclaimed Haruhi. Said person's heart started to sink as he saw Haruhi leave his side, probably going to ask him to purchase something. He watched her with a dismayed face on, as he saw her pick up a shopping basket.

"What's with that?" he asked, his eyes pointing at the basket.

"Oh, this? I thought you might want to go shopping for things," Haruhi said innocently. Hikaru blinked in surprise, and then took the basket from her hands.

"I have nothing to buy here, would you want something?"

Haruhi glanced around, her brown orbs gliding around. Her eyes landed on a section of the store, and she said absently, "Actually…I do have something to buy here."

Hikaru smiled at her warmly. "That's great!"

'Because it tells me that you're a bitch.'

'Would you want me to buy anything for you?'

'I'm fine.'

'Why not?'

'Because you're not happy.'

'What makes you say that?'

'Because every time someone buys something, I see your heart crack one more time.'

'That's nonsense. Don't you see that I'm happy?'

'Yes…But why are your eyes telling otherwise?'

"Is this all you want to buy?" Hikaru asked dumbfounded, while staring at the thing that was held in his hand.

"Hai, I was wondering when I should get it, but I figured that if I had to do paper work, I should have gotten it earlier," Haruhi answered. Hikaru's eye twitched ever so slightly at the item in his hand.

"But why…a pen?"

"Would you rather I get a pencil?"

"No, I was just saying…" Hikaru trailed as a sweat dropped was on his head. His eyes glanced at the many shelves and shelves of pens. There were many different pens and with different pens there would be different prices.

'Out of all these pens, she picked the cheapest.'

"Hikaru-san, is something wrong?" Haruhi asked, taking the pen into her hand. She clenched it and said, "I really like this type of pen, so I'll buy it and we can get moving."

"Wait," Hikaru cried, grabbing Haruhi's wrist before she ran to the cashier with her five hundred yen coin in hand. He allowed a moment of silence, before he protested, "I'm treating you, so let me buy it for you."

"I wouldn't want to be of a problem, Hikaru-san," Haruhi said too bluntly, blinking her large brown eyes at him. Hikaru smiled his killer smile that makes girls melt with fuzziness; he patted her head and said reassuringly.

"I'll get it for you."

'Because you're starting to make me sick with your innocence.'

Haruhi gave into the smile and just allowed her employer to purchase it at the front desk.

"Shall we get lunch?" Hikaru asked, as he looked up into the sky. Hours had already passed since morning and it was already lunch time. They did a lot of walking around the area Ginza, and now were taking a rest on a bench. Haruhi glanced at her watch and realized that it was already three o' clock.

"Well, I guess I'm a little hungry," Haruhi said, touching her clothed stomach. A long growl emitted from her stomach that said otherwise. Hikaru laughed at it, while she blushed slightly at her stomach.

"We should go and eat. My treat again."

"Are you sure?" she asked, a bit of worry on her face. "I don't want to impose, Hikaru-san."

"No, my pleasure," Hikaru said, with a disarming smile. He stood up and pointed to a restaurant nearby. "Shall we eat there?"

Haruhi stretched and stood up. She smiled, and said, "Seems fine to me!"

While they walked towards the restaurant, Hikaru narrowed his eyes at her, and his pocketed hand clenched into a fist.

'Why are you even acting like this?'

"This place…is so expensive!" Haruhi gasped once they were seated at a table in a restaurant.

She glanced around at the room that they would be occupying in, and marveled at how quiet it was compared to the outside. Not every restaurant that she went to provided a solitaire room for a meal. She flipped through the menu and discovered foods that were never known in her vocabulary before. And the prices that stood beside the name were just crazy.

"Go ahead and order," Hikaru said graciously, as he, too, flipped through the menu. Indeed they were a lot of money, but again, they were nothing to Hikaru. He took his glass of ice water and sipped it, watching Haruhi intently.

Haruhi was too overwhelmed by the prices, and she mumbled, "U-Uhm, it's alright if I skip this meal."

"And starve? It's not nice to deny the person that's paying you know," Hikaru said, his golden eyes piercing her brown orbs.

A butler was standing nearby holding a notepad and pen in his hand. He stood quietly by, until Hikaru placed down his menu. He came up and asked, "May I take your order?"

"I'll get whatever you have on your special," Hikaru said with a lazy wave of his hand. He wasn't that hungry. Hikaru was wondering what Haruhi would order. What his 'pick' would do, and judging by her expression, she seemed to have a hard time choosing.

"W-Well…I'll have…" Haruhi trailed as she looked down the columns. "A plain pancake."

Hikaru's ears twitched.

"Is that all?" the butler asked, there was a slight disappointment on his face. Haruhi nodded and added a small note of gratitude. The man left the room and closed the door after him, leaving the two adults sitting there alone.

He was starting to have second thoughts about this woman. He asked, "You don't want strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, or any flavored ones?"

'Why a plain pancake?'

Haruhi played around with the utensils and placed them on one side of the plate. She shook her head and replied, "Because…plain is always better...and cheaper."

Hikaru remained silent as he glanced away. He tapped the surface of the table absently, as his mind was clouded with so many different thoughts. His eyes was concentrating on the floor. This woman…was so different from the rest. They waited for a long while, and a knock interrupted the silence.



"Your order of plain pancakes is ready."

"Thank you."

'Why a plain pancake?'

"In fact, I think plain pancakes are wonderful," she said as she munched on bit of pancake that was smothered with maple syrup. She licked the remaining syrup off from her lips, and Hikaru growled silently.

His fists clenched.

'Why the innocence?'

"Oh, I forgot," Haruhi muttered to herself while putting down the fork. She looked at Hikaru and said with a sheepish grin, "I should wait until your order comes in, so that we can eat together. Sorry for not noticing sooner."

He grew more irritated.

'Why the politeness?'

His teeth were gritted and his eyebrows were furrowed.

'Why? How come?'

He glared at the woman who was in front of him. Why…was she the one different from the rest? Hikaru was getting angry, an uncontrollable wave of hatred swept over him, that even pinching himself wouldn't make him snap out of it.

Fujioka Haruhi did not swoon over him, she did not buy anything fancy, she tried to deny eating lunch, she picked the cheapest meal there…

She was humble.

And she kept being it.

Why did he feel so angry?

How come?

What makes her different from the rest?

Noticing the negative energy from her 'boss', Haruhi looked up and stared at him. "Hikaru-san?"

"You!" he said angrily. In a blink of an eye the table was shoved aside, Hikaru was off his chair, and Haruhi was pinned to the wall with him clutching her t-shirt collar. She winced, confusion and surprise were evident in her dark brown eyes, as she stared at Hikaru in fear.

"Are you even a woman?" he demanded, shoving her roughly against the wall. Hikaru pressed her against the wall, almost choking her. He hissed lowly, "Why are you like this? You're not supposed to be like this! No woman ever acted like this to me before!"

"H-Hikaru-san…what are you saying?" she asked, eyes staring at him worriedly. In an instant, Haruhi was dropped and she crumpled onto the ground. Hikaru withdrew his hands and kept them at his side. He took time to calm himself down from his sudden outburst.

"Why…why are you so different?" he voiced out his thoughts. Hikaru turned to look at her. "Women…are supposed to be…stupid, idiotic, they're supposed to be easy to play with…they're supposed to think of me as a money-machine and use me to get what they want...but you…"

Haruhi blinked. "Hikaru-san…what are you…"

"But you…you're different," he admitted. He sighed deeply, and closed his eyes. "I hate you, Fujioka Haruhi."

She stared at him with a confused face.

"Since the time you walked into that room, I hated you."


"Do you really want to know why?" Hikaru asked as he knelt down until he and Haruhi met eye to eye. Without an answer from Haruhi, he immediately closed the gap between them; his lips crushed hers without a second thought.

Haruhi didn't know how to respond, she just sat there frozen to the ground, and Hikaru pushed her into a deeper kiss. She heard her heartbeat banging loud in her ears; she couldn't understand what she was doing. Haruhi was just caught in a daze and couldn't get out of it.


"Special order: Beef-"



"Apologies for intruding!"


With that intrusion and sound, the twenty-five year old snapped out of her daze and shoved the Hitachiin off her. Her hands flew up to her face, covering the blush that was on her face, she stuttered, "H-Hikaru-san! That-"

Hikaru only blinked as he recovered from the powerful shove. He licked his lips and just wondered what he had did. And it all clicked to him.

He just kissed his new secretary.

Hikaru felt no shame or any embarrassment; he just wiped his mouth nonchalantly. Hikaru just replied coolly to her question before the kiss, "Because…it was love at first sight."

"Y-You…" Haruhi stammered as her eyes grew wide. The blush that was just receded revived itself and turned her face bright red. Hikaru shrugged as he got onto his knees again.

"Actually, I fell in love with your résumé and your personal history, and then it was love at first sight," Hikaru said casually, as his face ventured up close to hers.

Haruhi pushed away from him before he could steal another kiss. She stammered, "W-Wait, I don't get it, Hikaru-san! You're-…the rumors. They say-!"

"You actually believe in the rumors?" he frowned at her little trust in him.

"W-Well…they had the same story and they all ended the same!"

"And you still trust it?" he asked, irritation was starting to build up.

"Many people had a say in it."

"And you still trust it?" he asked again, annoyance was clear in his voice. Haruhi gulped and shrunk back from him, feeling that the wall was starting to melt into her back. She felt vulnerable, as Hikaru moved closer to her.

"Uh…" she muttered as he moved closer to her, he cradled her face with a hand, and toyed with her hair. His breath now splashing on her features; Haruhi shut her eyes and squeaked. "I…uhm…"


"Well, well, well, what have we have here?" a voice said, breaking them from the moment. Hikaru immediately pulled away from Haruhi and glared at the person who barged in through the door.


"Oh my, I interrupted something?" he asked, his voice coated with light humor. Haruhi was staring with wide eyes, and she brought her hand up to rub her eyes.

Is she seeing double?

Haruhi knew that there were brothers who were in charge of the company but they never said TWIN BROTHERS. Hikaru pulled himself from the ground and helped his assistant up onto her feet. He sighed and tediously introduced them.

"Haruhi, meet Kaoru. Kaoru, meet Haruhi."

"So, Hikaru, have you found your purrrfect secretary?" Kaoru asked teasingly, nudging his brother in the ribs with his elbow. Hikaru only blushed slightly but Haruhi caught it and blushed as well.

"I-Idiot! Why do you have to ask me that?"

'Do you need me to buy something for you?'

'I'm fine with what I have.'

'Don't you want anything? I can get it for you no matter the prices.'

'I'm not looking for materialistic pleasure.'

'Why would you say that?'

'Because…people who are greedy…just hurt you.'

'Why do you care so much about a rich, cold-hearted bastard like me?'

'I didn't agree to this date for a luxurious treatment…or for the unlimited things that I can buy.'

'Why did you come?'

'Your eyes were just begging for comfort. Who am I to ignore?'

Many weeks later...

An adult sat boringly at his desk, his mirror image was off somewhere leaving him alone in this incredibly large room. He sighed as he only heard the continuous tapping of his pen against the glass desk.

His golden eyes flitted to the phone and then to the small button that he had personalized. Without hesitation, he pressed on the button, long and hard, before releasing it. He heard it beep.

Hikaru sat back on his reclining chair and waited. Any time now, she will walk in through that door.

"Yes, Hikaru-san?" an all too familiar voice asked, and she peeked through the door. Hikaru made a motion that signaled Haruhi to walk in. Standing right in front of the desk, she looked at Hikaru, with a clueless face on.

"What is it?" she asked, playing with the paper in her hand.

"I feel…bored."

Haruhi sighed as she turned around. She chided him gently, "If that's all you called me to come for, then I'll be going now—Wha?"

Hikaru had successfully grabbed his assistant from leaving, pinned her to his desk, and roughly kiss her on the lips…again…for the tenth time that day. Hikaru pulled away from her once they were soon going to lose their breaths; Hikaru leaned off from Haruhi and he grinned stupidly at her.

"Sorry, but I couldn't resist," he said monotonously, as he straightened out his suit from the wrinkles that were created during the sudden assault. Haruhi pulled herself from the desk and stared at him flustered.

"H-Hikaru-san, that was…too crude of you. And…again? I'm going to start ignoring your calls."

"As I said, I couldn't resist," he said, the goofy smile returning to his face. Haruhi made a small pout which resulted her to be pinned against the table again.

She gave him an accusing glare before he spoke up again, too casually, "As I said before…I can't resist you."

"You're lucky I haven't quit this job…yet," she muttered, the blush still clear on her face. Hikaru nuzzled his face into her neck, causing her to shudder. She said distractedly, "…You're not a cat, you know…"

"If you dare fight back, I'll have your position removed."

Haruhi's eyes twitched, and her brain tried to command her arms to not push the Hitachiin away. She murmured, "You're abusing your position as president."

"So?" he whispered, sending chills down her spine.

"I would have left already…" she challenged. Hikaru's nuzzling didn't stop for hesitation and he just replied casually.

"I'll double your pay."

Haruhi rolled her eyes, the idea of him abusing his position came back to mind. She felt a slight moisture on her neck, and she quickly said, "One more thing before you do anything to me…"

"What is it?" he asked, his breath spraying over her neck.

"Stop summoning me to your room every day in your every waking moment, Hikaru-san," she said, shivering for a while when Hikaru was doing…things…to her neck. "I have things to do, and I can't constantly be disturbed."

"Anything else?" he huffed impatiently.

"Ah…yes, the air conditioner in my office is currently broken. Can you get that fixed?"

"What's the point if you're always in my office?"

"Just pointing it out, jeez," Haruhi said. She gasped lightly as she felt him nip at her earlobe. She pressed her hands against his chest, trying to stop him from doing anything else. She added, "A-And another thing!"

The nipping stopped and was replaced by an irritated voice: "What?"

"I'm done with the stacks of paper that you gave me, oh, and…uhn…H-Hikaru…san…"

"Are you done yet?"

"The rival company…mmn…hacked…nn…into your computer. Hikaru-san, stop it, I'm trying to tell you…mmh…something important!"

Hikaru retorted,"Well, if you're going to say it, say it fast." Haruhi rolled her eyes at his impatience. Seriously couldn't he wait?

"The rival company hacked into your computer and had stolen your ideas for the next line…"

"What?" Hikaru asked, immediately getting off Haruhi. She dusted her suit free from the wrinkles and combed her hair with her fingers. He was staring at her, all suaveness about him was replaced with a clueless demeanor.

"In actuality, they…plagiarized your designs and are putting it to work as we speak," Haruhi said nonchalantly.

"I'm going to sue them!" he exclaimed, and he dashed past her and towards the door.

He ran out the door and slammed it with a…




Hikaru ran back towards her and gave a quick peck on the lips before saying, "We'll continue later. Ja!"


Haruhi stared at the door. She sighed and shook her head. "He didn't even know which company it was…"


"Oh, Haruhi, you're here?" the mirror image of Hikaru asked. Haruhi could tell this was Kaoru. He glanced around, golden orbs roaming around the empty room. "Where's Hikaru, I need to talk to him?"

"You missed him by two minutes."

"Why? What was he doing?"

"Oh, just running to sue the rival company who stole his designs-…wait…SUE?" Haruhi's eyes jumped open. "OH GOD! DOES HE EVEN KNOW HOW TO SUE PEOPLE?"








Kaoru and Haruhi looked at the door where Hikaru had casually walked in. He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, as he smiled at Haruhi like nothing had happened. He asked, "Ehehe…Haruhi…which company stole it?"

"Yasurai Co." Haruhi said with a slight sweat drop.

It was like a bomb when Haruhi mentioned the name.


Haruhi winced when they screamed at the same time. Woah…twin stereo…




They ran out the door.


"…Hikaru?" she heard Kaoru say. She raised her eyebrow.



Hikaru ran back in and kissed her on the lips again. He pulled away, his hands on her arms. He said with a serious look on his face, "You wait right here, and I'll beat the shit out of them!"

Haruhi pushed him away from her. She obviously HAS to get used to it, or her job would flush down the toilet. She muttered, "Yeah, yeah. Do that now."



Haruhi sighed, as she fixed her suit. Letting a small laugh escape her lips, Haruhi leaned back against the desk. She tapped her finger against the glass counter and murmured, "You're so weird…Hikaru-san."