AN: ok, this is the last chapter. So, thanks to everyone who has reviewed! It means a lot to me.

Hit the drums!


Fowl Manor,



An hour later.

Artemis entered Fowl Manor and made his way to the living room.

His mother, father and little brothers sat there.

Artemis looked at his family.

His family.

Maybe he could try to be a part of it a little more.

He winced. This was going to be swore.

"Who wants to play football?" Artemis cried, trying to sound playful.

"Yay!" the twins cried, jumping up and practically pummelling Artemis.

Police Plaza,

Haven City,

The Lower Elements,

Two hours later.

Commander Trouble Kelp and Holly Short came out from the Council's Auditorium. Or, to be more specific, Commander Trouble Kelp and Major Holly Short. The Council had apologised for the mix up and had even offered Holly as job as Major.

To Trouble's delight, she excepted.

Now they stood outside Holly's new office.

"I'm really glad you came back, Major," Trouble said.

"I'm glad to be back," Holly said, smiling.

They stood there a moment.

"Listen," Holly said, "I'd just like to say thank you. Thank you for protecting me back in Scotland. I owe you."

Trouble smiled.

She nodded and turned to go into her office.

"Holly wait!" he called.

She turned to face him. "Yes?"

"There something I've been meaning to tell you," Trouble said, "It's…uh…that I…"



"Shut up," Holly said and kissed him.

The End.


AN: so, that's it. Finished. Complete. Done. Three cheer for me! Na, joking.

Please review and tell me what you think!

Til next time,

extra short