Star Trek Voyager characters are the property of Paramount Pictures


Stardate 57104.2

Standing before a gushing waterfall that glowed crimson in a setting sun, Kathryn studied her tricorder, waiting and hoping for two precious lifesigns to appear.

"The Doctor's performing a planet wide search," Chakotay said, emerging from their shelter, "just incase we have the wrong place."

"It is the right place," Kathryn answered, turning to her husband. "I'm sure of it. There's no reason for Q to have sent them further afield when we're alone on this world. He said we'd find them under a rock and there's plenty of rocks around here."

Suddenly, Robo began to bark in the distance and his bark grew louder as he emerged from tall black rocks and ran over to Kathryn. Desperately, he tried to communicate something, and then ran back the way he'd come.

Kathryn glanced at her tricorder and her heart skipped a beat. "They're here," she smiled.

"Who needs a tricorder," Chakotay teased, "when we have Robo."

As quickly as they could, they followed Robo into the rocks and there, sleeping soundly in their baby carriers, were Tyrian and Darian.

"Just as I remember them," Kathryn said, happy tears in her eyes. "Exactly the same."

Robo was sitting proudly beside them and Chakotay ruffled his ear. "Well done, Robo."

Kathryn knelt before Tyrian and Darian and gazed at them joyfully. "Welcome to the future."

She and Chakotay then picked the babies up and, with Robo in pursuit, carried them to their shelter.