Like, seriously. I haven't updated in about five years (YIKES.) and I haven't thought of it in about as long. I started out writing it with simply the idea of Sasuke and Hinata being bros and a hazy idea of a few of the events I wanted to take place in the story - no main plot or obstacle; no thought to how the events of the story would help the characters change and grow... I thought about writing a summary chapter about what was going to happen in the story before I realized that I didn't even know what was going to happen myself. You get the idea. Not to mention I can't even bring myself to reread it entirely since I find a lot of the dialogue/"plot" so cringeworthy.

But I am leaving it up, as a testament to my first truly popular story, and to the people who are still faving/following it as recent as two days ago. Thank you so much for your support on this ended endeavor. I love and appreciate all of the attention it got and continues to get. Readers like y'all make me want to be a better writer.

