I DO NOT OWN... (Skips to end of thingo that says I dont own anything!!!)

I can't believe him! Lilly thought to herself as she stormed up to her room after one of her and James' heated arguments. She didn't care what James said, Snape was a good person. It really upset her that he could treat anyone like that. Her friends said he was showing off to her. As if he would like her. He was cute and popular and fairly smart… well… smart enough anyway.

Snape was suddenly walking beside her.

"What's up?" He asked her.

"James is just being his usual self. You know… the whole "I'm king of the world because my ego is so big that no one can breath when they stand within one hundred thousand miles of me!" act. Sometimes he really bugs me."

"I think you like him…" Snape said, sounding slightly sad.

"I do not." Lilly said, blushing. Her bright green eyes begging him silently to stop it, drop it and leave it alone.

"Do to." He didn't drop it.

Yes I do. She thought to herself.

"No, now, do you want me to help you study for your potions tests or not?"

"Yes, I do."

"Well then drop it!!" She said, hoping he wouldn't pick it up again.


Scene Change…

"Now what do you get when you mix…" Lilly droned on, Severus didn't care. He knew all this already. He just wanted to spend time with her.

Maybe I should ask her to Hogsmead with me? Nah… she likes James. Damn it. If only I could show her that I was more worthy of her adoration than James. James is mean, he is shallow, he barely passes. I… I don't get a chance to be nice. I would be nice if they gave me a chance. I am not shallow, I don't care that she is the prettiest girl in the school. AND I pass with flying colours. Course she doesn't know that. Hold on. Did she just ask me a question? I don't know. When she talks I just get lost In her eyes, her beautifully green, bright eyes. They light up a room, I swear.

"Severus!" Lilly yelled playfully. "I do believe I asked you a question."

"Yeah, umm… I don't know."

"Well read what's in front of you and you will find out!" Lilly said, slightly frustrated. "Read it, learn it and by learn I mean memorize it. I have to go and study for my Runes test."

"Well then, have fun…" He said.

Wait, no. She can't be going already, she's only been here… He glanced at his watch. Four hours? That cant be right, it only felt like twenty minutes. I am hopelessly lost. Maybe I should just, just stop seeing her at all and get over her.

Twenty minutes later…

Who am I fooling? I can't do this. Twenty minutes and I'm already missing her. Missing her so much it hurts. She's just two tables away and alone. It's now or never, ask her or never talk to her again. He got up and made his way over to Lilly.

"Hey, Lilly, I know you said you needed to study but-" He glanced down at her book. The Initials J.P. were written all over it in love hearts.

If you like it you have to tell me or I wont update!!!!! Review and get a cookie or a hug!!!! or BOTH!!!