Third and final chapter: the fluff (actual chapter title). Going to go over KatAang kisses…still Aang's b-day. I'll be using a kiss that I made up in another story of mine called "Prank."(please read that story too if you haven't already…it's just a short kataang piece)

I couldn't just end his b-day with "The Talk." "The Talk" isn't such a great b-day present.

Thanks to everyone who reviewed, here's the chapter!


(The Fluff)

Aang rolled over.

The day was over, and yet he couldn't sleep. The day hadn't really been that strenuous, but he was tired… and he couldn't stop thinking what had happened.

He had kissed Katara…

And that thought kept him awake.

He sat up, yawning. He had to get it off his mind, or he'd never get to sleep. He walked a little distance away to the stream they had camped by. He air lifted himself onto a handy tree branch, and let himself drift away in thought.

He had had the best day ever, that was for sure.

Well… Sokka had put a bit of a damper on that with the whole "talk" thing. It made talking to Katara awkward… and Toph was completely unapproachable.

Sokka seemed to keep forgetting that, and entered "the danger zone" as Aang had dubbed it, several times in a row, before getting the picture. Toph had set up an invisible boundary around herself, and anyone who entered it was promptly ejected.


He let his eyes drift over the calm water, recalling how Katara had practiced her bending there just that day… he had neglected joining her do to residual awkwardness from the talk… though the offer had been very tempting.

He wondered when waterbending lessons had stopped being about the water and started being about the teacher. It was certainly a treat to be the student. One-on-one time became the gain, while waterbending was just a bonus.

He palmed his forehead. It was certainly worth watching her. She really was an incredible waterbender, even when she was less than fully dressed.

He felt himself blush.

Where did that thought come from? I can't go without thinking about her for more than five minutes, and now my mind throws in these little comments…

The air dancing was incredible.

It had been. He'd never really danced all that much, it was just one of those things he had picked up. The monks and priestesses from the temples had come together and had festivals, where other airbenders from outside the temples had come… but that was the end of his experience. Dancing in a huge group with someone you didn't know was different than the very personal and very solitary affair he'd had with Katara…

It still gave him shivers, and the memory came back to him clearly, as if it were happening right before his eyes.


"May I have this dance?"

She smiled and bit her lip. "I don't know how to dance."

He smiled. "It's okay. I don't know too well either. Air dancing isn't my strongest point. I just know the basics."

She smiled. "Then you may, I suppose."

He had floated them back up into the mist, and they had danced together through the mist, through the rainbows. Everything had seemed so surreal, and dream-like. Even Katara had looked like some figure out of a dream… though he had always thought her beautiful.

He had pulled her close to him, and she didn't mind in the slightest. He felt happy…purely happy… and had, for a small amount of time, forgotten that anything existed outside the mist.

It had felt like he had lost control over his body… and he hadn't cared.

He remembered resting his forehead against hers, and seeing the spark of what looked like pleasure in her eyes… lighting them up so beautifully.

Then he had kissed her.

And she had kissed him back.

----------End Flashback

He sighed and leaned back against the trunk of the tree. He remembered what his wish had been… he had wished he could kiss Katara again.

And it had come true very fast.

How many kisses did that make?

There had been that one kiss on the cheek when he returned her necklace. But that was on the cheek and didn't really count.

There had been the kiss in the Cave of Two Lovers… but that had been forced under the circumstances, and had been nothing more than a quick peck; just a very good peck.

There had been that time Toph tricked them into kissing (Prank). That had been much closer to a real kiss… though it had been a trick. Katara and he had held it there for a while…until Sokka started making fun of them. It was a kiss, but they had been tricked into it; no one had actually initiated a kiss.

So that made this one the real first kiss.

And she had kissed him back. What did that mean?

Were they still "just friends"?

A soft rustling in the bushes interrupted his train of thought. He warily brought himself into a more alert position, prepared in case an attacker was coming. He doubted it though; with Toph's extra sensitivity she could catch almost anything.

He relaxed, for it was only Katara.

"Hey." She called softly. "Couldn't sleep?"

"Nah. You?"

Katara just shook her head. She wasn't about to admit that her thoughts of the air dancing were keeping her awake.

"What are you doing up there?" She asked quietly, not wanting to wake Toph and Sokka. She snorted at the ridiculousness. Nothing would wake those two up, except maybe an earthquake. That would wake up Toph at least.

"Thinking. Want to come up?"

Katara nodded. Aang absently air lifted her onto the branch with him. They both froze for a moment, struck by the memory of that day when Aang had lifted himself and Katara, to dance.

Katara let out a barely audible sigh. Aang caught it though, and wondered briefly.

Does she want to dance again?

They sat in silence, enjoying each other's company.

Aang bit his lip, wondering if he should voice his question.

"What did you think of air dancing?"

Katara bit her lip, picking up on the unsaid question. What did you think of the kiss?

"It was incredible." She decided, glancing over at Aang to see his reaction.

He had a huge smile on his face.

"Would you…um…like to dance again?"


"Why not?"

"Okay." She said quietly. She knew there was a chance they'd get caught in the moment again… but she didn't mind.

He smiled, and took her hands, floating the two of them to the ground. They walked over to the stream, and began to walk out over the water.

Aang hovered them in place gently, still holding her hands. He rearranged his hands quickly, careful to keep the air supporting her so she wouldn't go plunging into the river.

Once they were prepared, they began to dance.

They started moving slowly over the surface of the water.

The water was like glass, easily reflecting the full moon overhead. It remained smooth as they slowly circled across it.

As they danced slowly across their silver floor, their eyes met. Then neither was aware of the beauty around them.

Aang moved them higher, escalating to match his soaring feelings, for he was not truly thinking about his airbending, letting his instincts and emotions govern what little work needed to be done. He focused instead on the beauty before him, convinced that he would never find another like her, even if he waited another hundred years.

Katara looked down, and gasped. They were floating over twenty feet above the silver stream. She clutched at Aang. He pulled her close, muttering in her ear.

"It's okay. I'm here."

They both recalled the hug from the free fall, and those same words he had spoken then. He slowly began to rotate them, still twenty feet above the water.

Katara closed her eyes. She was out of her element here... and completely immersed in his.

She began to feel more comfortable, and loosened her death grip on him. He smiled at her. She couldn't help but smile back. Seeing her smile like that awoke the being within him that had taken over before when they had danced. Before his mind could stop him, he kissed her.

And she kissed back.

At that moment, neither had a wish that could not be made true.

At that moment, neither could love the other more.


I loved writing that.

I made up air dancing. I figured since in episode 1-17, "The Northern Air Temple," they called the people 'air walkers,' I figured air 'dancers' wasn't too far off base. I meant to put this bit in chapter one, but I didn't remember until I did the bit for chapter three…

Thank you for reading my little multi chapter story.

Reviews please!
