Ahem. Geez, I feel really, really, really bad. I have another note for everyone. Okay, feel free to groan, threaten me and yell. Really, I don't mind at all. So let's just get to the reasons as to why I haven't updated.

Let's see. First there is my grandpa. He's actually fine now, well not 100 percent or anything, but he's out of the hospital. He's on a diet but he isn't sticking to it, so I'm worried about that.

Secondly, it's summer. Now, seeing as how I'm not in summer school and don't have a summer job, you would think I have time to write. Well, if you thought that then you'd be wrong. I've been super busy and extremely tired and lazy.

Thirdly, I still have a lot of health problems. Luckily, we've figured out like half of my problems, so I've got medication for that. And I'm anemic (sp?), for those who don't know what it means, it basically means I'm low in iron and blood cells (I think, something like that). Therefore I'm always tired and even if I sleep all day, it feels like I've been up all night.

Ok, so enough about my family and health. So, now I'm "officially" going on vacation. Now, I've been at my house, hanging out with friends, you know. But now I'm going down to L.A. to visit my aunt and her family. I won't be back until like the 2nd or 3rd week in August. But, right before I come home, my family, and my mom's friends, and a whole bunch of people are going on a cruise. Yay! So I won't be on a computer for a week. Then 2 days after I come home, it's time for school.

On a side note: I'm totally depressed, because I have to wait, like, a week after Eclipse comes out to read it. I'm on the cruise when it comes out. Totally sad.

Lastly, I've got major writer's block. I know what I want to happen, but it's hard trying to find a way to….express it. And I have two stories over on Fiction Press. I know. Totally stupid of me to write more stuff. But the point is, my characters are so much different from Bella, that I end up writing everyone wrong, and they all become OOC.

So now you're probably wondering why I was able to put that one-shot up. Well, it wouldn't leave me alone. I send mental, but whatever. I just kept on getting so many ideas, that I had to write it. So, that's why it was written.

So, I have no idea when the next updates will be. If it doesn't happen until August, I apologize. I'm going to keep a news section in my profile, so I suggest checking it once a week. There will also be a section that has each stories chapter progress.

Oh, if you want to read more of my stuff, check out my Fiction Press account. There's a link at the beginning of my profile. And read my new one-shot if you haven't.

K, I'm done rambling. Have a good summer and see you the next time I update.

- Alicia (if you have any questions, feel free to ask!)


Come Back- next chapter will be all about Jade and Nate.