Disclaimer: Alas I do not and never will own the Twilight series!!! Or any of its characters.

Guess what?? AUGUST 7th!! Yes that's the date!! ECLIPSE!! WOOT!!!

Ok enough ramble here we go:

Chapter 4:


Edward looked up at the dark sky, his eyes filled with revenge for the person who took his one and only. The plan had been arranged and he went over every detail in his mind. It was fool proof. All they needed was one more major detail then it will begin. Alice walked into the room.

"We have it," She said softly.

"Finally!" Edward said jumping to his feet!

"Its room number 189," She said now grinning.

With that they went out the front door to the new rental to put the plan into action.


The food seemed to turn into ash when it touched her tongue. Going out to eat with Jacob would have been fine under different circumstances. And to think she was his friend. He was trying to spike up a conversation but how could she give him the satisfaction of her talking back?

"Bella, would you answer me?!" He said in an angry whisper. She just sat there and ate.

"Look, yeah you're in Iowa but so what?" He said beginning to get annoyed. She almost smacked him but didn't.

"I had to Bella it was for your own good," he said in a desperate plea of forgiveness. This time she spoke.

"You didn't have to take me!" she said angry now.

"I missed my graduation because of you!" She said tears brimming her eyes.

"You don't understand," he muttered.

"Do not say that to me one more time or so help me God I will scream," she whispered.

"Bella, you would do no such thing if you wanted that waitress to stay alive," he nodded to the one bringing the couple in the next bench their food.

"You monster," She said stumbling out of her seat and making way for the door.

"Bella!" He said grabbing her by the arm. He escorted her back to the counter with many curious eyes now watching. He sat her back down.

It now dawned on her the reason she was here.

"You don't want me to become a vampire do you?" She said stunned that he would take such extreme measures.

"I knew you would figure it out," he said relieved that she was finally taking.

"I'll have you know that right now I hate you with every fiber of my being for RUINING my grad night and KIDDNAPPING me most of all," She said getting up once more. He grabbed her by the arm and escorted her out of the restaurant. She looked around her and noticed that she was at the Nokia Inn. She also noticed a rental with Carlisle driving and Alice in the front seat. Jacob did not notice. Bella cast a glance at Alice and she motioned her to keep going. When they reached the hotel room 189 Jacob unlocked the door and pushed Bella inside the room that was as dark as death and had a presence lurking inside.