A/N: I adore Angel and she will always be my favorite character in RENT. However,there is one little thing that has been bugging me…and that is the fact that she caused the death of Benny's dog. It just didn't make any sense to me at all and seemed kind of OOC…

Allison screamed in despair,burrying her face into Benny's chest. It was too horrible a sight to watch. Their playful Akita had run out onto a frozen pond,chasing after a pigeon, when a weak spot in the ice cracked,plunging the poor dog into the paralyzing, frozen water. Evita whimpered,yelped and had tried to claw her way up onto the ice but it was much too slippery. To Allison and Benny's horror,the animal was getting weaker and seemed to be losing the battle to stay afloat. All they could seem to do was watch in dismay as their puppy drown. Benny had tried to calm his wife but that didn't seem to help matters. "SOMEBODY HELP! PLEASE!" Allison screamed again,on the verge of hysterics. Her cries reached the ears of a young Latino by the name of Angel,drumming on a pickle tub nearby for money. He looked up,snapping out of his musical daydream. He took one look at the distressed couple and their doomed pet,then abandoned his tub and drumsticks, dashing toward the pond. Benny and Allison eyed this newcomer curiously,hopfully. Angel stopped cautiously at the edge before crouching down on all fours. He crawled out slowly to the ailing dog. "Hey…it's alright,honey. I got you…" He soothed. He yanked off his red jacket,lifted the tiny Akita out the ice water and wrapped her up in it. He stood up and carefully made his way over to the couple,carrying Evita as if she were an infant. The Akita snuggled up against him, greatful for his body heat.

"Thank god!" Benny exclaimed. Both he and his miserable wife jogged up to the young man, egar to claim their soaked canine. Angel placed the puppy into Allison's arms. She gazed at this effeminate boy,giving him a quick look over. She noticed the blue nailpolish sparkling on his fingernails. "Thank you," She said,rather coldly. "You're welcome,honey." Angel smiled warmly at her. She did not smile back. Instead, she nodded and turned away,walking to a park bench,sitting on it with Evita cradled in her arms. Benny looked apologetically at the shivering boy for his wife's rudeness. "Look, I'm sorry about that. Allison is just a little…sheltered. She and I are both grateful for what you did. We really are. What's your name,son?" He extended his hand out to him. Angel smiled again and shook his hand. "Angel." Benny nodded. "Well,Angel, Here…take this and buy yourself a new coat." He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. He counted out $1000 dollars and held it out to Angel. Angel gasped, his eyes widened in shock at the sight of the cash. "Oh my goodness! That's really sweet of you,sir… but I can't take all this…" Benny chuckled "Yes you can. It's the least I can do." He reassured him. Angel hesitantly took the cash. "Thank you." He said softly. Benny smiled. "No,thank you."