Hi, I'm alive. Really. Okay, so I really thought I was going to give up on both of the two stories I'm writing on here. But I got bored, re-read them, and decided I needed to know what happens next. Actually, I've got the other one basically planned out. But this one is very random. I just write whatever I feel like and surprise myself. So I wrote this chapter. Sorry if it isn't as funny, but I thougt I needed to actually have a plot if I'm ever going to finish this. So yeah. Hopefully I will write another chapter soon.

Dr. Argon's face was inscrutable. It was driving Holly crazy. She just couldn't tell if he was having any luck. She knew she still had her magic. It was the one thing she believed in with every fiber of her being.

The doctor was still examining her, and it had been at least a minute. Despite herself, Holly had to admit that she was worried. What if she did have her magic, but not enough to make a difference? She sighed, glad to have Trouble with her, but also wishing he didn't have to see her in a weak moment. If there was one thing Holly usually wasn't, it was weak.

By the time Holly was practically shaking with fear, Dr. Argon removed his hands from her forehead. He looked at her sadly. "I'm sorry, but-"

"NO!" Holly interrupted. "You're wrong! Did you search everywhere?"

The doctor nodded, and tried to speak again, "Holly-"

"Are you sure? Everywhere?"

Trouble squeezed her hand. "Holly it's going to be okay."

Holly's eyes were starting to get teary.

Desperately, Trouble searched for something comforting to say. Anything to stop the crying! "Ummm… Holly… ummm… you could always be a … plumber?"

Holly tore her hand out of his. "A PLUMBER???" she shrieked. "Who do you think I am?"

Dr. Argon laid a placating hand on his patient's shoulder. "If you two would allow me to interrupt for a minute-"

"No, you can't interrupt, you bloodthirsty doctor!" Holly brushed his hand off like it was a distasteful worm.

Trouble was able to stop mentally kicking himself for long enough to blurt out, "Holly, I think you'd be a very pretty plumber!"

At that, Holly completely lost it, even if he was her favorite coworker. "It's CAPTAIN SHORT to YOU! How dare you! You've always had it EASY. You don't know what it's like to have all these sexist jerk-faces up against you! And YOU SMELL LIKE PICKLES!"

Trouble was almost speechless. But he would never learn to keep his mouth shut. He feebly muttered, "I happen to like pickles."

Holly sneered, which unfortunately only made her look comical. "Well, I hate pickles. And I hate the smell of them!"

Once more, Dr. Argon tried to speak up, pompously stating, "Captain Short, I have some pertinent information that I do believe I am obligated to share with-"

Holly responded, "And as for you, I have some things I've been wanting to share with you for a long time! You can go tell you doctor friends that they are nothing but pretentious, brutal, vindictive, masochistic, AND-"


Holly paused in her tirade. "What did you just say?"

Dr. Argon said exasperatedly, "You were right. You have a tiny bit of magic left."

"I KNEW IT! And who says I should stop trusting my instincts?" Holly triumphantly said. She was tempted to start dancing on the examination table, but restrained herself for Dr. Argon's sake.

Trouble did not appear to be understanding anything that was going on. He intelligently questioned, "Wait… what?"

The doctor took a deep, fortifying breath and explained, "I honestly don't know what happened. All I can tell you is that the case isn't as severe as I thought. There have been a few patients able to recover from this type of disorder. Of course, they were all highly-trained warlocks, not officers."

"I took advanced courses in magic," Holly indignantly huffed.

Dr. Argon ignored this latest interruption for the sake of his mental well-being. He already got a big enough bill from his psychiatrist as it was. "So ANYWAY, I believe that your magical essence has been greatly depleted, but not to the point that would make recovery impossible."

Holly grinned widely, "So I guess I won't have to be a plumber after all, hey Trouble?"

Trouble turned bright red. "Oh, I guess not... that is... not that I don't think you'd be a good plumber, but... never mind."

Turning back to the doctor, Holly asked, "So how long will this whole 'recovery' process take?"

Dr. Argon pursed his lips, pretending to look thoughtful. "As I said, we never had a case like this before, but I would guess it would be at least a few weeks."

"A few weeks? But I have to track down goblins, and fill out paperwork, and erase memories, and fill out paperwork, and protect citizens and fill out paperwork and..." Holly trailed off, thinking of how Commander Root would react when he heard what mess she had gotten herself into this time. "What if I lose my job?"

Dr. Argon shook his head resolutely. "I'm sorry, but there is no way to rush the natural healing process."

Holly thought about the possible consequences of requesting so much time off. "I can't do it. I refuse to give up everything I've worked so hard for." Her face took on a thoughtful look, and then suddenly lit up with understanding.

Trouble did not like where this was going. He knew her well enough to recognize her I-just-got-a-brilliant-but-suicudal-idea look. "Holly, what are you planning?"

"How well can the two of you keep a secret?"

Although Commander Root would never admit it, he liked the only female captain on the force. She was a loyal elf whose heart was in the right place, but she needed to learn how to follow directions. He had just gotten a call from her. She had requested to see him, and he was not expecting a friendly chat. The last time she had voluntarily visited him, she had gotten on her knees, pouted, and begged him not to hurt her for accidentally catching all the potted plants in the building on fire. He never did figure out how she had managed that one...

There was a timid knock on the door.

"Come in," the Commander boomed, trying to sound as terror-inspiring as possible.

Captain Short opened the door and glanced to either side of her, as if looking for enemies hidden in the office.

Root sighed. Maybe she was finally going crazy. "I assure you, this is probably the safest place in Haven. Now come in!" He was pleased to see her flinch slightly.

Holly stepped up to his desk, trying to look brave.

"And close the door behind you!" Root shouted. She appeared to be even more nervous than he had expected if she had forgotten a simple thing like closing a door. He decided to get straight to the point of this visit. "What did you do?"

"What?" Holly innocently asked. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't be stupid," the Commander snapped. "I know you did something. I was already informed about the goblin incident, and I must say you are the most incompetent officer I have ever seen to get captured by a brainless goblin. Luckily for you, I have decided not to fire you for that. Now if there is something else you would like to share with me, kindly get on with it!"

Holly nodded. "Yes, sir. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about being the most incompetent officer you have ever seen."

Root smiled, pleased that he had gotten through to her.

Holly was in shock. Did Commander Root seriously just smile? That was not normal. Apparently he liked it when his victims had low self esteem. She decided to keep talking while he was in a good mood. "And there is also one more thing..."

The smile faded from the Commander's face. "What?"

Holly swallowed nervously. "Umm... well, actually, I was wondering if I could suggest a new and innovative way to stop this goblin issue."

"Go on," Root said imperiously.

"Well," Holly continued, "When there is a threat as big as this, we usually send out a whole team of LEP officers. But since we're trying to keep this a secret, I thought maybe we could send a smaller team. That way we could actually be much more effective."

"How small?"

Holly winced. She had been hoping to postpone the actual number until she had him on her side. "Well, I was thinking about two fairies would be sufficient. More specifically, you could just send Major Kelp and myself."

"WHAT?" the Commander yelled. "Why would you want to risk your life and the life of another fairy? I do not understand you, Captain. And why are you assuming that I'll even want you on this important mission?"

Holly was ready with an answer. "I know you, Commander. You always send someone on each mission that has experience with whatever - or whoever - is causing the problem. Usually that expert would be Foaly. And I also know that I am the current expert on the Daerwicket gang because I have had dealings with them before. You were already planning on sending me on this mission. All I want to do is make this as safe as possible for us and for the innocent civilians out there."

Commander Root sighed. She was right. It was vital for the Captain to be on this mission. "I suppose Major Kelp is in on this crazy plan too?"

Holly nodded again. "I already talked to him, sir. In order for mission be successful, it is important to send the best of the best. That means Major Kelp would be my first choice, if I were you."

Root shook his head. There seemed to be no way to dissuade her. "It's ridiculous, but this is a desperate situation." He paused, thinking of all the things that could go wrong.

"Did anything else happen while I was being treated by Dr. Argon?" Holly asked. She was concerned by the Commander's tone.

"Yes, something did. I might as well tell you, but I don't want you sharing this information with anyone but Major Kelp."

"Yes, sir," Holly said obediently.

"I received a message from the Daerwicket gang about an hour ago. Here, I barely managed to restrain myself from tearing it up. Read it." He handed her a piece of paper.

Commander Root-

The Daerwicket gang is holding your employees captive. If you want them to survive, do not try to stop us.

Holly read the note, and looked back up at Commander Root.

He handed her a stack of pictures. "Here, these came with the note."

The top picture was of Lily Frond. Holly glanced at the Commander and raised her eyebrows. He motioned for her to keep looking. Holly looked at the next picture. To her surprise, it was her own picture. The last one was of Grub Kelp.

"Lily Frond was just in my office. She reported an attempted kidnapping. Apparently, a goblin tried to drag her off while she was on lunch break. She fought it off with her high-heeled shoe," Root informed Holly. "However, Corporal Kelp has been missing for about four hours."

Holly gasped. "Oh, no. Poor Trouble..."

To say that Root was annoyed by the interruption would be an understatement. "Shut Up! Are you going to listen to me, or are you going to get out of my office?"

Holly shut up.

"That's what I thought," said Root. "Now, this note means that stealth is vital. That doesn't mean I like your plan, but I can't come up with any other objections. However, I won't let you go in there recklessly."

"Oh, we won't be reckless, sir."

"I know you, Captain. Don't contradict me," Root commanded. "I want you to have all the latest technology, and I want a thorough report every hour. If you do not have any success, or if either of you two is put in danger, I am cancelling the mission."

"Yes, sir."

"Now, I want you and Major Kelp to go pay a visit to that fool of a centaur."

"Yes, sir."


"Yes, sir."

"And... I know it might be a lot to ask from you, but... be careful."

"Yes, sir."


"Yes, sir."

Holly left the office, forgetting to close the door behind her.

Trouble was waiting right outside the office. When Holly came out, he looked at her questioningly. "Well?"

Holly smiled. "He agreed. So now I can keep my job, you can keep my secret, and we can save the world. But this is much more serious than we thought. Your brother was kidnapped."

Trouble's eyes widened in fear. "Oh no! What will Mommy say?"