Taming Uzumaki


Warning: Yaoi meaning male/male relationship.

Declaimer: None of Naruto characters belong to me so no sue.

//Blah// Naruto talking to Kyuubi though their mind link.

/Blah/ Kyuubi talking to Naruto through their mind link.

'Blah' Thinking

"Blah" Talking

Japanese terms:

Aniki-big brother

Ojiisan- grandfather

Aruji- husband

Okami- wife

Baa- old hag/really old person

Nani- what

Dobe- dead last


Vernal season was in full throttle and all seemed right in the world except for the weeping girls of Konohagakure, village of the hidden leaf, upset because their life long dreams where being crushed from beneath the wood of their sandals.

Matchmaker Rin emerged from her home clad in her indigo dyed ceremonial robes meant for matchmaking; she delivered the news, with a straight face no less, thus sending the village girls in a downward spiral of mixed emotion, but the most dominate emotion being jealousy for the woman who Rin must have seen fit. Rin had found a satiable partner for the village most sought after bachelor, Uchiha Sasuke. The Uchiha-heir blessed with his mother good looks from her impeccable pale skin that girls would likely kill their friends for to his smooth ebony-tresses that framed his heart shaped face nicely except for the back where it was short and stuck out. Yup Sasuke was a catch worth gripping and never letting go. He was strong, smart, and skilled and had an angelic beauty that made the village girls look passed his icy exterior, to Sasuke's annoyance.

Rin sighed she was worried about this engagement attracting too much attention before hand and her accusation were right on the Ryo even the parents waited outside her door for the news.

'I might as well get this over with,' concluded Rin.

"I am truly sorry… But Uchiha-san's spouse can not be revealed until after the official wedding ceremony. We must respect the ritual." Rin felt relief wash over her as the majority of the crowd agreed with her reason about keeping the bride nameless that majority being the parents who herding their heartbroken daughters away, for they knew that tradition must never be broken even if they were extremely curious as well. Once Rin's home were completely abandon by her audience did Sasuke emerge looking grim as ever while his parents, on the other hand, looked proud beyond comprehension that their younger son will be espoused, and the Uchiha bloodline plus name will live on and not die out since Sasuke's older brother Itachi had no seeds to make grandchildren.

Sasuke's mother was positively beaming with joy. "This has turned out to be a pleasing day for us; our youngest son shall be fruitful and give us many grandbabies with his new bride." The ebony-haired woman proclaimed. She could not stop smiling from the sheer thought of becoming a grandmother. For any foreigner it may seem strange that families often married off their children still in their mid teens, however in Konoha it was a custom that was praise upon. Lots of child or grandchildren were a symbol of futility and heath so it was only natural for families to live and multiply, well natural for the wealthy families at least and the Uchiha's where up there in the latter. The ebony-haired teen had a passing thought of what his future wife would be doing, but it was only a passing thought, which he gave no heed to.


"Naruto come down from there this instance you insolent child! You'll ruin your wedding robes!" Scolded and plump elderly woman, she placed a hand on her hip scowling up at her master's grandson from the top of and old oak tree. The boy called Naruto peer down from over his hanging feet at the burly woman. "No I will not come down, not until you tell the matchmaker the weddings off!" Naruto's azure blue eyes blazed with inward rage, making the demon Kyuubi no kitsune sealed inside him growl. The nine-tail demon fox had been sealed in his grandson for trying to destroy Konoha over his daughter's death, in addition Naruto's father the forth hokage had sacrifice himself in order to seal the demon fox inside his old living son, thus saving his village. Because his son had Kitsune blood rushing through his veins and could contain the Kyuubi while a normal human would have melted from the inside out by the sheer unlimited chakra flow that surge around Kyuubi. However that was all Naruto's guardians told him, he did not know how his mother died. And when asked most would say 'just leave it alone kid'.

/You will do as the midwife commands boy. /

Not you to Ojiisan//

/Don't trouble yourself over this…you'll learn to accept your new aruji. /

//Aruji? ARUJI!!! I am boy ojiisan what would I need with and husband//

Kyuubi decided to close off their mental link, but not before sending his grandson a mental picture of his huge canine grin, and fox slit eyes glinting with mischief. The blond-haired kitsune heir leaped down from the top branch he was currently sitting on, since the midwife had given up on convincing him down. He decided to let what his grandfather say pass thinking that Kyuubi meant Okami. Plus Naruto was starving he hadn't eating all afternoon after the awful news of his engagement. So he had no interest in trying to figure it out.

Somehow the midwife caught up to Naruto once inside. Unfortunately, she was still ill-tempered about being denied so now Naruto found he was surrounded by gushing maids and a manly looking seamstress. "You are so lucky Uzumaki-sama!" One red-haired girl announced she was helping the manly seamstress place pins in the long smoky gray robe that draped over the kitsune heir's slender form the robe was dirty at the bottom from being dragged in the Kitsune's garden and up a tree in Uzumaki's rage.

"How am I lucky? I am marring a completely stranger!" The blonde snapped crossing his arms over his slender chest making the sides of the gray robe tear from the strain, the seamstress smacked her lips popping Naruto on the back of his head with her rolled up scroll. "Oi you foolish boy look what you done. This robe is never going to be ready in time for the union!" She chided. Thus making

Naruto glared off to a corner rubbing the back of his head, "so what I look like and complete idiot wearing this thing." And for emphasis he lifted the bottom up in a similar fashion to what some women do to keep there dress from dragging. However, from being lifted up the pins wedged themselves loose making the whole robe fall apart. Naruto had the nerve to look sheepish, "uh sorry." Both maid and seamstress groaned in sheer annoyance.


Sasuke sat with elbow's resting on his bent knees and fingers entwine together over the bridge of his nose which meant he was brooding on top of the Uchiha manor third story roof. His engagement was two days away, and surprisingly he felt jittery about the whole thing, especially dare he think it... the wedding night. He could not dishonor his family by flat out refusing nor was he ready to accept it either. His muscle tensed at the familiar monotone that came from behind him. "Why so grim little brother." His aniki had a hint of amusement in those smooth words.

"Don't mock me aniki I'm not in the mood." Sasuke replied flatly still staring out at the forest that surrounded their manor. "Tsk. Can it be hostility that I'm sensing?"

At that point Sasuke leaped up from his spot turning toward his brother his face scrunched up in a scowl and his fist locked at his sides. "At least I can keep our bloodline going. What was it your wife called you again oh yeah impotent?" Never before in Sasuke's young life did he see his brothers face flush a dark shade of crimson. Itachi's hatred for his little brother blistered within his chest like a raging inferno, but it dispersed just as quickly as it came, for he had a plan for them already premeditated. "Enjoy it while it still last." The older Uchiha muttered then swiftly turned on his heels leaving his younger brother still pissed.


The next morning Konoha market place was swarming with life people were flocking from all over to buy the best of cloths garments and scents. The day being sunny and warm just perfect for heating up a hard workers bone all seemed calm and lax. In contrast to Naruto who came marched through the jammed dirt path his sun-kissed cheeks blazing in humiliation his two personal maids in toe of their master laughing at his ridicules headdress. He was forced to wear a vine crown of lilies, this being what a bride would wear to show off her engagement; there was only one problem Naruto was not a bride! So he was pissed, but with both the midwife and his grandfather insisting he wear this ridicules thing or no Ramen for a month. The Kitsune heir reluctantly put his pride on hold since he could just stay inside his room for the day; however in some twist of faith the fifth Hokage had sent for him so here is was on his way to see her! And forced to succumb to the odd looks the vendors and shoppers where giving him.

// I am going to kill you//

/Aw is my grandson embarrassed/

// what do you think! I'm wearing a damn crown of posies//

/ Don't be ashamed wear that crown with pride/

// Fuck you//

Before Kyuubi could get a word in Naruto blocked their mind link, and swiftly turned to the two maids whose laughter had subsided to amuse giggles. His blue irises bled red and his oval shaped pupils were similar to cat like slits. "Is something funny?" He barked.

The girls' clamped there mouths shut finding the ground interesting. "No Uzumaki-sama." They said in unison uncomfortable by his intense gaze. Naruto rolled his eyes and started to walk again the maid following this time in silence.

Once the hokage tower was in full view did Naruto start into run leaving the maids in his wake.

A blond-haired woman with double'd' breast sat at her desk staring at the stack of unmarked paperwork she looked around making sure the coast was clear to pull out her bottle of sake. 'Might as well drink up I'm going to need it.' She poured her a cup downing the sour tasting substance and was about to go for another cup when she heard a very loud pounding on her two thick wooden doors then the doors went flying open. Naruto was standing there huffing and puffing his foot lowering to the ground from kicking the two doors in two ANBU one with a hawk mask and the other with a wolf tried desperately to calm him down but was failing. Naruto was not mad no far from it he looked almost ecstatic. "Tsunade-baa-chan. Do you have a mission for me?" Tsunade left brown twitched every so slightly at the name. She crossed both arms over his plump breast, and then nodded to the two ANBU that it was oh kay to leave and close the door. "Naruto take a seat."

She gesture for the chair in front of her desk. Naruto gave her and questioning look but did as she request, he plopped down placing both feet which were now crossed at the ankle on top of her smaller stacks of paperwork. "So what's up?" Tsunade rolled her honey colored eyes, "you little brat no respect at all for your elders or their things. I swear Naruto were you raised by animals, wait don't answer that."

Naruto just graced her with a knowing smirk.

"Well as you and I know your wedding is tomorrow." She paused when the fox boy grimaced. "And we had arranged for you to get at least a two week's vacation, however do to the shortage of shinobi the matchmaker and I have come to and agreement to push your wedding date a head of schedule." At this point Naruto was gaping. "What do you mean ahead of schedule?" For some reason he did not want to know.

Tsunade gave the younger blond a stern look. "It seems only right to push your union for tonight and send you on your missions sooner rather then later because of the shortage-"

"Nani! NANI?!?" In his shock Naruto had hopped up from his seat and was currently leaning palms flat on Tsunade's desk.

"Calm down brat I knew it best to tell you myself your guardian knows as well."

"I ... you can't do this to me!" Naruto growled zealously.

"I just have kid. Hey think of it this way at least it'll be over and done."

Naruto whimpered his bottom lip jutting out in a classic pout. "I don't want to get married." He couldn't help but sulk pulling back from her desk. "Don't dwell on it to much kid." How could he not he was marrying a complete stranger that could be some old toothless crypt keeper for all he knew.

The teen walked out of the hokage's office with his head down and feet dragging, pissed at the world for being so unfair. Naruto had not been paying attention to where he was going and bumped into something or more on the lines of someone in his sulking.

"Watch it dobe." The person he ran into snapped. Naruto head shot up and he growled. "Bastard," vibrant blue locked with jet-black and in that split second the atmosphere grew heavy. As Naruto realized who the person was did his anger increase. 'Uchiha Sasuke' lets just say there had been a lot of bad blood between the two. Sasuke being the best in their shinobi class while Naruto was the worst and the Uchiha boy never let a chance like this one to rub it in Uzumaki's face slip by, even now that they were older. "Out of my way jerk."

Naruto purposely bumped shoulders with the other boy on his way out, determine to leave before things escalated. And the last thing Tsunade needed was a gaping hole in her tower not that she didn't deserve it mind you.

Sasuke glared shuriken at the retreating blonde's back. That's when he noticed the crown of lilies on top of Naruto's blond head. Immediately, sprouting questions, but he quickly shoved those aside and continued on his way to Tsuande's office he had bigger things to think about like why she'd sent for him.


So how you all like it? Should I continue?