Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha

Chapter 6: No way

Kagome walked happily into her house. She felt so giddy and full of life. She hoped that InuYasha liked her cookies, since she made them all from scratch.

Her father was sitting on his recliner, while Naraku and Kikyo were on the couch. Kohaku was laying in front of the TV, and Rin was sitting on his back. Sota was sitting on the loveseat, tossing pop corn at Kikyo's head. They were all watching 'It's A Wonderful Life'. Rin was excitedly waiting for her favorite line on the movie; 'teacher says that every time a bell rings, and angel get his wings'.

Kagome ran up the stairs and into Sango's room. Sango was lying on her bed, hugging a pillow, and giggling into her cell phone. Kagome tossed the keys at her.

"Thanks," Kagome said quietly, and then turned to leave.

"Hey! Wait! Hang on Miroku. How did it go, Kags?" Sango asked.

"Well, the entire house is decorated and I slaved away for hours over a hot stove. I am completely wiped out. But it was worth it."

"Really? Was he happy?" Sango questioned, completely ignoring Miroku.

"I didn't stay to see. That's not how it works. But if I do see him tomorrow, I'm inviting him to our Christmas Party. You think mom and dad will mind?" Kagome asked, biting her bottom lip.

"Nah. They invite just about everyone else in town, anyway. Well, if you ask him, tell me when you are going to break the news to mom and dad. I'll tell them about Miroku at the same time. What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Umm…mom volunteered me to wrap gifts at the mall." Kagome answered.

"Good. That's what I'm going to do, too. Kohaku has to ring the bell for the Salvation Army outside the skating rink. Sota has to ring another one outside of the grocery store. They're going to freeze their nuts off."

"What about Naraku and Kikyo?" Kagome asked.

"Mom volunteered them to watch a bunch of the little local kids while their parents finished Christmas shopping. She said it's for 'practice'." Sango giggled.

"Oh, she so has a bun in the oven." Kagome whispered.

"I know, right?"

"Kagome! Phone!" Kohaku yelled up the stairs.

"G'night Sango. Bye Miroku!" Kagome yelled loud enough for him to hear, then ran to get the phone.

"Hello?" She grabbed it from Kohaku.

"You know, Santa must have come early this year. My entire house is decorated for Christmas." A deep voice said, causing Kagome to giggle.

"Wonder who could have done that. It's a Christmas miracle."

"Yeah, I wonder who." He said.

"Maybe Santa."

"Nah. When I asked my dad about it, he described the person as an angel." InuYasha said smoothly. "Not some big fat guy with reindeer as friends and a sleigh." He added.

"So did you like it?" Kagome asked taking the phone up to her room.

"Yeah, but why did you do it?"

"Because you should get to celebrate Christmas, too. So, did you like the cookies?"

It had been two hours, and InuYasha and Kagome where still on the phone. The movie that everyone had been watching had long since ended. Kikyo and Naraku had retired to their room an hour before. Sota and Rin had been tucked into bed. Kohaku was still up, looking at God knows what on his computer, even Sango had gotten off the phone and was starting to get ready to go to sleep.

"Kagome, you have been on that phone long enough. The battery is probably dieing anyway. Get off!" Her father demanded as he went into his own room and shut the door.

"Okay, Fine! Hey, I gotta get goin." Kagome informed the hottie on the other line.

"Yeah. Hey, what are you doing tomorrow?" InuYasha asked quickly.

"Just hanging around the house, I guess. What are you doing?" Kagome lied. She couldn't tell him her plans. He might go to the mall just to see her. And that could ruin the entire three meetings things.

"I gotta work at the store."

"Well, okay, I gotta go. Goodnight."

"Night," InuYasha said, then hung up.

The next mourning Kagome dressed in a green long sleeve shirt that said 'I made the nice list', knowing that Sango was wearing a red one that said 'I made the naughty list'. She pulled on a pair of jeans. She quickly pulled her hair into a pony tail so she wouldn't have to deal with it while wrapping presents.

"Kagome! Come on! We have got to go!" Sango yelled. Quickly, after brushing her teeth, Kagome glanced in the mirror and checked to make sure the reflection looking back didn't have any makeup smudges or a breakout of evil pimples. She had to look her best. Just in case, somehow, she managed to see InuYasha.

When the two girls arrived at the mall, they got screamed at by the crazy women in charge of the gift wrapping, for being late.Their punishment was to have to dress as elves tomorrow and help with the little children that wanted pictures with Santa. Oh, the joy. Afterward, they went to the table they had been assigned in the center of the mall, and began wrapping gifts.

"Can you believe that lady? What a bitch! Why should we have to act as elves and put up with snot nosed kids tomorrow?" Sango asked as she handed a perfectly wrapped present back to the lady who had bought it.

"Sango, you shouldn't talk about mom like that." Kagome scolded, quietly. "You know how she gets at Christmas time." She handed a neatly wrapped gift back to a man who had bought his wife jewelry and toke a Play station three game from the next person in line.

"It's still completely stupid! I don't want to be an elf! I have so much better things to do!" Sango complained. "We aren't even getting paid! We are wrapping strange peoples presents, and we are not getting paid! This sucks! Next year, I'm so going to Miroku's families house."

"Sango, you are drawing attention to yourself, and scaring the customers. If mom hears you she will make us be elves all the way up to Christmas Eve, so shut up." Kagome ordered. She looked at the line. She had already wrapped, like, a hundred gifts and the line was just getting longer. What was with people waiting until the last minute to go Christmas shopping?

"Doesn't anyone wrap presents themselves anymore?" Sango muttered as she grabbed a shirt from some one and threw it in a holiday box, that she began to wrap with Rudolph paper.

"Why should they, when they have people who do it for free?" Kagome whispered back.

The long day continued on, and on. Each girl only got to leave the station twice. For a bathroom break, and a chance to get lunch. Unfortunately, they had to eat lunch alone, since only one could take a break at a time.

Around ten o'clock that night, the crowds were finally thinning down. They had been wrapping for so many hours, that Kagome didn't even look up at the line anymore. She just took the presents, wrapped them, handed them back, then took the next persons gifts and started over. Kagome had fully given up on any chance of seeing InuYasha, so why should she keep looking at the customers?

"Umm..hey, I was wondering if you could help me out. You see, I wanted to buy this girl I know something for Christmas but I wasn't sure she would like it. What do you think?" A guys voice asked. Finally, looking up at the person in front of her, Kagome gasped.

Right there, standing in front of her was InuYasha. The boy that she had been dieing to see all day was finally here. He was just standing there, looking hotter then ever with a surprised look on his face. Obviously, when he walked up, he didn't even notice that it was her.

"No way," Kagome whispered. It wasn't possible. If her fate was just like everyone else's in her families then that meant InuYasha was 'it'. He was the one that she would stick with for the rest of her life. A smile tugged on her lips.

"I thought you were staying home today." InuYasha said, a smile spreading across his face as well.

"Well, I couldn't tell you where I was going to be." Kagome explained.

"So this is our third meeting." InuYasha thought aloud. "In three days."


"So that means….." InuYasha looked at Kagome and grinned. Without thinking, or caring about all the people around, Kagome slid over her work table and landed in front of InuYasha. She yanked on his shirt and brought his face down to hers, then kissed him.

InuYasha was too stunned to react, but after a second, his arms slipped around her, his eyes closed and he deepened the kiss.

This was it. Finally. Kagome finally found someone for her. Someone who would actually listen to her. And pay attention to her. He was here now. Her wish had come true. Her prayers had been answered.

Kagome smiled against InuYasha's lips and wrapped her arms around his neck, to get closer. The couple was completely oblivious to the crowd that was watching them suck face, and Kagome's mother, who was screaming at them and telling them they would have to act as Santa's elves in the mall all the way up till Christmas Eve. And if they did take notice, they didn't care. At least as Santa's elves they would get to hang out. It was also a way for Kagome to thank Santa for fulfilling her Christmas wish.

The End.

A/N: YaY!! I finished the story! I guess I could put on a epilogue, but I wasn't planning on it. The only way I will do that if I get a lot of requests for one, which I don't expect to happen. Sorry it took so long to update. It was totally hectic around here. I hope everyone had a nice Holiday.

Thanks for the reviews everyone! I had fun writing this story! Happy New Year!