Meditation is a state of mind, at peace with one-self, to find a place within the vast spiritual cosmos and enlightenment.

Well at least, that's what Master Splinter would say. For Mikey it is as boring as hell.

He doesn't understand why Leo insists they do this exercise on one of the rare days Master Splinter left the lair in their care for his own private excursions. They only do this when their sensei feel like they're beginning to slack off more than usual.

It's not that they're pretty good with it. Don, maybe, though he does have a habit of thinking this over as a scientist, so in essence that really cause him much distraction. But other than that, the smartest of his brothers have little to no difficulty to hold the reins of the exercise.

Raph still has his own inner turmoil going on there that he can never sort out, so meditation isn't helping him much in the long run. Still, in some ways, it does give him distractions from his own thoughts that he can never share to his brothers. So even though their resident hothead complains when he's being dragged into the dojo for this sort of stuff, he never resented it.

Leo, well, it's a no brainer there. He quickly took the whole meditation thing in stride almost immediately ever since Splinter introduced them to it. In fact, when they have their downtime he'd hang out with their father for these sessions for many hours.

Man, his eldest brother is so boring it's not even funny. And his legs are getting numb. And where the shell did Raph put the remote? He'd spend almost the whole morning looking for that darn…

Suddenly, he is aware that Don is quietly poking him at his side, and for a moment there Mikey thought he'd fallen asleep again, he quickly opened an eye to look around, and he gave a silent mental sigh of relief that Leo doesn't seem to notice.

He loves Leo and all, but whenever his nagging switch is activated, he can never turn it off. He lost count on those days when they all suffer for it in long hours… Raph and Don would look at him in annoyance for usually causing it in the first place.

Mikey didn't mind, actually. He likes the attention.

Suddenly Leo sighed and said that meditations are over. Raph and Don are a little too eager to leave and head back to their normal activities. Mikey is about to follow when Leo called his name.

"You're not concentrating hard enough." His older brother said matter-of-factly. If turtles can break out in hives, Mikey would have done so in the spot. Is Leo that good he can read minds now?

But before he got the chance to voice his thoughts, Leo made a gesture to follow him outside the lair, "Let's try something different." He said. Mikey wondered if they're going to do laps in the sewers, also a favorite past time for Leo, as some sort of punishment for his lack of focus.

Mikey is so assured of the scenario; he got pleasantly surprised when Leo turned around to give him his skateboard instead. "Uh, bro?" he asked, perplexed. "What's this?"

"Something you need for your meditation." Leo said. "I figured that if one has to find the peace of mind with your kind of restless energy, encouragement to your natural element will probably give you a certain sense and understanding of what being one with your senses and your physical being should be like."

"Ok, I have NO idea what you just said, bro, but this is awesome!" Mikey smiled cheekily as he flipped his board to the ground, Leo chuckling.

"Just do a couple of rounds like you use to and then we can call it a day."

And the youngest did just that.

Yeah, Leo is really weird sometimes, but Mikey figured he wouldn't want that in any other way.