Hey guys! This is the final chapter of Two Beats, and I've decided that there won't be another story. I think this'll wrap things up. K, enjoy the final chapter! Oh, and I don't own the song mentioned in this chappie…

Edward and I got home and we were soaking wet, laughing. My hair was glued to my face and I watched as Edward playfully shook his wet hair out at me. I giggled and ran away from him as he chased me, determined to make me even wetter than before.

After a moment he caught up to me, and he had me pinned to the wall, kissing me. I smiled and watched his eyes as he broke the kiss, sucking up all the love that I could.

"There's an unlimited supply, you know." Edward told me, reading my mind. I smiled and nodded, flinging my arms around him and burying my face in his shoulder. I inhaled deeply and sucked in his scent. Edward chuckled and his lips were at my ear, "There's an unlimited supply of that, too." I laughed.

"I don't think you could smell better if you tried," I told him, my smile showing in my eyes. I was in total and utter bliss, and there was nothing that could bring me out of this high. "It's not fair, actually," I brought a piece of my damp hair to my nose and sniffed, disappointed. Edward gently took my hand in his and kissed it.

"You smell ravishing." He assured me, and I knew that if I'd been human I would've been blushing. Edward sighed, knowing the same thing. His hand stroked my cheek and he frowned slightly. "I am going to miss that adorable little blush."

I looked at him and kissed his nose gently, "So, the blush is the only reason I'm here with you?" I whispered, knowing that it would get his attention. Sure enough, Edward gasped, disgusted that I'd even suggested that.

"Isabella Marie Cullen. You are more important to me than life itself. Your blush was a cute addition to the wonderful woman that you are." And before I could say anything his lips were on mine, confirming that everything he'd said was true. I closed my eyes and thought, How could I deserve you? I knew that if I'd said that out loud Edward would've lectured me, so I kept it to myself and enjoyed our kiss.

After a moment, we walked hand and hand to the living room, where we just sat on the couch in each other's arms.

It was quiet for a little while, and we were breathing in unison. "I was scared, you know." I looked up at Edward, startled that he'd suddenly broken the silence. I waited for him to continue. He sighed, "When you hung up on me. You didn't promise that you'd come back to me…" He sounded upset, and all at once I sat up further and planted a kiss on his lips. He seemed satisfied.

"I couldn't promise something I wasn't sure of," I told him quietly, teasing him a little by dipping in closer to him and then swerving out at the last moment. I giggled. "I fought to get back to you, and here I am—with your help, of course." Edward sighed and held me tightly.

We both heard the car pull up into the driveway and we both knew who would show up at the door. Almost as soon as I got up, my bear of a brother-in-law burst through the door and ran to us, laughing wildly.

"Emmett!" Rosalie followed after him, stepping gracefully through the door with an apologetic look in her eyes. "You could've knocked!" She scolded him and stood looking unsure by the stairs. Emmett laughed.

"Eh, they don't care, do you Bells?" I shook my head and laughed, looking at Edward who looked a little agitated. I waved Rosalie over and gave her a hug.

"We were all so worried about you," she told me, "Jasper was especially anxious when Alice got involved." I flinched, knowing exactly how Jasper had felt. I hadn't wanted Alice involved either—in fact, I hadn't wanted any of the Cullens involved. Rosalie saw this and nodded, smiling gently and she put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "We know, Bella." I nodded, but a part of me wondered if they really did know. I shrugged off the feeling and looked over at the couch, where Emmett had taken it upon himself to plop down next to Edward and put his feet up on our coffee table. I giggled as Edward scowled, pouting a little.

"Anyway, what's up you guys?" I asked, trying to direct Edward's glare away from Emmett. He looked up at me with interest and then at Rosalie for the answer. She sighed.

"Alice is planning a little…celebration gathering," she said stiffly. I frowned.

"And by gathering, you mean party, don't you." It wasn't a question, but she nodded anyway. Edward had lost interest and was now busy swiping Emmett's feet down and shooing him back over to Rose. Edward followed and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, and I wrapped mine around his waist.

"When should we be there?" he asked, his velvet voice sending goose bumps down my arm. I looked up at him to see if he'd noticed and, though his topaz eyes weren't focused on me, my favorite crooked smile was playing on his lips, and I knew that he had. I sighed, defeated, and he lightly stroked his hand up and down my arm.

"Around eleven," Emmett told us, a grin on his face. Then he snapped his fingers and smiled even bigger. I was confused and saw that Rosalie and Edward were smiling as well. I took a step back suspiciously.

"What?" I asked, cautious. When members of Edward's family start getting that we-know-something-you-don't look, it's time to hit the road.

"Well, you know how you kind of— ," Edward paused and looked sad for a minute, "—dug out your stereo?" I shivered and instinctively rubbed my nails. Edward's eyes were apologetic and I quickly waved off his apology. He'd already said sorry about a trillion times, and the last thing I needed was him to immerse himself in the past again. I nodded for him to continue.

"Well, that's the surprise!" Emmett answered as Edward's mouth opened. Edward scowled but smiled at the perplexed look that came onto my face.

"So you got me a stereo to go into my invisible car…" I trailed off, trying to make sense of this. Rosalie laughed and shook her head.

"No, not exactly."

With that I was swept off my feet and herded outside in a mad rush. When we got there I gasped and put my hands over my eyes. Edward chuckled and removed them for me.

There, in our driveway, was a brand new Volkswagen Beetle, but it was a convertible. The color was a very light yellow, and I fell in love with it immediately. The only problem was that I couldn't drive a stick shift. I glanced at Edward to tell him this when he smiled.

"I'll teach you later," he promised. "Drive us to our 'gathering', would you Bella?" I melted as his ocher eyes smoldered and I just nodded. I glanced to say thank you to Rosalie and Emmett but they were already in their car and backing out.

"See you guys there!" Rosalie shouted, sticking her head out the window and scowling when a wave of her blonde locks shot into her face. She hastily put her head back into the car and I giggled when the mirror came down and she fumbled with a comb to fix it.

"So you like it?"

I turned to Edward and smiled. "Of course I do. How can I not like this car? You just shouldn't have gotten it for me, though." I let my eyes wander over the shiny new paint and I couldn't help but smile wider.

"That's a relief." I looked up confused as Edward took two long strides over to me. "Well I thought you were going to fight me on it." I laughed and waved a hand.

"As if I would've won." Edward chuckled and nodded, agreeing with me, "But, how am I going to drive over there when I don't know how to drive it?"

"Now's as good a time to learn as ever." I nodded and allowed Edward to drag me to the beautiful new car. I stopped at the driver's side door, skeptical. Edward sighed, "I won't let you crash your new car."

I got in reluctantly and sat there, refusing to turn on the ignition. I breathed in the new car smell and Edward smiled, motioning gently with his head to start the engine. I took a deep breath and turned the key.

"Alright," Edward began, "ease it into first." And so my lesson began. We drove down the road, the car bouncing abnormally, stopping every five seconds and then starting up again. I earned a few curious stares but eventually, I got the car moving smoothly and soundlessly along the road. "There we go Bella," Edward soothed, nodding approvingly. I smiled proudly and tapped the steering wheel as we drove quickly, picking up the pace. I watched happily as the speedometer rose quickly to 105 mph. I sighed contentedly and relaxed. Edward even turned on the radio. He wrinkled his nose at the song that came on and was about to turn the station but I swatted his hand.

"No! Edward I like this song!" He mumbled something but surrendered the radio, sitting back in his seat and crossing his arms. I smiled happily at my mini victory and began to sing along; "I like, where we are. When we drive, in your car. I like, where we are. Here." I danced a little in the seat as the part with the music began, and I heard Edward chuckle a little, "Cause our lips, can touch. And our cheeks, can brush. Our lips, can touch. Here. When you are the one, the one that lies, close to me! Whispers 'hello, I miss you quite, terribly'. I fell, in love, in love with you, suddenly! Now there's no place else, I could be but here in your arms!" I sang to Edward as the rest of the song went on, and at the last chorus, Edward sang with me, and we sang in unison for the last minute. After the song was over we were both laughing hysterically, and I switched off the radio as we pulled into the Cullen's driveway.

I pulled the car in smoothly and shut off the engine and asked Edward if I should put the gear back into first. "Yes," Edward said, effortlessly sliding out of the seat and running around to my door. He held it open, "I think you'll do much better on the way back home." I nodded and quickly got out and looped my arm through Edward's. He led me up the path and stopped at the doorbell. "Are you ready?" He asked me, motioning with his head towards the door. I laughed.

"Am I ever ready for one of Alice's 'gatherings'?" I looked up and watched as his beautiful eyes smoldered. I smiled and let him lead me through the threshold and into the Cullen House. I gasped. Alice had—once again—outdone herself.

The whole front hall was covered in pink streamers and balloons. Red glitter and confetti spilled from huge fans that Alice had somehow managed to stick onto the walls. Edward's piano served as a table that held deep red roses and appetizers, a pink canopy-like cloth hanging delicately over it collecting the confetti and glitter that threatened to spoil the food. But the best part of all was that my favorite second- family was standing in a cluster in the center of the room, smiling. Alice was beaming, obviously very proud of her accomplishments.

"Bella!" She ran up to me and hugged me hard, "Thank you so much for everything you did for me," she told me. I hugged her back.

"You don't have to thank me," I assured her. She giggled and let go, going back to Jasper, who smiled and nodded at me. I smiled, too, and went back to Edward, who wrapped his arm around my waist.

"We got you a present," Esme told me, her eyes glowing with excitement. I laughed.

"I know," I said. Her smile dropped a little and her eyebrows scrunched together. I must have been making a puzzled face because Emmett laughed out loud, followed by a thud on the head from Rosalie. I was too confused to find it funny. I poked my thumb out and motioned over my shoulder, "The…car?" Esme's smile was re-established and she shook her head, giggling. I got mad and looked up at Edward, who was looking innocently away…too innocently—looking completely guilty. "You did not get me something else." Edward's face remained expertly blank, and I knew then that he had. I turned around and swatted his chest a few times, "I can't believe you!" He chuckled and I pouted, crossing my arms and sighing.

"Give up?" I glared at Edward but he was smiling his crooked smile and it was impossible to stay mad at him. I sighed, giving in, and turned to face him again. I nodded and he put his hands over my eyes.

"No peeking Bella!" I heard Alice giggle from somewhere in front of me. I felt Edward's lips on my cheek and I shivered. We walked, me blinded, and I heard the sliding doors open and I felt the grass as we stepped out into the backyard.

"One…" I sucked in a breath, preparing myself. "Two!" Here it goes. "THREE!" I felt Edward's hands leave my eyes and I could see again. I stood there for a minute, not saying anything. My mouth hung open a little bit, and I rubbed my eyes. But no; it was there.

There, in front of me, was a huge yacht, just sitting there in the backyard, balancing casually against two huge trees. Delicately painted in purple on the side said, Bella's Sunlight. It was gigantic! And the thing wasn't even in the water! It was just sitting on the grass like it'd always been there.

"Do you like it?" Edward whispered at my ear. I still said nothing. After a moment of taking it in, though, I think I managed to stammer something along the lines of, 'buh…boat…how?' I wasn't entirely sure if it was even that articulate. Edward chuckled, "You, my dear, have solved nearly every one of our problems. Think about it? I was lost, and lonely, and you came into my life. After I broke your heart you still risked everything to save me from revealing myself, and you took me back after all that. Then you managed to give us at least a temporary peace with the dogs, and now you've just eliminated one of our biggest enemies with a single trip to Italy. My dear, if there was something bigger that we could fit in the backyard, it would be here."

I didn't say anything. Instead, I simply sat down in the grass, Indian-style, and stared at the yacht that had my name on it. I looked around and saw that Edward had sat down next to me, and we were alone. I sighed and balanced my elbows on my knees, letting my hands cup my chin. "What am I going to do with a whole yacht Edward?" It was the first coherent thing I'd said in a while. Edward smiled and leaned into me.

"Well, I'll enjoy it just as much as you will, I think," I giggled and snuggled into him. "What do you think?" he asked me, "I was thinking maybe a second honeymoon?" I shivered at the thought and enthusiastically nodded.

"But how are we going to get it back into the water? How did you even get it here?" Edward chuckled.

"Magic, my love." I nudged him playfully, smirking, but didn't pursue the question. We sat there for a moment, just staring at the huge ship in front of us.

"Edward? Bella? Could you please come up here?" Carlisle spoke softly from his office, but since we could hear him perfectly anyway, he didn't need to yell. We got up, and after one more look over my shoulder towards the yacht, I followed Edward back into the house.

Alice was at my side immediately, bubbly as ever, "Did you like it?" she asked me enthusiastically. I nodded, smiling hugely.

"I'll never understand why you guys do these things for me," I said with a sigh. She giggled and hit my shoulder playfully before skipping off after Jasper. I shook my head and chuckled.

"Come," Edward said, dazzling me with his crooked smile. He took me by the hand and gently guided me up the stairs to Carlisle's study. I knocked and Carlisle must have thought for us to come in because Edward opened the door and went in.

We sat down in the two seats that Carlisle offered to us and he stopped working, smiling.

"Hello Bella; did you like your surprise?" he asked me. I smiled.

"Of course I did!" I told him, squeezing Edward's hand. Carlisle chuckled. He held up a finger to tell us to wait a minute and then went rummaging through his desk. When he came back up, he had with his a very thick book. He placed it on the desk and gently pushed it towards us.

Edward picked up the book and turned it over between us, allowing me to read it too. The title was, 'Love: The Timeless, Ageless Act of Happiness'. I smiled at the title and then looked up at Carlisle, a little confused. He smiled.

"When Esme and I were first married, we liked to read to each other from that book," he looked down shyly, and I snuck a glance at Edward, who was smiling excitedly. "I thought it was time to pass it down, and I knew you two would enjoy it the most."

Edward stood up and walked over to Carlisle, hugging him. The amount of admiration in his eyes was amazing, and I smiled, loving him so much. He was my everything, and I loved him more than he would ever know.

Just as I was about to say that, a loud thud sounded from inside my chest and I yelled "OW!" loudly, clamping a hand over my chest to ease the pain. I looked up and saw that the same thing had happened to Edward, and that he was panting softly too, sitting in his seat with his hand over his chest. We looked at each other and then back at Carlisle, who looked confused.

"What was that?" Carlisle asked us. We both explained the pain and we were more than a little perplexed. He looked down, pondering what we'd said, "It sounds like you two are describing a heartbeat. But that can't be right…"

I looked over at Edward, "But it didn't happen again," I stated, and looked at Edward to see if the same was true for him. He nodded in agreement. Carlisle looked up, snapping his fingers and his eyes were lighting up.

"Two heartbeats!" he said. I was totally and utterly confused, and I waited for Carlisle's epiphany to make sense. He continued excitedly. "When two people are in love, how are their hearts described?" Edward answered, seeming calm now.

"That two hearts beat as one?" Carlisle nodded.

"Now, it's only happened once or twice that I know of in our history, but it's said that when two vampires love one another with as much intensity as you two seem to love one another, their hearts beat, once in the female, and once in the male. It symbolizes total commitment and love that will never end," Carlisle exclaimed exuberantly. He clapped, "This is so amazing! You two are blessed." I smiled, realizing that what had happened was just another symbol of how much we loved one another. I looked at Edward who was wearing the same smile.

After our little incident, Edward and I drove back home in silence, thinking about what had happened and marveling in how amazing it was. When we finally got home, Edward carried me from the car to the house, then up the stairs and placed me delicately on our bed. He kissed me deeply before settling down beside me and resting his head on my shoulder. I stroked his hair gently and we breathed together.

"Isabella, you are full of wonders," he told me. I chuckled.

"Hey, I didn't do this one alone." I smiled when I felt his cool breath on my neck. I closed my eyes and leaned down to press my lips gently to the top of his head.

"Bella my heart hasn't beat in over a hundred years," he marveled quietly. I smiled and remained silent, letting him bask in the moment. "Two beats," Edward mumbled contentedly, "True love." I sighed, in total bliss and snuggled closer to him.

"Two beats," I agreed. And then we lay there, bound to live until the world itself ended, doing nothing but loving one another more than anyone thought to be possible…

Ta da! That's the end! How did you guys like it??? I hope I get reviews, and sorry for taking so long to update. I suffered from severe writer's block; that was unpleasant. I hope everyone liked how it ended, and although it's the last story in this series t, I'm going to be writing another story called 'Emmett's Payback'. Ha, come on! You know you're curious. lol Anyway, reviews please! Thanks for reading!

Falling Rose Petals