I don't own teen titans.

Raven was sat on the rocks she had been sat on the other night with Last-Dance. She found herself looking out at the sea as the waves lightly sprayed her as they crashed against the rocks. She had so much going through her mind including her plan that, although the team didn't like it, they agreed on trying out.

"Are you okay?" A familiar voice asked from behind.

"No," Raven said simply. "I mean, I'm okay, but I'm not."

"I know what you mean," Ely said taking a seat on a rock not fare away. "You scared?" She asked looking out over the sea.

"Yes," Raven admitted turning to face Ely.

"Me too," she said giving Raven a look before returning her gaze to the sea. "I trust you though," she said as Raven gave a light smile.

The two sat sat in quiet for a moment before Raven floated off of the rock she was sat on and across to the one Ely was on. Ely turned to look at her wondering what she was doing. Both their eyes locked as they didn't say a word. Raven then lifted her hand to rest it on Ely's as she moved in and met Ely's lips with her own. It was brief but it was enough to take both thier breaths away. As they separated, Raven took a quick look round.

"What was that for?" Ely asked watching Raven carfully.

"Just an experiment," Raven smiled noticing that nothing was floating or exsploding.

She remembered how the first time Last-Dance had kissed her that nothing had happened and since had always dwelled about it. Since stopping her farther, she had gained a lot of control with her powers linking to her emotions but it didn't mean things still didn't happen when she felt a very strong or a sudden surge of emotion.

"Okay," Ely nodded looking unsure. "And, what did you find out?"

"Enough," Raven smiled looking at Ely still before a familiar beeping draw her attention away. She took out the T-Com before answering it. "Raven here."

"Kim and Tammy are back," Robin said as his face appeared on screen. "She's just setting up."

"Okay, be there soon," Raven said before putting the device away. "We better get back to the tower," she said standing up.

Back in the main room, a large map was laid out over the table. It was a map of Jump City and the outskirts of several miles surrounding it. Kim was stood at the side collecting a few different colour crystals out of an old looking tin and four well used candles. She laid the down in the centre of the map with the crystals laid round it and the candles at each corner. She then removed the tin and stepped round the table to make sure all was ready. Raven and Ely walked in and took a seat with the rest of the team.

"This is exciting," Starfire loudly whispered to Robin before Kim came to a stop.

She brought her arm out, holding her hand open, as she swipped it across the table and as she did, each candle came a light with a flame. She looked at the crystals for a moment before closing both her eyes and began to chant, "Thrughain Adhar Thruagort Isham."

The team watched as three of the crystals began to move. One of the crystals rolled down toward the coast while the second two headed up to the woods on the outskirts. They muttered about a little, trying to pin point an area before each lifted up to sit on thier ends, finally stopping. Kim opened her eyes as everyone looked in awe.

"So, what happened?" Cyborg asked unsure.

"It seems there was three whom are tied to the knife," Kim said looking at the locations.

"Well, this one will be Ely I'm guessing," Raven said pointing to the crystal on the coast pointing to where the Titan tower stood.

"Ely's blood on the knife," Kim nodded. "I presumed that would happen."

"So what about these two?" Beastboy asked looking at the two that were near to being sat on top of each other.

"One will be Ripper and the other, who knows," Kim shrugged. "Could be one of the Devils Hand who retrieved the knife? Even a finger print could cause the crystals to locate at times."

"Well it doesn't matter as we have a location," Robin said looking happy with the progress. "Now time for the plan," he said looking at Raven. "You sure about this, Rae?"

"They want to be with my farther so much, then we'll grant them thier wish," Raven said with a nod to their leader.

"Okay then, just to recap with everyone then," Robin said looking back to the team. "Last-Dance and Raven will find the Devils Hand while the rest of the Titans keep the Hell hounds, Ripper and the Executioner busy. While everyone is distracted, Tammy and Kim will retrieve the book. Did you manage to get in contact with Titans East yet, Cy?"

"No but I left them a message," Cyborg said looking a little less than pleased.

"That's okay," Robin said brushing it off. "Its then up to Kim to open this portal thing."

"I'll use the book to open a gate to hell," Kim nodded. "I've read from the book before so it won't be a problem. Once open though, you will have only seconds to force the Devils Hand in before I'll have to close it," she said looking at Ely. "Left open too long and anything on the other side could find thier way out."

"You sure your okay to become a portal again, Raven?" Robin asked looking at his team mate.

"This time I won't be letting my farther out," Raven said looking insistent. "I should be able to use my powers to direct the portal so it won't cause me to revert back into a child. I'm stronger this time and doing it at my own free will."

"And I'll be there by your side," Ely said giving Raven a supportive hand on her shoulder as Raven gave her a smile.

"Well Titans, let go," Robin said as they all got up to leave.

Cyborg and Robin headed to the T-Car while Beastboy and Starfire flew and Tammy and Kim followed close behind in their car. Raven and Ely was then left alone in the tower. Raven was going to teleport them both when the rest of the team drew closer so they had a few minutes. Ely was back in her Last-Dance uniform all par the hat and mask. She picked up the broken mask.

"You okay?" Raven asked watching her.

"Yeah just, seems a bit pointless wearing this now," she said looking at the mask.

"Then don't," Raven said simply. "Maybe this is the better you anyway," she smiled as Ely smiled back. "Come on, we have to go."

"Let's do it," Ely nodded putting the mask down as black surrounded them.

They appeared in the woods just as the two cars ware seen heading to them. They pulled up as Starfire and Beastboy landed. Everyone got out and joined up.

"According to the map, they should be right here," Cyborg said looking at the scanner on his arm.

"They could have moved since I did the location spell," Kim pointed out.

"Or they could be below us," Robin said looking around. "There's a lot of old caves up here. We need to find the entrance.

"Over there," Cyborg pointed. "There's an abandoned mine entrance that way. Abandoned sounds like a good starting point to search."

"Okay, let's go," Robin nodded as they all quietly headed in the direction. As they drew closer, they found themselves stood on top of a small drop. Below was a ledge with a not so safe looking path leading down. Beastboy turned into a fly and flew down to have a look before appearing again not so long later back up with the team.

"Yep, looks like a dark scary cave for sure," Beastboy said looking at the them.

"Okay, let's do this," Robin said looking ready. "Titans, Go!"