She was used to this. This wasn't anything new and it never was going to be. But, sometimes she hoped for the best even though the worst always happened. And yet…for some reason she still believed in love, but never thought that she was going to get it. As sad as it may sound, it's been true so far. Anyone who saw her on the street would have never figured that a beautiful woman such as her would ever have problems in the love department. Oh, how wrong they were. Long-term relationships were nonexistent and a true companion who wanted her back was a joke. The only thing she had working for her was a job that she loved more than anything, well except for him, but she was in the process of letting him go. Key term, process…it still hasn't happened yet, but it will. It has to because if not, then she will always be unhappy.

But, first she has to make it through the wedding ceremony.

Watching the ceremony really wasn't that bad, but hearing the vows. That is what made Olivia tear up and not for the right reasons.

"Kathy, my beautiful wife to be again," A few chuckles of laughter went through out the crowd. "Mother of my kids, and soul mate, I love you more than you will ever know. We've been through everything together and we've sacrificed so much for one another that I now know that we are destined to be for one another. I can't imagine my life without you and I don't even want to. You stood by my side when no one else believed me, in the past and today. You've kept me grounded in more ways than I can imagine. The fact that you've given me this second chance to share with you my everlasting love is a gift from above that I refuse to pass up. The fact that you still feel the same way I do after all these years is amazing and uplifting. You are my better half, my conscience. I lived my life without you and never again will I experience that if I can prevent it. Kathy, I love you so much—I'm in love with you with so much that I will do anything from prevent the second time around in our marriage from failing. And that is my word." Elliot took Kathy's hand in his and kissed it. You could see tears streaming down the both of their faces. Olivia didn't even hear Kathy's vows. All she heard was, 'You stood by my side when no one else believed me…' She knew what he was referring to. Elliot told her and now it was like a slap in the face or maybe cold water.


Olivia is a smart woman and she knows this. Most people do the dumbest things when they comes to a wedding of someone they are I love with. Olivia has never gone through this before, but she knew what and what not to do.

One: never drink too much alcohol. Pace yourself and take occasional sips or do not drink at all if you know you will not be able to contain yourself from doing so. The drunks always make a fool of themselves and will always be remembered more than anything else even the wedding, unless something more memorable happens.

Two: Mingle with family, friends, and the stars of the night. Say things you know that are funny and never bring up the sore spots of their relationship. Make yourself comfortable and easy around them to make the sting a little bit less. Even if it doesn't, they don't know what you are feeling on the inside.

Three: Dance some and have fun. Be the life of the group you are talking in and never have deep and meaningful conversations. Mention something that you want, but never go in depth, if so, only somewhat.

Four: Make a toast. You look suspicious if you are the best friend and do not say anything. Or at least look happy while it is being made and laugh at their jokes also.

Five: Never bad-mouth the Bride or Groom it always gets around somehow. Someone may slip and say it or it may be overheard. Then you are left in an uncomfortable situation, especially when it comes to the confrontation from one or both of them.

Six: Never go to the bathroom more than two or three times and when you do go make sure that they are far and in between. You will look suspicious and someone will tell you or ask you about it later. If you run into someone while in the bathroom, make small talk and if they want to say something negative, pretend as if you don't know what they are talking about regardless or not if it is true. Remember that they could pass what ever you said around or yet again someone may overhear it.

Seven: This goes with rule one, but must be repeated in a different way. The bar is not your best friend and don't make friends with the bar tender.

Eight: Never out dress the bride. Wear something beautiful, elegant, but simple. Put on small amounts of make up and a perfume that people are familiar with, but not tired of. If you do the opposite of this you will be bad-mouth yourself and another confrontation.

Nine: Never ever, ever flirt with the groom. You will never live this down even if people forgive you and will be on several people's hate list. Even if you do not want these two together, there are some that do. ESPECIALLY, if this person has kids who is old enough to know what is going on and will not hesitate to put you in your place. When you dance with the groom make sure there is a respectful distance between you two and watch out for your touching.

Ten: Do not over eat. Eat a well-balanced meal and if you go back for seconds make sure you get the most delicious things, but not much of it. Compliment the food and especially the cake. Do not drown your misery in food because other people will notice and tell you about it. If you want to take a plate home make sure that it is a well-balanced meal and mention your job, so they can say, " Oh, I understand." This depends on your job though. Everyone knows how a cop works and your excuse will be completely acceptable.

Eleven: Last, but not least…your facial expression. If you are miserable do not show no matter what. Whenever the person you are in love is brought up do not give a full tooth grin and blush. Do not bring up stories and get that look in your eyes. You know, gazing.

: Just an off-handed remark: Takes pictures with the people around you, the bride, groom, both of them together, and the family. It looks good if you do that.

If you follow these main rules, you will be all right for the time being. There are always exceptions to the rules, but improvise and do it well. You want to be remembered, but in a good and positive way.

Olivia held her head up high and walked into the reception hall.

AN: Whoever figures out what series first branded the term shippy as their own will know the 'pairing' outcome of this story. Honestly, I don't know how this story will turn out other than the pairing.

I promise that it gets better than this. Does anyone want to read Olivia enforce these rules or not? And I'm bringin up old character and doing a lot with this person...guess who he is? But, I don't know much about his, so bear with me. He could have been a main character or one time appearance character.

Tell what you think. And I know that I am not the only one Elliot has pissed off with this recent decision. It seems that is when I always get motivation.