Karai ponders. Oh, and Right Hand is the name I gave to that one ninja who hangs out with her in the TMNT movie. He rocks.


"Right Hand, are you ready?" Karai said under her dark hood as she stands beside him without even turning her head.

"Yes, Mistress, your men are accounted for."

"Then let's move." Karai raise her hand to the other Foot soldiers, signaling them to spread out into the sleeping city with silence and outmost speed: they must find and capture the other monsters before sunrise.

Until then, both of them must remain in their spot, and wait for any news regarding the monsters' whereabouts, in which they'll submit their information to their client's allies, waiting patiently in the trucks parked on the streets below.

Right Hand looked at Karai. "Do you think they'll come?" he can see his mistress' green eyes narrowed in displeasure. For the past two years, the Foot's activities have been unmolested and unhindered by their rival clan, and she took comfort by that brief peace, after hearing the stories about them from the survivors she taken in her fold after the Shredder's untimely demise.

However, during their mission to secure the Yeti, her team, in which she led at the time, she was unfortunate enough to run into them. Her mission doesn't require facing them in combat, so she was more than willing to pull her people out of the battlefield and let them deal with each other instead.

Karai is disgruntled that her client purposely left that bit of information and endangering her men in the process, but she seems more troubled by the fact that the rival clan are back in the surface again.

Although she half-expects them to interfere with their affairs again later, it seems they became silent again for some reason, enabling her Foot Ninja to capture four more monsters without any trouble. Ironically that made her uneasy. From what she heard, the rival clan is known for their stubborn persistence, giving them a free hand in this mission seems… unlike them.

"Mistress." Right Hand is telling her, "The First Squad has found the target." Karai banished the thoughts of their rival clan quickly. It is time to handle their business.

"Understood," Karai said grimly, as she fitted her black mask to hide her face, her Right Hand already preparing his tranquilizer gun with the rest of the ninjas. "Make sure the monster does not escape. We're on our way."