My Dear Diary by Cindy Vortex.
Disclaimer: I don't own Jimmy Neutron.
A/N: I know it was supposed to be a one-shot, but I didn't feel right just leaving it at that.

Chapter 2

As soon as Cindy had finished writing the poem she crumpled the paper up and threw it out her window. Her face was wet with tears and her heart was heavy with pain.

It broke her heart to even think about Jimmy and Betty together, but that's what they were: together.

They had been dating for two months, yet Cindy wasn't able to let it go.

She had offers from practically every guy in the school to become their girlfriend, and she rejected them all. She had only wanted a confession from only one guy, Jimmy. Sadly, Jimmy was already taken before Cindy could do anything about it or tell him how she really felt.

After the tears had finally stopped falling, she laid on her bed feeling drained of her energy.

Soon, she drifted off to sleep and was unaware of the things going on just out below her window ledge.


Jimmy Neutron, boy genius, was standing outside Cindy's house just walking by when a wadded up sheet of paper had landed on his head.
Curious, he unfolded the paper, to find that it was a poem.

Only after did he finish reading it, he figured out how much Cindy really meant to him and how much he meant to her.

He wanted very much to just run into Cindy's house and confess his feelings for her, but reality struck him. He was dating Betty.

Although, the only reason he was dating Betty was because Betty had forced him to. She had threatened that she would hurt Cindy if he didn't listen to her and date her.

He didn't want anyone to hurt Cindy, and yet here he was. He was killing Cindy inside and he hated himself for it.

He was helpless while the person he loved the most ever since the moment they met, was up there in her room.

He decided to straighten things out with Betty later, all he knew now was that he would have to tell Cindy how he really felt and that he was sorry.

Cindy was still laying there, awake. Staring absentmindedly out her window.

She laid there quietly and motionless until the moment her eyes widened and she saw across from her window, the boy she had always dreamed of being with, holding a sign outside his own window that read:

Will you forgive me, Cindy? I love you.

Jimmy didn't care that the people below were staring oddly at him while they passed by. All he cared about was Cindy, and he hoped that she would just look out her window to see his sign.

He finally got his wish, when Cindy's head had jerked up from her bed; smiling.

A/N: Okay, now I'm satisfied. Sorry I just had to do this.