
The funeral was a quiet affair. Frail wisps of pale cloud drifted overhead in the sunny sky, sparkling blue to match the ceremonial kimono wrapped around Yashamaru's body.

Temari sobbed into Kankuro's shoulder as bright orange flames began to consume the altar. People just couldn't be buried in the desert. The ever-changing winds and shifting sands would uncover the bodies. Cremation was the tradition in these harsh lands.

Sakura, clothed in black like everyone else, twisted her fingers behind her back, her eyes sad, though not teary. She hadn't known the blonde man well enough. Still, she rarely lost a patient, and the few times she did was never easy on her tender heart.

Gaara stood between his siblings and his best friend, cream-jade eyes clouded over and distant, his expression the blankest it had been in years. He watched with a detached face as tendrils of smoke lifted into the air and dissolved, the smell of burnt flesh and essential oils filling the area.

Naruto's crystalline blue eyes flickered over to the redhead beside him, his gaze falling upon the young Kage's trembling fingers. It was a subtle movement; Gaara himself probably didn't even realize that he was shaking. Turning his eyes back to the dancing flames, the blonde reached over and grasped the pale boy's hand in his own. Gaara flinched but didn't pull away.

Kakashi and Baki stood in the background out of respect. Neither had known Yashamaru, but they knew the pain one felt when losing a precious person. Veterans the two males may have been, but death was one of the few things that never became easy to bear, no matter how many years passed by.

Yashamaru's small body burned quickly until the flames sputtered and died out, leaving behind a meager pile of soft, gray dust. For a long time no one moved, and very slowly the wind began to pick up.

Gaara's eyes widened as small bouts of dust rose into the air. No… I won't let you leave me again.

They all watched silently as the redhead's sand engulfed Yashamaru's ashes. Naruto smiled. The sand pulled away from the altar, leaving nothing behind but bare stone, and filtered back into the gourd. The former Jinchuuriki looked over at his blonde counterpart.

"He'll stay with me now. Always," he said quietly.

Naruto glowed with pride. "You know, Gaara? Of all the places in the world, I think that's exactly where he'd want to be."
