Use this so your not confused reading who said what:


Kish Ichigo

Tartu Purin

Ryou Rettasu

Masaya Minto

Keiichiro Zakuro


Ichigo Kish

Purin Tartu

Rettasu Ryou

Minto Masaya

Zakuro Keiichiro

Summary: Kish and his team decide to use a Phase they found on their computer to destroy the Mew Mew's called "Clone Body Crush Switch Phase 62." Whoever has a crush on someone will be switched with someone they know. Ichigo and Kish is both switched, Ryou is switched with Rettasu, Purin is switched with Tartu, Zakuro is switched with Keiichiro, and Minto is switched with Masaya! gasp Is this the end of the Mew Mew's and will they ever get switched to their normal bodies? R&R to find out!

Tokyo Mew Mew Crossover.

Chapter 01

"The Evil Plan."

Fanfiction Written by: Sakura Emmart.

Kish and his friends were thinking of a plan to defeat the Mew Mew's in their own personal lab they have. Kish was sitting next to Tart smiling and thinking about Ichigo happily (In perverted ways… --; since he's a guy his boyish hormones are kicking in.) as Tart and Pie thought seriously about how they could bring the Mew Mew's down. "Hey, I got an idea." Said Pie as he was typing on his computer than soon it flashed something and it said 'Clone Body Crush Switch Phase 62.' "Let's use this, Clone Body Switch Phase 62." Tart's ears popped up as he heard it. "That would be… kind of weird but… yes very useful." Said Tart agreeing with Pie. "What do you think, Kish?" asked Tart turning to Kish. Kish didn't pay attention and didn't care so he just nodded his head not knowing what they were talking about. "Yeah, sure… whatever." Said Kish as he waved his hand up and down. "Okay, then. It starts… when they wake up the next morning." Said Pie as he pushed the enter button on his computer after he pushed a few keys.

Ichigo was snuggle asleep peacefully until… suddenly her alarm rang and woke her up. "Umn…" sighed Ichigo as she heard her alarm. 'Wait… this isn't my room…' thought Ichigo as she looked around and heard the alarm go off. "T… That… means… Wait…" said Ichigo as she looked down at her body and blushed. "I'm in Ichigo's body!" yelled Kish which when he yelled he had Ichigo's voice since his soul transferred to her body. "Wait… That's pretty nice then." Smirked Kish as he turned off his alarm. "that means…" said Kish giggling as he put his hand on her breasts and sighed. "I have wanted to do that for so long now, my sweet kitty cat." Smirked Kish. Kish let go of her breasts and decided to respect her body for now. "Are you all right, honey I heard you scream." Said Ichigo's mom worried.

'Oh… great it's her mom…' sweatdropped Kish. "I-I'm good mom, really." Sweatdropped Kish. "Well, I have pancakes for you down stairs." Smiled her mother. 'Awesome, I don't have to make my own breakfast now?' thought Kish excited as he rushed downstairs to the kitchen. "Hi honey." Smiled her dad. 'honey…? Oh… wait I'm Ichigo I forgot.' Sighed Kish deep into his thoughts. "What's wrong, Ichigo?" asked her father. "Nothing, daddy-o." smiled Kish as he ran to the table and sat down. "Daddy-o?" repeated her dad confused. 'She never called me that before…" sweatdropped her father thinking there was something wrong with her. Her Mother walked down into the kitchen and sat a plate of pancakes in front of her daughter. (which was really Kish.) "Eat up." smiled her mother. "All right." smiled Kish happily as he digged in messily. "Hey, did you forget your manners, Ichigo?" asked her mom disappointed she didn't eat lady-like.

"Manners?" questioned Kish. "Sit up straight." Ordered her mother disappointed that she didn't know what she was talking about. Kish sat up a little bit straighter but just barely. "No, like this!" exclaimed her mom as she pushed her back as far as it could go straight. "Ow, ow, ow… okay that hurts…" whined Kish. "Then, you have to eat without getting syrup all over your face like you did 5 minutes ago." Smiled her mom knowing she knew how to do it. Kish took another sloppy bite and smiled. "Like that?" asked Kish. Her mother sweatdropped, "Are you sick, Ichigo-chan?" asked her mother feeling her head for a fever. Kish shook his head. "Nah, I'm good." Smiled Kish as he wiped his mouth. "Yay, you actually did something with good manners!" squealed her mom as she jumped up. Kish looked at her strange and started to leave outside. 'Okay… that woman freaks me out…' thought Kish as he walked outside in Ichigo's front yard and started walking. "I wonder, where Tartu and Pie could be?" thought Kish. "Oh, wait… I'm still Ichigo I couldn't run over to them and work with them if I am Ichigo." Sighed Kish as he just kept on walking down the road.

Ichigo's Turn

Kish woke up in his bed looking around at his room. "Nya…?" questioned Kish. "W-Where am I!? This isn't my room!" exclaimed Kish a little scared as he shook a bit in his bed. Kish looked down at his body and saw he had no clothes on but black men's underwear. "I… I don't wear men's underwear, and where is my breasts!?" screamed Kish. Pie and Tartu ran into his room. "What's wrong, Kish?" asked Pie looking confused at him. "It's you!" yelled Kish pointing at them. "Na no da, Ichigo-chan!" smiled Tartu happily. "Yes, I'm Ichigo! Why did you put me into Kish's body especially when he was sleeping and have nothing but underwear on!" growled Kish upset. Pie chuckled, "We thought it would be funny seeing Kish act like Ichigo." Giggled Pie. "Who else is switched?" asked Kish. "Well, Minto is switched with Masaya, Rettasu is switched with Ryou, Purin is switched with Tartu, and Zakuro is switched with Keiichiro." Said Pie. "Great, now I have to live like Kish my whole life!?" yelled Kish.

"No, just until you kiss someone." Smiled Pie trying not to laugh. "This isn't funny…" pouted Kish looking at the ground. "Now… I can't be around Masaya-kun." pouted Kish again crossing his arms. "I'm sorry Ichigo, but you have to pass this challenge and I challenge you to it!" laughed Pie. "Fine, I accept your challenge!" yelled Kish glaring Pie down. "Yeah, na no da!" cheered Tart. "Now… umn… where is his clothes?" sweatdropped Kish blushing. "In your drawer." Said Pie as he pointed to a drawer by Kish's bed. Kish walked over to it and changed as Tartu and Pie left the room. 'Ew, ew, ew… I have to touch his body just to get dressed…' thought Ichigo grossed out as she tried to put his shorts onto his body that she was in. "Uh… how do you get these shorts on!" cried Kish trying to put his shorts on.


Ryou was fast asleep in her bed. "zzz…oh my…" sighed Ryou and suddenly she clumsily fell off her bed when she turned over since she was at the edge. "ah… ohmy!ohmy!ohmy!ohmy!ohmy!!!" screamed Ryou as she fell out of bed. "Ow… oh…" cried Ryou a bit. "Huh?" questioned Ryou as he looked down at himself. "I-I-I turned into a boy!?" cried Rettasu freaked out. She ran to the mirror and looked at herself. "Oh no… I turned into… Ryou-kun…" blushed Ryou embarrassed.


Keiichiro was fast asleep on her bed. (Or so she thought…) 'Ah… I had a dream of eating fish with a pack of wolves… strange…' thought Keiichiro as he slowly woke up sleepily. He sat at the edge of the bed soon to see that his legs were not feminine… and he had, longer and darker purple hair than usual. "W-why am I in Keiichiro's body?" blushed Keiichiro confused as he noticed the hair color and length of hair. 'This is strange…' thought Keiichiro as he went towards his closet and picked out random clothes she thought would look good on Keiichiro and he put them on himself. Keiichiro exited his room and saw Ryou straight ahead of him. 'Great… how would I explain this to Ryou?' thought Keiichiro as he walked up towards him.

"uh… Keiichiro-san!" yelled Ryou worried-like. 'Eh?' thought Keiichiro very surprised. "This is Rettasu, somehow my body got switched with Ryou's." cried Ryou worried again. "I'm sorry Rettasu-chan… but this is Zakuro… same thing happened to me." said Keiichiro calmly with straight forward sleepy eyes. "Zakuro-sama!" cried Ryou with tears coming down his cheeks as he hugged Keiichiro tightly. "I'm so glad, that's you!" cried Ryou again. Keiichiro hugged back. "It's all right, Rettasu-chan." said Keiichiro calmly again as he patted Ryou's back. Ryou got off of him and smiled. "We need to find the others." Added Ryou. "Uh-huh." nodded Keiichiro understandingly as they exited the Café.