Authoress: You guys are so cute.

Diamond: Yeah, yeah, when do we come in? And when can I see my beloved Serenity again?
Mamoru: BACK OFF!!

Diamond: Oh, go preach cheesey speeches to someone who cares!!

Authoress: (watches with glee with other fan girls as the two incredibly sexy characters fight it out)

Serenity: And I have no say in this?!

Authoress: Well, the fans think you should be with Mamoru, but I enjoy a good hot-guy fight.

Serenity: True, pass the popcorn!
Authoress: (passes her the popcorn bucket)

Disclaimer: I don't own (munch, munch, munch) anything that's owned by (munch, munch, munch) the creator of Sailor Moon!

4 Men and A Baby

Chapter 3: First Steps and the Birth of a Chatterbox

Expect the first words and steps in the 9 month to a year old period.

-Serenity Baby Guide pg. 11








"I've been in Nepal," Minako answered as she sipped at her coffee. Circling the edge of her cup with a finger she looked to Kunzite who sipped at his own black drink. Usagi was in her crib sleeping peacefully, leaving the two to talk in the parlor.

There was a soft silence that descended over the two. Once in a while one would sneak a peak at the other over the rim of their coffee mug. The leader general had to admit she had grown into a beautiful woman. Minako couldn't hide the fact that she thought he looked very sexy in civilian clothes.

The blonde woman was sporting a white tank-top over a long jean skirt and boots. On the table lay her transformation pen and Sailor V mask. They had talked a little bit about what had happened between when Cosmos put them to sleep and such. Kunzite learned that the senshi numbers had grown and evil had yet to really show itself.

"There are some random youma, but we haven't been unable to pin-point their origins as of yet. There are suspicions regarding the current empress, but we don't want to point the finger at the Tokyo Royalty until we had all the facts straightened and verified. Senshi shouldn't get involved in politics," Minako explained as Kunzite just listened and nodded thoughtfully.

"How long are they going to talk!?" Zoicite asked impatiently. The other two generals shushed him quickly. To put things bluntly, the three were spying on their captain and the blonde haired senshi.

"Hey, Minako's got a point. They don't get involved in politics, but what if we do?" Nephrite said.

"What do you mean?" Jadeite asked, not fully understanding.

"We know that Usagi is of the royal blood and I think everyone here agrees that those youma attacks aren't random. They are targeting little Usa," Nephrite explained. The other two nodded in agreement. "We should get someone in the palace. Ears and eyes in the palace are what we need to keep little Usagi safe. If the Empress really is ordering these attacks, we need to stop it or at least know about these attacks in advance."

"That's a splendid idea!" a voice interrupted his scheme. The three yelped in surprised and turned to look at the subject or their spying not two minutes ago. They all laughed nervously as they looked up to Kunzite with Minako peaking around him to wave to the others.

"Hey, boys! Long time no see! Last Time I saw you Zoicite, you were disguised as Sailor Moon and leading Tuxedo Mask all around a construction yard," she chuckled. Zoicite hid his face.

"I'd rather not discuss that, Minako. That was an embarrassing, not to mention shameful time," he said. Minako smiled warmly.

"It's good to see you all again. Kunzite has filled me in on some things and that plan you were talking about sounds like a good idea!" she said to them.

"Really?" Nephrite asked incredulously. So much for the senshi wanted to stay out of the political lime-light.

"Oh! I almost forgot!! Polaris told me to tell you that your prince has been reborn as young Lord Mamoru, son of Lord Chiba and Lady Calissa," Minako informed them, as if she were repeating exactly what the North star senshi had said.

"He was reborn as a lord?!" Jadeite asked frantically. This changed their outlook and plans a great deal.

"Yes, a very high up one too. The Chiba family is distantly related to the Empress to herself. Technically most of his blood relation is by marriage, so no, he's not related to Usagi," Minako answered, reassuring them after the alarmed glances.

"That's perfect!!" Zoicite said rather suddenly. The sudden outburst woke Usagi and crying began in the next room. Minako said she'd take her.

"What, how is that perfect?!" Nephrite asked after the other three socked Zoicite in the arm for waking Usa.

"Think about it you guys," he said as he rubbed his arm. "One of us can gain servitude under the Chiba family and one of us can gain a servitude in the palace. That way we wont be suspected when delivering messages and we can sneak around for the info we need. Then, as a bonus we can keep an eye over our prince!" he explained the whole thing. The crying in the next room had stopped.

"True," Kunzite said and then looked around the little circle they had made. The expectant faces standing around were a little too eager. What one did for love. "Alright, we'll put things into action tomorrow. Right now, it's too early for all of us to be up. Get some sleep," he told them. They all nodded and split to their respective rooms.

The silver-haired general walked into the nursery. There sitting before him was a sight that made his heart ache. Minako sat in the rocking chair, rocking just a little bit. She held in her arms the 7 month old Usagi. Tenderly she was brushing a hand over the baby's fine blonde hair. The senshi was humming softly as she rocked the girl back to sleep. It was a picture of a true mother.

"Beautiful," Kunzite breathed softly. Minako looked up and smiled, which just made his poor heart race even more.

"She is, isn't she?" Minako asked, standing slowly.

"You both are," Kunzite said truthfully as the senshi of love put the sleeping child back in her crib. A crimson blush heated her cheeks and she was glad for some of the darkness in the room.

"Th-thank you," she returned as she brought the side of the crib back up. Suddenly a strong male hand was set on hers and she looked to Kunzite, who stood beside her, his hand on hers on the rail of the crib.

"I meant it," he confessed.

"I believe you," she blinked.

"No," he paused, "Back then. When I told you I'd find you again. I meant it," he told her. Minako's eyes began to water slightly, not knowing he'd remember so long ago.


General Kunzite, once Earth general, now brain-washed general of Queen Beryl, stood and looked over the rumble that was once the moon kingdom. Youma were running amuck seeping up and snatching whatever energy and lives there were left. He made his way across the ruins of the palace and was greeted by a tormenting sight.

There before him was the fallen leader of the inner senshi. His present mind told him to rejoice in their enemy's folly. Then his cool grey eyes fell upon the blonde hair and orange sailor suit of his love. His heart fell into his stomach and his mind cleared. Running and sliding to his knees before her, he took her gently into his arms and looked her over.

Some of the stronger youma had ganged up on all of them in separate places and with the help of the other generals had ripped through their defenses and attacked. Beryl had been the one to finish them off.

Brushing some blonde strands from her face he looked over her broken and dying body. It couldn't be. How could he have let something like this happened to his Minako. No, he had done it. They had all betrayed their prince and been taken by Beryl. He had done this to her.

Blue eyes opened just a crack and stared up at him. They spoke of understanding and forgiveness. It had not been him, they reassured him. It had been the evil that had taken his mind. Then he heard the queen. Queen Selenity raised her crystal and spoke the words. Silver light began to envelope the moon.

" Minako, my love," he told her, "I promise I'll find you again. I swear it," he said as the silver light grasped them all and they were parted, only to be thrown into the future and taken yet again by the evil queen.

End Flashback

"And I've found you again," he said with a soft smile.

"You have," Minako returned and wiped a stray tear from her face. Kunzite put a hand to her cheek.

"And I wont let you go again," he vowed. There was a pause as Kunzite and Minako looked into each other's eyes and just shared a moment. Then…

"Are you sure you can keep a hold onto two blondes?" Minako laughed softly and Kunzite laughed with her.

"Say… Jad-eite," the short-haired general tried again for the tenth time that day. Usagi simply stared back at him in confusion.

"Will you give up already?" Nephrite said with a sigh. "You've been trying all breakfast. Starving the kid isn't going to get her to say your name."

Jadeite sighed and spoon fed her another bite of applesauce. Usagi happily received it and uttered a gleeful "gah!" after it was finished.

For the past three months the boys had been trying to get Usagi to sound out words and maybe take a few steps. The girl just didn't cooperate half the time. Minako had to go back to her post a week after she had dropped by and Kunzite saw her off. Of course the four others in the house had sneaked a peek at their goodbye kiss… then they were abruptly given away as Usagi squealed in delight.

"You need to let her come around on her own," Zoicite said as he gathered the breakfast dishes. Jadeite grumbled and fed Usagi the last spoonful and picked up the cup and spoon.

"Well, something other than 'Gah!' and gurgles would be great to hear from the little squirt," the short-haired general sighed as he pet Usagi on the head. He disposed of the cup and set the spoon in the sink before walking back over and picking Usagi up from the high chair and setting her against his chest, patting her on the back.

"I know, but you have to admit, our names aren't the easiest to pronounce," Nephrite pointed out. The front door opened and the three looked up to Kunzite who yawned as he entered.

"Another all-nighter at the palace, Kunzite?" Zoicite asked as he looked over the tired man. Kunzite grumbled something in retort before slumping into a chair and laying his head on the table. Usagi giggled as she pointed at him.

"Keep laughing kiddo," Kunzite said, not even lifting his head.

"Jadeite says that Lord Chiba doesn't work them hard at all and is in fact a very kind man," Zoicite said, frowning.

"Well, none of you have met the empress," Kunzite said as he propped his head up on his palm. Jadeite made a face.

"Is she as bad as Lord Chiba says when he thinks no one is listening?" the short-haired blonde asked curiously. Usagi burped quietly and the general passed her gently to Nephrite who hoisted her up, making her giggle and went to set her down for the noon-time nap.

"Worse. She may seem like the sweet and kind empress they whole city tells us, but when you work under her… god…" the head general muttered, not even able to find the words to finish.

"Wow, I am not sorry I turned down the palace position," Jadeite said as he cleaned the table and cleaned around Kunzite's arm and elbow, who grumbled at the comment. The generals were quiet for a moment as Nephrite walked back in, nodding.

"Did you find out anything?" Zoicite asked both of the under-cover generals.

"Lord Chiba has nothing to do with the attacks and isn't even remotely connected to the assassination attempts," Jadeite told them. "But there are rumors that the empress' emissary comes to visit young Lord Mamoru often and brings gifts and letters from the empress. I have yet to find out what any of them say," he added.

"I, on the other hand, spent all night outside the kitchens listening to the cooks and servants babbling away. My god, those women can talk!" Kunzite exclaimed.

Their conversations and plots and plans went on for quite a while and they each decided to try their best to somehow divert the attempts on the baby's life. For a moment their minds floated away from the baby in the crib in the nursery.

Usagi was still awake and she kept quiet as she stared at the mobile of stars and moons. When there was a bright light that appeared next to the crib she nearly screamed out again, but she felt a familiar, very warm presence. Any cries were cut off before they could get anywhere and she watched the light form two figures over the crib gate.

"Hello there Koneko-chan," a soft voice said as a white glove reached into the crib and pet the soft tendrils of golden blonde hair on her head.

"She's so small," another more feminine voice whispered.

"And so fragile. I've never seen Moon-sama in this frail a state," her companion spoke gently and Usagi grabbed two of the fingers in her small hands and hugged them close. There it was. The familiar planetary warmth that only came from one person.

"They will need our help aid, later," the melodic voice told its partner, who nodded in return.

"Yes, we will be there to help you Koneko," the gloved hand gently pulled away and Usagi whimpered as the warmth left her. Instead a head dipped down and kissed the toddler on the head gently.

"Sleep little one," the voice whispered and Usagi was carried off into dreamland on a soft cool wave of magic. The two figures disappeared without another word.

"Kunzite!! Get your butt in here!!" Nephrite shouted down the hallway from the living room. It was frantic and excited, but nothing angry or fearful. It had been about three weeks since Kunzite's and Jadeite's first two weeks in their position and Kunzite's work-load had not lightened. The groggy silver-haired general hurried into the living room, thinking the ceiling was coming down on them or something.

In front of him was Jadeite holding little Usagi's small hands above her head as she unsteadily stood on shaky little legs. The short-haired blonde grinned and slowly began to let go. Usagi made a sound of fear as he let go, but a new feeling took her over.

Strength flooded her small developing muscles and a warm feeling of encouragement surrounded her. Looking up she saw the smiles of the four and couldn't help but want to please them. Slowly and precariously she lifted one foot and jutted it out in front of the other, teetering before doing the same with the other food, catching herself every time her foot came down.

Nephrite grinned as he looked down at her. Jadeite beamed with pride as he bit his lip. Zoicite was silently cheering her on. Kunzite was watching her with soft grey eyes, understanding and loving. Usagi let out an elated "Gah!" and moved forward. The lead general looked down at her and squatted, holding his arms out for her to coming. The small blonde giggled and made her shaky course towards him. She fell into his arms and he lifted her up, spinning them around.

"You did it Usagi-hime!!" Kunzite said, laughing. The others joined in, circling them and patting Usagi's little back gently. The atmosphere made her feeling wholly at home and comfortable.

They celebrated that night with a good meal cooked by Zoicite and chocolate pudding which Usagi ended up getting all over herself. Half went in her stomach and half went everywhere else.

Steam poured from the window as Zoicite placed Usagi in the warm water for a bath. With a gentle cloth he scrubbed the chocolate from her cheeks. Lathering her golden hair, which was beginning to grow much longer, the long-blonde haired general washed any pudding from her locks. Usagi splashed playfully and Zoicite suddenly found his front drenched.

"Hey!" Zoicite laughed and splashed her back playfully. This went on four about five minutes before their was a knock and the door opened.

"You two playing or washing u- AH!" Jadeite yelled as he slipped on the water-soaked floor and fell on his behind.

Zoicite looked to Usagi and then back before the baby and general burst out laughing at their comrade, rubbing his sore butt in pain and wincing. His wince turned to a glare and the wet laughing pair was surprised to find themselves splashed from cold water form the sink.

Zoicite blinked and Usagi screamed happily. Chaos ensued.

"Jadeite! I had no idea you had a child!" Lord Chiba exclaimed as his chief of staff entered with the giggling Usagi in tow. He had a nervous look on his face as Usagi looked around in curiosity.

"Forgive me, my Lord, but I had to take little Usagi with me today," Jadeite apologized as he calmed the busy little sprite in his arms. "the others all had plans and we can't leave her at home."

A hearty laugh sounded through the front hall as Lord Chiba laughed and walked over, patting his shoulder. The man was built strong and thin. His raven black hair was unruly, and striped at the edges with light grey. His stormy blue eyes were twinkling with age-old wisdom, soft understanding, and mirth.

"Don't worry, Jadeite, my lad, I know what its like to have a child and business. The little one is welcome to be taken care of by a nurse-maid or you could even keep her close," the lord said kindly. "In fact! You can leave her with the maid watching my son play in the yard!"

"That's a splendid idea!" Jadeite exclaimed and was off like a shot, leaving his Lord in the dust.

"Ruka! Hi! I have work to do today and the others stuck me with little Usagi here and I was wandering if you could take care of her just until I get off work. Please? You're great! Thanks! Bye!" And in two seconds, or not even, he was off again to do his rounds.

The short dark green-haired nursemaid was standing there, blinking with the small bundle of pink in her arms, who stared after one of her fathers with the same expression. What just happened here?!

"What's that, Ruka?" asked a curious voice. The maid turned to see the midnight haired young lord and smiled.

"It's a baby, my lord," she said, setting the small girl down on her feet. Usagi teetered slightly before she could hold her own and looked up at the boy. The six year old boy looked over the small girl before scrunching his nose.

"Is that a girl? That's too much pink!" Mamoru said with a poke at her stomach gently. Usagi whimpered and tried to push his finger away. She gave a baby glare and turned away, to try and walk away, wobbling.

"And where do you think you're going, little one?" Ruka asked, blinking. Mamoru followed curiously.

"Hey, Pink Odango!" he called and caught up with the toddler. "You can't go far. Jadeite will be mad at Ruka and worried about you," the young lord said and stood in front of her. The blonde haired little girl glared up at him and put her hands to his stomach, as if to push him out of the way. Mamoru chuckled at her attempt.

Usagi gave up quickly and moved around him, only to trip on her little feet and crash to the ground, but not hard enough to hurt herself. She sniffled and began to cry loudly. Ruka and Mamoru put their hands over their ears at the sound.

"Now, now, little one. There's no need to cry," said a melodic voice. Ruka blinked as the crying stopped and looked up. In front of her stood a woman with shiny aquamarine hair and a beautiful soft yellow sun-dress hugging her thin form. Usagi had quieted in her arms.

"What have we found?" another deeper, yet feminine voice called. Turning, the blue-haired woman smiled. The one coming up the hill had a built much like a man's but still sported a curve. Sun-kissed blonde hair sat unrulingly on her head.

"This little one just had a fall, that's all," her companion answered. Mamoru looked up when the crying had quieted.

"Ah! Lady Michiru and Lady Haruka! My father is expecting you! Sorry about the Pink Odango. She's one of the soldier's kids," he said. Usagi glared at Mamoru from her comfortable position in Michiru's arms.

"She a beautiful little thing," the tall blonde said and laughed, tickling the toddler. Usagi giggled and caught her hand, hugging it. Michiru handed the baby back to Ruka gently.

"We'll go see your father now. Thank you, Mamoru. Please, try to be nice to the little one. She may grow up to be a beauty," Haruka said with a wink as she followed her companion. Mamoru gagged.


It was a simple word, but Ruka caught it and looked down to the baby in her arms. Usagi was looking after the two that had walked in the building. The maid was absolutely sure she had just heard it.

"Koneko!" Usagi said happily. Haruka was half-way through the door when she heard the small scream of joy. Looking back, the tall woman grinned happily before entered silently.

"What are you grinning about?" Michiru asked suspiciously.

"Oh nothing," Haruka said secretly.

"You're sure?" Jadeite asked.

"Dead sure!" Ruka answered. Looking to Usagi she smiled. "Usagi, tell your father what you said!"

"Koneko," Usagi answered, for that's all she knew. Jadeite couldn't believe it! His face broke out in a smile and he lifted little Usagi up and twirled her around.

"Usagi, you did it!! You're first word!!" he said, elated. Usagi loved his reaction and watched his face curiously. He seemed very happy to hear her say that word, so she repeated it and he cheered.

"Koneko," Usagi said on command. The four generals cheered and laughed. Usagi's first word. They had no idea where she had heard the word, but there it was. They all congratulated little Usagi and celebrated by going out and buying almost every beginners reading books they could find.

Usagi could feel the joy in the house. The blonde also felt proud that she had made so many happy with something so simple. In her little baby mind, she told herself she'd go back to that house someday and she'd show that little brat that stood in her way. She'd grow up to be something wonderful, that would make everyone smile, and make him drop to his knees.

Authoress: Anyone else catch the fore-shadowing? Tee-hee. And don't think perverted. I meant he'd drop to his knees to propose, duh. Well, hope you loved it!!

Serenity: (wakes up) Are they done fighting yet?

Authoress: (looks around) (blinks) They're gone!!!

Serenity: What?! (the two look around for the lost princes) Hey look, a ransom note!

Note: If you ever want to see your precious princes back, stop "4 Men and a Baby" now!

Authoress: DUN DUN DUN!!! Who's done this?!

Serenity: Why don't you let the reviewers decide?

Authoress: Alright guys! Who dun it? Was is:

- Beryl

- Fiore

- Wiseman

- The Amazon Quartet

- Galaxia

- Andrew

- OR! The Evil Furby youma from hell!!!

Authoress: Help us find the culprits!!! You decide!