AN: Hey guys i just wanted to say im really sorry about not updating stalker this weekend. i couldn't get any inspiration. So instead i started a new one. Let me know what you think ,


Chapter 1: The Catcher in the Rye

The hallways were not empty...

He stalked down them slowly. Chatters from strangers. Pointing and staring. The hallway was wide. Door after door passed to his right and left. 105...106...107...Whispers from strangers continued. 108...109...Grey surrounded him from the ground up. Dim lights pointed toward the end of the hall. 110..111... He approached his designated dorm room slowly...112...


He placed his tanned hand on the door handle.

"Oi,oi! You're new here right?" He jumped at the sound of the sudden voice behind him. "Wow, we never get new-comers in the middle of a semester."

He turned quickly to face the stranger.

"Well, I'm Kiba." He reached his hand out to greet him.

No response.

"Well? What's your name?" He said impatiently, his hand still waiting in front of him.

"Oh, right." The blonde boy snapped out of his daze. "Uzumaki Naruto."

"Ah, You're cute. I'd be careful if I were you. Is that your dorm room for the year?" He motioned at the door reading '113'.

"Hai. Why should I be careful?" He asked the dark haired boy nervously.

"Because. Your roommates are..." He paused, looking for the right words.

"My roommates are what?" Naruto asked anxiously.

"Perverts." He said it with a wide grin plastered across his face.

Naruto stood silent in confusion.


"SO!?" Kiba shouted. "Don't you know where you are?"

"Not really." The blonde declared.

Kiba sighed. "Look. Let me lay it out on the floor for you."


"Ok, here. You just got transferred into an all boys boarding school for whatever reason right?"


"K. So, Being that this is second year, most -- in fact, all of the boys here have been here for 1 year already. With the exception of you and the freshman's."


"Each dorm has 4 boys situated in it. With the exception of room 113. For good reason."

Naruto nervously motioned for him to continue.

"Okay. Now, basically what I'm saying is. There are a little more than 100 boys all crammed into this 3 story jail cell they refer to as Konohakage Boarding School. All of which are of between the ages of 14 to 18."

"What are you getting at?"

"Holy crap the freshman's are less dense than you." Kiba brought his hand to his head. "All the boys in this school are really, REALLY sexually frustrated and all the kids in second year haven't had contact with women for more than a year."

"What??" At this point the blonde stared blankly at the boy in front of him.

"Ohmygod. Do I have to give a demonstration?" He threw his hand in the air then turned and grabbed the closest boy he could find.

Kiba pulled a boy coming out of room 112 and shoved him against the wall opposite to room 113. He pushed his lips against the boy. The boy placed his hands on Kiba's hips in co-operation.

Naruto was stunned. He stood in absolute awe and stared at the two boys kissing only a few feet away from him.

"Thanks Shino. I needed to give this idiot a taste of what's yet to come. He got stuck with them." Kiba motioned at the door again.

"No problem." He turned to walk away but stopped and turned to look at Naruto.

"And good luck." Shino turned back down the hallway.

"What was that!?" Naruto shouted at Kiba in confusion.

"Your future." Kiba shifted forward and planted a kiss on Naruto's cheek. "Man, I hate how the hottest guys always end up fucking each other."

"WHAT!?" Naruto yelled at Kiba as he headed back down the hallway after Shino.

"Hey! Look at it this way!" Kiba shouted back down the hallway. "They are hot!" He swung back around and threw an arm around Shino. They walked off together and entered another room near the front of the hall. Kiba looked back at Naruto and winked before leaving him outside in front of his future.

His future with them.


Naruto stood outside the door in absolute horror. Did he dare enter? He could feel the intensity of his heart thumping in his chest.

I don't wanna get raped! He thought to himself. He placed his hand back down on the handle and turned it slowly. The door swung open.

It was dark.

He glanced at the floor next to the door inside. No shoes around. Maybe, no one was here.

He reached around the wall in search of a light switch.

Brightness filled the foyer and front hall. He slipped his shoes of quietly and placed them on the floor neatly beside the wall. He walked a few feet ahead. The hallway opened into a big room with a television, a red couch and coffee table. It wasn't a particularly large room. To his left he noticed a partition that separated part of the living room from a kitchen. The kitchen had a fridge and a microwave.

For a dorm room, this place actually looked pretty nice. Naruto found a set of switches on the wall. He turned off the front hall light and turned on the kitchen and living room light.

He walked into the kitchen and placed his duffel bag on the floor. 4 cups of ramen slipped out and were placed into the overhead cupboard.

Naruto left the kitchen and brought his duffel bag out into the hall. He turned off the kitchen lights and looked around the living room. There were two openings in the back wall. One opening on the left and one on the right. Those must be the bedrooms.

Only two...

There were only two bedrooms. Which means he would be sleeping in the same room as one of 'them'. He walked into the room on the left. He flipped the lights on. Two beds. Thank god for small mercies. Thank god I won't be sharing a bed.

One bed on the left and one on the right. Each came with a night table. There was a closet opposite the door Naruto had walked through. The closet was filled with clothes. One half of the closet seemed to consist of sweaters. Mostly red, a few beige ones. there were also sweatpants and jeans, mostly black. The right side contrasted greatly. Dress shirts and pants. No colour. Either white, gray or black. There was also a tie rack. This guy must be classy.

Hmm, he looked down at the night table on the left. There was a picture of an older boy with a black hood and make-up all over his face and a girl styling fishnets and two blonde poofs in her hair. In front of the picture was a small dish filled with what looked like sand. That bed is obviously taken.

He looked over to the night table next to the bed on the left. A small, thin black book lay on the nightstand. A black pen rested over the writing on the front of the book. It read: "Diary". Curious. A boy who keeps a diary. There was also a small black alarm clock. This room already has two mates. I suppose I'll be staying in the room on the right.

He turned off the light and carried his bag around to the other room. He walked in and turned on the lights again. The two bedrooms were identical. He looked to his right and looked at the nightstand again. There was a tall skinny lamp with a book under it. He walked over to the table after throwing his bag on the bed to the left. He picked up the book.

The Catcher in the Rye.

"Creepy..." Naruto thought aloud.

He placed the book back on the table and walked over to the closet.

Everything. The closet had every style of clothing Naruto had ever seen. There were blue and black sweatshirts. Red dress shirts. Black dress pants. Ties. Leather belts. Studded Belts. Blue jeans. Jewelry. White T-shirts. Running shoes. Dress shoes. Slippers. Every kind of clothing under the sun. This guy most be loaded.

Naruto shuffled through the clothes more. Each article had a strange insignia on them. All the jeweler had the insignia too. Cuff links. Chains and bracelets. Most of the T-shirts were blue or black. All of which had an oversized collar. A design Naruto had never seen before. He pulled out one of the oversized sweatshirts to further examine it. This is custom made! The stitching. The texture. It was so soft. The design. You couldn't get this anywhere.

"It's not polite to go through other peoples things." Naruto almost jumped out of his skin at the sound of the deep voice coming through the doorway. It was followed by the distinctive odour of cigarette smoke. Naruto dropped the sweater on the floor. and turned around.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know--" He looked at the boy across the room. He had one leg firmly planted against the ground and the other resting parallel to his back against the doorframe. He inhaled a long drag from a cigarette and exhaled upward tilting his head back.

Naruto was frozen staring up at the tall, pale boy. His dark hair draped in front of his cold face.

"I take it you're my new roommate?" He motioned at the duffel bag resting on the bed. Naruto followed his eyes and slowly looked over a his bag.

He snapped out of his trance.

"Hai." He could hardly speak. After what he'd heard from Kiba. Could this boy be one of them.

"That's too bad. I was enjoying having a room to myself." The boy walked over to his bed as he took another long drag from his cigarette.

"A-are you really allowed to do that in the dorms?" Naruto asked nervously.

"What this?" He looked at the cigarette. "No."

"Oh." Naruto said quietly.

"But, who's gonna know?" He opened one of the drawers on the nightstand and pulled out a black ashtray. "As long as there's no evidence. They'll never know." He talked low. His voice seemed sad. Naruto looked into his dark eyes. He could read the pain in his presence.

Naruto could see how lonely he was.

Naruto shared that feeling.

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto." He walked over to the boy sitting on the bed and reached out a hand.

The dark haired boy took it in his own and shook gently.

"Uchiha Sasuke."
