I came. I saw. I conquered.


Disclaimer: I am not the owner of any of the characters or of any of the places. As many fanfic authors say, I am just taking them all for a spin. The characters and their personalities as well as many other things I've mentioned were made up by the renowned JKR. Whom I'm sure you're all familiar with.

Authors note: I decided to post another chapter of this fic. I know It's not up to scratch, but its been a while since I wrote some of this fic and so I'm on a different flow? Does that make sense. Anyway I was wondering whether or not you think I should continue? The next part will skip until yr 7. An explanation of the recent events will be made, but because its from Dumbledores POV you wont find out about harrys training, he'll just be arriving back. If I've skipped too much, tell me and I'll take this chapter down for something more slow moving. Harry is definatly in the next chapter!!! Thankyou all.

Kelzery…thankyou, your questions should be answered next chapter.

Leogrl…Harrys quiet because not only is he sad, but changed. He's grown up fast and in the next chapter a happier and yet more sombre Harry should be in place.


Jona…I always wanted to read a fic from Albus's POV, but no-ne (as far as I know) has done it and so that is why I'm writing this fic.

Anneliese…Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou. My skills are definatly at their best in this one, I realised that I'd never get on with it unless it was at the point I would find the most interesting to write and so rushed it.


It was the next night and the sky was beginning to darken, Dumbledore looked out of his office window to see an uneasy Harry waiting for his detention with Snape. Of course Harry didn't know that the detention was just a cover up. He didn't know that Snape was going to teach him Advanced Defence Against The Dark Arts and that the detention was just a good way of doing it and making sure no one else would find out.

Snape had enjoyed giving Harry the detention for breathing. All the Griffindor's had protested loudly at his announcement, which also gave him the chance to take ten points off of each of them. The Slytherin's however had enjoyed every minute of it and Malfoy was laughing so hard that for a while he couldn't breathe.

Harry looked at the placid lake; it was so still that it mirrored the moon exactly. If only life could be just like this. Still and peaceful. He could hear movement behind him and abruptly turned, wand pointing towards his assailant. It was Snape, his potion professor. Harry looked into his eyes and could briefly see fear dance in the ebony pupils.

"Put the wand down, Potter." He bellowed and almost as an afterthought he sneered, "We don't want you to poke anyone's eyes out, do we." Harry didn't like this, but said nothing. "Now Potter, I want you to listen to me carefully. If you repeat anything I say to you to anyone else, even Granger and Weasley, I will make your life a living hell and don't even think I cant, what you've had so far has been mild in comparison to what I could do." At this the teenager lowered his wand and patiently awaited his next command. 'If you can't beat it, go with it.' He thought to himself idly.

Severus had expected a snide remark or perhaps an involuntary shiver of fear, but the 5th year in front of him was unnervingly impassive. "First off I want you to tell me what curses and hexes you already know, then I am going to teach you a little more. At the end you're going to learn them and do a lot of reading for me, which you will be tested on. Any subordination, and I'd like to stress the word 'any', you will either give me a lap of the quidditch pitch, drop and give me twenty or any other activity that I see fit to give you. You will be tested, you will obey and I will tech you to the best of my abilities." He paused so that the information sunk in. "Dumbledore's orders, so don't think I'm doing this out of the goodness of my heart." With that the lesson commenced with the usual icy sensation that engulfed the air when the two were near each other.

The next couple of weeks involved the professor giving Harry detentions for things such as being too early, rustling parchment too loudly and his favourite: being in Griffindor. The whole of Griffindor were in an outrage and were hounding the headmaster to do something about it, whereas the whole of Slytherin were smiling the most they'd ever done in their entire lives. Albus didn't like turning a blind eye to the proceedings but he knew he had to and so busied himself in his daily routine, occasionally changing it when Miss Granger figured bits out and kept pestering him. Harry's grades began to improve in all his subjects especially DADA and he spent a lot of his time in the library with Hermione. His pensive attitude stayed the same and he rarely spoke at all, most of his friends and even acquaintances were worried, but he didn't notice.

The two new Griffindor troublemakers had managed to charm Minerva, a feat that no one had managed before. They'd also teamed up officially with the Weasley's in the roles of Apprentices. One of the funniest pranks involved an almost unreversible spell that the counter for had been erased from all the books in the library and meant that Severus had to wash his hair every day unless he wanted it to flash red and gold. Mysteriously no evidence of which the culprit was could be found and the only people who were upset by it were Slytherin's and they got their revenge with Harry Potter. All in all everything was all-right, the pranks even got a couple of small smiles from the 'boy who lived' and that was a major achievement. Infact, this little reaction drove the boys on to plan more daring and funnier things.

It was during the full moon when two darkly clad figures approached the school gates, their clothes were a dark grey, almost black and hid their demeanour entirely. Not one word was spoken between them and so no more information could be obtained from them apart from the fact that one was a clear inch taller than the other. Severus was sat in the quidditch pitch stands, gleefully watching his young charge run several laps. Beside him a very pensive headmaster sat, his brows were furrowed in deep concentration and he didn't seem happy. Harry was leaving Hogwarts that night. The house elves had packed all of Harry's belongings and a big trunk along with a cage holding a snowy white owl was beside him. He'd miss the boy as well as countless others, there'd be an uproar in the wizarding community and no doubt the boys friends would give up learning his routine and instead break into his office. He looked up, sensing beady eyes watching him. Two people from the order were there and they were stood not too far from the bottom of the stands. This was it.

"Hello, Marcus?" He asked more than stated, not knowing whether Marcus was merely a secretary of sorts, the one who gave them orders or one of the agents before him.

"Hello Albus, it is nice to see you. Is that Harry?" He obviously knew the answer, everyone knew the 'boy who lived' but it was probably to break the silence or perhaps for extra measure.

"Yes, we have his things here as well. He'll be ready when you are. Just two things, he's not been exactly himself lately, I'd appreciate it if you made him welcome; he also doesn't know about the order, we haven't told him." The two figures jerked slightly in surprise at the new complications, but soon recovered. With that over with Albus went up to the teenager and bid him farewell, although the student probably thought he was just saying it because he was going back to the castle.

It was on the way to the castle that the old man felt a twang of guilt. 'I hope he takes the news well and is alright.' He thought before turning around briefly to see the figures walking towards Harry. "Until we meet again young one, for I'm sure our paths were intertwined when our destiny was woven."

End of chapter four.

I hope it was all right and thankyou for your time.