KittyKat: Hello and this is the epilogue of the Distance Between Us!

Lily: And this time we have a good excuse for taking so long!

KittyKat: We didn't know we hadn't finished it!

Lily: Isn't Kitty dumb?

KittyKat: Hey! I was the one who reminded you, moron!

Lily: After what, like, twenty years?

KittyKat: (gasp) you over exaggerated!!

Lily: Yea, a gazillion times!!

KittyKat: Huh! How dare you!

Kurama: There they go again…

Hiei: I hope they kill each other…

Kurama: (sweat drop) on with the story…


"So you're leaving?" Lillian said sadly.

"Yes, I am."

"Is Hiei going with you?" Carol asked eagerly.

Yes, he is."

"Well tell him I said goodbye!"

"I will." Kurama looked at his good friend. "I guess this is goodbye."

"For now Suichi, for now…"

"Yes. You're right." He bowed. "Thank you for teaching me English Lillian and thank you Carol for bringing Hiei safely here…"

"No biggy!" The little girl grinned proudly.

"Well goodbye." He walked of to the grounds.

"Bye!" They both said in union.

Kurama slowlywalked out of the campus. There, outside, was the waiting Hiei, "Are you ready to go home?" The red head asked.


Kurama chuckled.

"We're not going by boat are we?" Hiei remembered the filthy ship in which he arrived in America.

"No, no Hiei. We're going by airplane." Kurama explained as they walked to the nearest bus stop.


"Well," Kurama stopped and placed his bag on the public seat next to the bus stop, "It flies."

"Flies, in the air?" Hiei looked up in astonishment.

Kurama laughed. "Yes, it does." The bus arrived and they got on. The bus arrived at the airport and they got off.

"Won't it fall?" Hiei stared at the window and watched the huge aircrafts taking off. Kurama came back with the tickets he had pre- ordered online.

"No, of course not!"

Very soon they were on the plane in their seats. It was different from the salty boat; it felt safe, and warm, especially when Kurama was there…

Hiei thought of all the people he had met, the people who had helped him find his way to Kurama. He silently thanked them for what they did, even if they were annoying.



"I think I will tell Yukina…"



"What made you have a sudden change of heart?"

"Hn. I could tell you everything, but they all point to you in the end anyway."

Kurama laughed. "Good one!"

"It's not a joke…"

Kurama smiled at his fire demon… Yes, his… "Hiei, did I ever tell you how much I love you?"

"You didn't." Hiei smirked, "But I figured it out anyway…"

"Yes, you have an excellent deduction." He stroked the demons black hair as he kissed him softly on the cheek.

They were together and that was all that mattered…


KittyKat: AND THAT'S THE END! sobsobsob I'm soo sad that it has ended… and that we took soo long to post it! x

Lily: Yeah, now it's the end of your everlasting talk!

KittyKat: (Gasp) U did it again!! :O

Kurama: Sweatdrops)Thank you to everyone who has read and supported this fic. Our apologies, that this last chapter took soo long. Thank you for waiting, and hope you enjoyed this last chapter!

Hiei: Hn. Finally…

Lily: Please review.

KittyKat: Hiei, I bet you're gonna miss us a lot!

Hiei: No.

Kurama: Really Hiei?

Hiei: …

KittyKat: But don't worry Hiei! There's always next story! Hehe.

Lily: PLZ REVIEW AGAIN!! (Starts dancing like crazy, a tribute to the last chapter… sobs)


Hiei: (draws out katana) …