Koishii (Beloved) Part XXIVBy: Rylolynn

This is the sequel to Shadow of Hinata continuing after Shino and Hinata's first kiss.

Summary: Hinata and Shino share an empathic bond that is tied to their feelings for each other. (If the premise sounds familiar it is loosely based on Imzadi.) Team 8 are now all Chuunin ranked ninja. (Timeline wise, Tsunade is Hokage, Naruto is away training, Sauske is a *expletive* who ran away with Orochimaru—basically a little before the Shipuuden series, pre-time-skip.)

Warning: Getting a bit darker then before. Takes a different direction then the canon and now things get "complicated".A/N: Imzadi belongs to Peter David, Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.

"_______________" Change of POV

"***************" Change of setting

Italics: Thoughts

Koishii (Beloved/yearned for)

Shitawashii (Beloved/dear)

Kimi (form of "You", term of endearment from a husband to wife)

Kami (God)

Otou-san (Father)

Okaa-san (Mother)


Making the hand seals I had just learned I grabbed Karoi's hand and touched it to Neji's chest. Chakra from Karoi rushed through me and I became a conduit for the energy that poured into Neji's circulatory system. It was as though Karoi willed her chakra into him.

Was it me who was screaming? I can't remember.

I do remember thinking. I killed them, oh Kami what did I do? Karoi's body was limp in Kiba's arms and I could not suppress the horror that welled within me."What have I done? What have I done?!? Someone please help! Koishii where are you I need you…"

Neji and Karoi were not moving, not breathing… Naruto ran in the direction of the kunai that was meant for me. Kiba was howling, Akamaru trying to comfort his master and I was completely lost.

Chapter 24

Using the knitted throw that usually graced the tattered living room couch, Shino was failing to cover himself with the too small blanket.

He had previously used it to wrap up his little Hinata like an adorable chrysalis. It worked twofold.

It had stopped her cold shivering and it allowed Shino to think a little clearer with his sweet shitawashii so close.

She smelled of lilacs and springtime and the scent clung to the loosely woven material. Smiling to himself the master kikaichu wielder realized those were a few of his kikai's favorite things.

"Our favorite things." Shino said out loud.

Struggling with the covers the tall Aburame could not decide if he wanted to cover his cold bare feet with the throw, or pull it up to his chin just so he could breathe in more of Hinata's scent.

Reflecting on his predicament, Shino thought about Hinata and what she would think of him fighting the good fight with a too small blanket and cold feet.

He could just imagine her saying in her light teasing voice, "You know… usually when people sleep in…They sleep. Not wiggle around like a grub."

Shino's private smirk grew as he struggled with the undersized throw. He paused momentarily as he thought of his reply to his made up dialog of him and his raven haired sprite.

"I do not wiggle. I am the master of creepy crawly things, and I am cold kimi…. Care to fix it for me?"

In the brief moment it took for Shino's to fantasize about Hinata teasing him… and him teasing her back. The kikaichu wielder was no longer cold. Heated by spikes of emotion he did not want to recognize.

He quickly wondered how Hinata remained so cold when he himself was so warmed by her very presence. The thought of her. The very smell of her. The nearness of her.

"Hence the too small blanket." Shino spoke with a sigh. The image of the cocooned Hinata did nothing for the lazy "sleeping-in" he had planned for the day.

Nothing like an engagement party to make you want to stay in bed… and not get up. Well he might get up if it was Hinata he was going to be out of bed with… or even better laying in bed with her.

His heat continued to vibrate around him the resonance of heat increasing with each wayward thought.

Finally calming his restless movements the wide grin that dawned his face slipped.

"I think of her all the time… I want her by my side always… what would I do without her-"

Before Shino could finish his rapid thoughts, his hands flew up in the air and the slow heat that was building before increased tenfold.

A swarm of kikai flew from his body and outstretched arms. The small throw that was laying flat across Shino's middle was destroyed by a fury of destruction bugs. There wasn't even a thread left of the former blanket. It was if it vanished in the hive attack.

The mass of confusion radiated off the swarm. Shino took in a sharp quick breath at his lack of control. His kikaichu had left his body without his command.

The ways of the Aburame Clan are unknown to others. Not only to keep their techniques hidden, but their practices and laws private as well.

The Law of Restraint was drilled into the young. It was the first law they are taught and drilled into all through their training on how to wield the hive they are given.

An Aburame must have control of his kikai. To fail to do so is a death sentence carried out by Aburame justice.

Shino's feeling of complete terror was not from the Aburame law he had broken.

It was for something far more precious to him then his own life. For her, his life was forfeit.


In a small cloud of smoke, Shino brought himself to the person he could not live without.

At the opening to the Hyuuga reception hall there is an open patio area that held a macabre scene. Neji was lying on his back as though asleep. Within an arms reach of him was Kaori in Kiba's arms. Akamaru's nose was pressed into his master's side and both nin-dog and master were making a low and sorrowful sound deep within them. The blood stained Kiba's hands as his hands pressed into Kaori's bleeding chest wound. The amount of blood covering the ground seemed to mark a battlefield instead of a bright and airy patio. Hinata stood before them all silent. Not moving as Shino appeared before her.

Her eyes were wide and her small hands balled into tight fists at her sides. Tears streamed down her pale face.

Shino's arms quickly engulfed Hinata's stiff figure. He stood facing her. His chest hiding her view of her cousin, her teammate and close friend covered in blood.

A stray image of a rain-ninja and Naruto flickered through his hive's mind. As soon as the kikai wielder could comprehend the image, several scouting beetles took off without his command.

"Shitawashii" Shino spoke to his fiancé like he was talking to a frightened animal.

Her posture did not relax in his arms or with his soft spoken voice.

"I did this." Hinata's voice was an echo in Shino's mind. It was not a familiar feeling, in the way he was used to "speaking" with his shitawashii without spoken words. It felt foreign and detached.

The sound was like a whisper on his skin that only his mind could conceive.

"Hinata… it will be alright…" Shino spoke in a voice he recognized as one that Shikamaru would sometimes use to calm skittish doe.

Not feeling any change within the pale and quiet Hyuuga, Shino took a step back from her releasing his hold slightly. His eyes searched her blank expression.

"Stop." Hinata's pale lips moved minutely.

Shino could scarcely hear the word, yet felt it as though it was a voice carried by the wind.

As the currants of her voice filled him, he found that he could not move. He was still to the very core of himself. His own kikaichu did not move and were silent.

Kiba and Akamaru no longer made the low keening sounds he heard earlier.

The only movement Shino could make was with his eyes. He found himself looking at Hinata. Her face was wet with tears and her eyes were bloodshot.

She did not look sad, or hurt or even scared.

She was angry, but the word seem insufficient.

She was furious.

It was a look Shino had never seen on her face. Before he could gaze else where, the feel of pulling chakra ignited the very air that surrounded them.

Hinata's eyes were darkening. The soft opalescence they normally held slowly mirrored a blackening storm before becoming completely black.

A red triangle formed where a normal pupil would be.

Shino's own eyes widened at the familiarity… it was like the almost extinct sharingan, but more basic.

Before Shino could consider the gaze that stared unseeingly through him, his consciousness faded.


*mwah! I'm back. I'd like to thank everyone who's supported this little ficcy and has not given up on me. I had to go through a couple rough drafts for chapter 24 hammering this out, but am pretty happy with it. I do have a direction I am going with this… but you know sometimes it is the journey that is more important then the destination.

Comments keep me going.