Serena: I do not belong to you!!!

Me: Oh come on... please just for this story...

Serena: NO!!!

Me: Fine then I'll just take Seiya for myself!!!

Serena: NO PLEASE DON'T PLEASE... HE IS MINE wails in background

Me : ok then fine... I don't own sailor moon or any of the other characters... I mean if I did do u think I would've made a sailor stars movie by now... or at least more series that involve Seiya and less Mamorou????? btw I use their English names in this series...

Xxxxx Rei's shrine xxxX

"Serena... Serena... pick up the phone you ditz. Jeez Serena don't cut us out... you're such a bloody crybaby..."

"She still not picking up Rei???, I'm worried about her, maybe I should go see her, I didn't mean to hurt her, the bloody bastard told me he had broken it off with her and that she was fine about it all"

"Ha... now there is where you made your mistake Lita... serene never takes anything well... she cries over the lamest of all lame"

"I guess, but I still feel bad, how dare he play us...Bloody Darien, he is absolutely emotionless... WHY DOESN'T HE SHOW EMOTION????"

"I don't know but I think Serena needs some time"

Ami pops her head up after finishing her homework for the next week. "Uh... guys... I'm getting a pretty weird vibe right now"

"What is it Rei?" Ami and Lita ask with concern meanwhile in the background Mina is reading a magazine

"For some weird reason I feel like the starlight's are back"

'Taiki??' the thought of him made Ami smile.

Mina finally shows a reaction jumping up she gives a little shriek everyone else gives her weird looks but she doesn't care "Three Lights have been spotted in Tokyo... THEY'RE BACK!!"

"Well I guess that answers your problem Rei" Lita joked.

'Could it really be true? Are they really back? I can't wait to see Taiki... OMG what am I thinking... Ami he wouldn't be back to see you anyway!!!!'

"Ami" Rei shakes her out of her thoughts "since when did you daydream?? That's always been Serena and Mina's job"

a Hey coming from the background gets waved aside "... or are you thinking of a certain someone..." Ami blushes refusing to confirm Rei's accusations but lightens inside with just the thought of him.

Xxxx Serena's Home xxxX

'How could he do that, I understand the fling with Rei, that was before we even got together or knew of our predetermined destiny... but this... with L..Lita???...I can't take it anymore'

A loud knock on the door shocked Serena out of her trance, she trudged down the stairs thinking that it was most likely Rei or one of the girls.

Annoyed out how they weren't respect her need for space she threw open the door ready to give them a mouthful but a voice stopped her

"whoa, Odango... what's wrong??" The voice was quite distinct but she knew it was not one of the girls...

however she couldn't believe it would be who she wished... Serena looked up to see the face that had cared and stuck by her that long year ago.

The sight of Seiya made Serena weak at the knees as she fell into his arms... somehow he always managed to find her weak spot, always finding her, always... saving... her

Serena just stayed there crying in the safety of his arms, the barrier had been broken, and the mask she had worn was crushed. As the tears slowly began to subside, a shocked voice sent another pang into her heart...

someone she missed so dearly, it had been so long... Serena turned towards where the voice spoke behind her "MUM???" Serena just sat there eyes wide open... she was in disbelief

' It couldn't be true, there was no way that Darien and her could ever be again... but then how could Rini still exist... that doesn't make sense... I mean he was her father, we were told when we entered the future and then when he was taken from me she started to disappear... what has changed?? What am I missing?'

Rini looked at Seiya with confusion settling all over her face... the figure seemed so familiar but distant to her... she couldn't pinpoint where she knew him from

' those eyes, where do I know those eyes from?' "OH Rini I'm overwhelmed I have missed you so much, actually how come you are here?" "arg... Dumpling why did she call you mum???"

Serena whipped around forgetting that Seiya was there... then it hit her, how stupid could she be... he didn't know about Rini... she had left to go back to the future before the starlight's came to town

" Ehh... UH... erg... MMM... Seiya this is... is Rini, and uh she is kind of my daughter from the future in Crystal Tokyo... but she is supposed to sort of be um... da...dariens"

Serena bursts back out in to tears again, Seiya comes and pulls her close while Rini just looks confused in the background.

"Did he do something to you...? Serena, dumpling? What happened?" "Darien and I will never be together again..." "WHAT??? Mum what happened... is Darien ok??" " Is Darien ok... oh sure... he is as fine as a daisy"

Rini and Seiya stepped back identically in shock... both shared the same look of disbelief on their faces at the tone of sarcasm Serena used to reference to the one she had always bragged to be her "true love".

"Uhm Serena is there something you might want to talk to me about?" "Not really... uh Rini are you ok... your looking pretty pale??"

"So it is true... Darien is no longer my father..."

Dun Dun Dun... ok please review so I know if I am any good and actually should extend this story... thanks...