A/N: I'm not really sure how the Japanese Senior High School school systems work. So I decided to make it like my school's and use my freshman first semester schedule. 1st period, 2nd, nutrition, 3rd, 4th, lunch, 5th, 6th, home. Except, nutrition, in the story, will be 30 minutes, and instead of dance, they'll have physical education. I also decided to use my teachers' personalities.

Enjoy! Review if you like it... please. I like them.. They're like cookies to me. xD;;; I love cookies.. ;

And I'm sorry. I like to use a lot of dialogue...

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach. Which makes me sad... xD;


There was an awkward silence.

"Here..!" Rukia suddenly said handing him an envelope, "a friend forced me to write this.. It took me a while to figure out the right time to give it to you. I guess now is the time. Good-bye Ichigo."

She walked out of the door leaving him with a blank expression and an envelope.


"Well, you're probably wondering, 'what in the world was that?' Let's go to where I first met Miss. Kuchiki." narrated Ichigo.


"Oniichan! Oniichan! Please! Don't go!" teared the little girl.

"I'm sorry.. but it's not my choice.. I have to go.." the boy explained and he walked away not wanting to look back.

The little girl reached out trying to get him to come back, but he didn't.



"Okay, maybe not that far. Let's start from where I met her at age 15."


"Great, everything is set up and all your paper work is in. You're in freshman class three. You'll start class tomorrow."

"Thank you."


It was the afternoon and Kurosaki, Ichigo, age 15, was walking home from his friend, Asano, Keigo's, house. He wondered around not feeling the need to go home. He suddenly stopped as he saw two individuals. He couldn't help but think that he recognized one of them.

"You're late Ichigo! I was SO worried! You made Yuzu worried!" he said pointing his daughter who was wearing an apron, she laugh empathetically, "You even made Karin worried!" He added pointing to his other daughter.

"Not really..." Karin said.

"MAH?!" their father gasped, "So what made you so late, eh my boy?"

"He probably fell in love with a girl on the way home..." Karin teased. "REALLY?!" Isshin shouted and started day dreaming about it. "I DID NOT!" Ichigo interrupted, "I just didn't want to return to home so quickly. The less I hear of your annoying voice the better!" "That's not very nice.." his father replied picking his ear, "Why can't you ever get a girlfriend?! Girls throw themselves at your feet every Valentine's and you reject them ALL! WHY?!"

"No they don't... and I don't like in smushy love crap!"

"AH! MASAKI, do you hear our son! He's so mean I just want him to find a spouse as lovely as you!" Isshin bawled to the painting of his beloved wife. "I'm not all that interested in love and crap like that right now, you old man!" Ichigo snapped at him. There was a silence. "I'm waiting..." Ichigo said.


"For you to say something stupid!"

"Oh.. I'm saving it for tomorrow."



"GOOD MORNING, ICHIGO!" screamed the adult as he attack his son. Ichigo blocked him and pounded his face into the ground.

"Jerk, you've got guts trying to break your son's neck first thing in the morning!" Ichigo hissed.

"Why yes, I do!" replied his father.

"Whatever. I'm going to get ready for school..."

Orange-haired boy, dressed and ready for school, walked down the stairs. His sisters greeted him and he sat down eating breakfast.

"Ichigo! Do you know what today is my dear boy?" his father screamed.

"The day you get a muzzle..?" Ichigo replied.

"WHAT?!" Isshin cryed using an "invisible wall" depression effect, "Why is my only son so mean to me?"

"Fine, fine... It's the first Monday of an even numbered month, happy?" He covered his ear, knowing exactly how his father would react.

"THAT'S RIGHT MY BOY! . . . . and do you know what I do everyone first Monday of an even numbered month morning?" sparkled him father.

"No.. What?" he answered sarcastically.

"Eh?! I tell you about your first l o v e!" he shinned showing a picture of a younger Ichigo with a little girl.

"I told you already... She was not my first love.."

"So this is what he was saving for today.." Ichigo thought to himself.

"Of course she was!" he chuckled slapping his son's back, "and do you remember what her name was?"

Ichigo sighed obviously annoyed and answered a "no." Even though he did know.

"Well, that's why I'm here to remind you! Here name is Kuchiki, Rukia. Got it memorized?"

"Yeah.. You're not playing Kingdom Hearts anymore.." Ichigo hissed, "and why do you always remind me of her.. It's your fault we moved away."

"Is not!" his father protested.

"Is too." Ichigo glared turning his father into stone.

"Well, we had to move because... I DON'T REMEMBER..." he teared, "Why doesn't our son understand me, Masaki?! WHY?!"

"Well, If you're done rambling. I've got school to go to." Ichigo said while stomping on his father's head; and off to school we went.


"H-hi Kurosaki-kun..." Inoue greeting shyly as he passed her by the hallway.

"Yo." he replied and walked passed her.

"Honestly, I don't know what you see in him. He's such a jerk..." her best friend said to her.

"Don't you think it's funny how he scowls like that..? Even in the morning."

"Eh.. Sure, whatever you say."


The orange-haired continued to walk in the hallway and into his classroom.

"Morning class!" his teacher shinned shoving someone into the classroom, "Meet Kuchiki, Rukia."

"Eh? Did she say Rukia?" The fifteen year old thought to himself.

"Kuchiki-san, you'll be sitting next to Kurosaki, Ichigo." their teacher said, "Kurosaki-kun raise your hand."

"Uh.. Sure." he replied raising his hand. Everyone watched as she walked to where he was sitting.

"Hey you.." Ichigo said to Rukia, "I don't like your hair."

"Well, I don't like your hair either! You look like a dandelion!" He just lightly smiled at her response.

"Who does this guy think he is? He doesn't know me and he's already picking a verbal fight with me... But why did saying those words fell so natural as a reply.." she pondered in her mind.


"Hey you! Have we met before?" she whispered to him.

"Eh? So I guess she doesn't remember me after all." he thought to himself.

"Hrm, I'm not quite sure. Why do you ask?" he said to her.

"It's nothing."

"Awe, come on!" he said elbowing her playfully.

She glared at him and sigh silently. "I don't know... It's just that that reply seemed so natural."

"You don't say.. Well, do I look familiar to you?"

"Nope, not at all."

"I see. Well, you never know." he said to her. She looked at him very confused.


"Kurosaki-kun." his teacher began, "During nutrition, could you show Kuchiki-san around the school?"

"Um, okay." he agreed.


A/N: Yay: )