A/N: Well boys and girls. Here it is. I won't keep you in suspense any longer. The very final chapter of 'All That Glitters'. Considering the threats of violence etc from the last chapter, I'm guessing I touched a nerve? I'm twisted. We all know this. Read and find out what happens next ;)

I honestly cannot believe we're here. When I first started posting this story back in October, I never imagined that we'd get here. I am truly thankful to each and every single person who reads and/or reviews what I write.

This story is special to me, and when I first joined FF, this Randy and Trish relationship was what I started with. As well being sentimental, when I look back at my writing of 'Follow Me Home', and then look at 'All That Glitters', I can see how far I've come. I hope you guys have enjoyed these stories as much as I have enjoyed writing them.

The response I have had to this story has just been amazing. You guys have gotten so passionate about these characters, I am truly humbled. From just reading, to reviews, to PMs and e-mails, I have had so much feedback from everyone and I am really thankful.

I would like to say thank you to the following people. You read, you review, you have my story as a favourite or on alert. You guys are just awesome -

DaGirl, Devil on the run, Electra54, Lil'MissCena, Recco101, Southernbelle99, Tragically Twisted, TrishOrton, coldh0pe, fallenforHIM, keddie6, kimberlin, rory21, thealphamale, veracruzortongal, xAttitudex, xxcharmedangel109xx, FulloSpunk, Nocturnal Rose, Princess Mel, cenasgrl, con's girl, general01lee, shannygoat, TheRealKellyAnne, grleviathan, amis-smiaxo, VASHORTYGIRL, LaLa2004, Matty1 (if I've thanked you twice, feel lucky lol! If I've missed you, I'm sorry!)

Special mention to my girls - Kim, Nicole & Jhanelle. You three, without a doubt, are the most loyal readers I have. Whenever I open my inbox, you three have reviewed, either telling me what a dolt I am for doing something, threatening me with something or other for what I've done etc. It doesn't matter what I post and where, you guys are with me all the way. Thank you guys. This chapter is for you.

Thank you to Shanny and Chynna. You two are just two of the greatest people. Nuff said.

And to those who read without having me down as something. You guys number in the hundreds, and I would love to give you a shout out, but I can't because I don't know who you are! But love and light to each of you. Thank you for sharing this story with me

So, for the very last time with this story, here is your newest (and last) chapter for your reading enjoyment. I disclaim! And if you're reading', get to reviewin'. Love and Light.


Lana's voice echoed softly in the darkened relatives' room. Perched on the edge of a green polyester seat, her hands clasped desperately at her knees as she watched him.

On the opposite side of the room Randy Orton was sat. He was slumped back into his chair, as though his body were made from rubber. Solid but unstable. His hands rested weakly at his sides, his head on a slight tilt. His shirt was dirtied and torn, the sleeve of the right arm ripped from cuff to the elbow. On his left shoulder, a few dots of blood stained the material. They had come from the wound on the side of his head, which was now an angry red smudge on his temple. A few nicks and grazes marred his otherwise flawless face. Down his cheeks were dried rivers of tears that he had shed. Now, they were dark marks of his sorrow. Even his usually expressive mouth hung slightly open, the hint of his pink tongue barely visible behind his teeth.

Lana found it difficult to look into his eyes. They were always seen as his best feature. Bright, crystal blue rounds sparkling with emotion and life. They captivating and absorbing, making it all too easy for anyone fall into their depths and never want to come back out. But it seemed they would shine no more.

The crystal blue seemed to have faded to grey in darkness. The colour was watery, as though the very vitality had been sucked out of him. The stared lazily into space across the room, focusing on nothing. If Lana didn't know better, she would think her friend had slipped into some kind of catatonic state. There seemed to be nothing left of the Randy that she had known for most of her life. Sat before her was a shell of Randy, and empty vessel. A mockery of the man he used to be.

Standing up from her seat, she cautiously approached her friend. Taking several small steps across the room, Lana saw that Randy didn't react. He just continued to sit there. She found herself wondering if he had even blinked recently.

Softly sitting down beside him, she gently took his hand in her own. The knuckles were bruised, with the heel of his palm grazed against the road from his earlier accident. Making gentle circular motions on the back of his hand, Lana tried to wake him from his silence. "Talk to me Randy. Say something…anything."

Feeling defeated, it became clear Randy was not going to move. Starting to feel as though she had lost her friend, Randy suddenly moved. His head gently turned to face Lana. His eyes held the same vacant expression as he looked at Lana. She felt like he could see her, but couldn't recognise her. "I don't understand."

His soft voice sent chills down her spine. Lana wanted nothing more than to burst into tears herself. If what Randy had sobbed earlier was true, then Trish was gone. Not allowing herself to touch her own grief that rested beneath the surface, Lana continued to be as strong as she could. For Randy, if nothing else. "I'm sorry Randy. I am so sorry."

"How can this have happened?" Randy whispered gently into the room, as though not acknowledging what Lana had said at all. "How can she have gone?"

"You don't know that Randy. Maybe she'll be okay. Maybe…" Lana desperate attempts to reassure the heartbroken Randy were cut off.

"I held her in my arms…" Randy's face seemed to contort into a mask of disbelief and incredulity all at once. "…and she just left me. I saw her slip away…and the Nurse said…"

His voice faltered, as a fresh flood of tears began pooling in his eyes. Reliving the moment was too much for him. He was teetering on the edge of a total breakdown, and could feel no way stop himself from tumbling over the edge. It was like someone was pulling a cliff from beneath him, and he was falling head first into an endless pit of darkness. There would be no way out for him.

For the first time since he had entered the room, Randy's eyes suddenly focused. It was as though he could register the fact Lana was sat before him. He became suddenly agitated as a sea of emotions began to churn inside him. "What am I going to do without her Lana? How am I supposed to go on?" His eyes pleaded with her Lana for an answer. "What am I going to do?"

She knew he was relying on her for some kind of comfort. But Lana didn't have the words. If the worst had happened, what could she possibly say to make anything right? She couldn't fathom a life without Trish herself. How could she hope to help her grieving husband?

Randy's face fell even further, a look of sheer terror twisting his tired features. "…what am I going to tell her mother?" The idea petrified Randy to the core. How could tell Trish's mother that she was gone? How could you tell a mother that her daughter was gone, and would never come back?

"Don't worry about that Randy," Lana soothed. "We can figure that out later. Right now we just need to -…"

"I have to call her mother." Randy stood up, immediately cutting Lana off mid-sentence. His eyes fell across the door on the opposite side of the room. In a zombie like state, Randy started to stagger forward.

Lana immediately stood in front of him. Despite the fact his eyes stayed fixed on the door ahead, Lana rested her hands on his chest, as she gently pushed him back. "Randy you need to sit down. I'll take care of everything, I promise. Just sit down, okay?"

Defeated, Randy allowed himself to be seated back where he was. "It wasn't supposed to be like this." He whispered to no-one particular. "We were supposed to be together forever. This was supposed to be the happiest day of our lives." A tear rolled down Randy's cheeks as he stared down at his own hands. "I can't do this without her. I can't live…I can't breathe…I can't…"

Tears overcame Randy, as he buried his head into his hands, sobbing gently. Lana felt her own tears roll down her cheeks, but she made no effort to brush them away. Leaning closer to Randy, she wrapped her arms around him. Holding him as close to her as she could, she let him cry. His body shuddered with sobs, as they seemed to escalate even further.

Sniffing gently, Lana turned her head at the sound of an opening door. A teary Jeff Hardy stepped through, holding a steaming cup of tea in his hands. Gently closing the door behind him, he walked into the room. Kissing the back of Randy's head gently, Lana stood up and crossed the room to meet Jeff.

The couple embraced gently, and Jeff carefully brushed his thumb over Lana's cheeks to wipe away the tears. "How is he?" Jeff's southern twang was lilting with unspoken grief as he looked across the room to the broken Randy.

"I think he's in shock." Lana confided. "I'm really scared for him Jeff. I don't think he's going to be able to cope if…if…" Jeff immediately understood what Lana couldn't bring herself to say. Hugging her gently, he pressed his lips to her temple. Grateful for the support, Lana allowed her head to find Jeff's shoulder and rest there for a moment as she composed herself. "What did the Nurses say?"

Jeff sighed. Leading Lana across the room towards Randy, he lowered himself into a seat. "They wouldn't tell me anything. Just said to wait in here until someone came in for us."

Lana nodded mutely. Taking the tea from Jeff, she carefully handed it to Randy. He cradled the cup in his hands, without doing anything else. Turning back to Jeff, Lana shook her head. "It's been almost an hour Jeff. What could possibly take that long?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Jeff had no answer. It didn't matter however, as a soft knock at the door preceded the entrance of Doctor Megan Carey. Her face was ash white, and utterly exhausted. Wringing her hands in front of her, she scanned the room until she found Randy sat in the corner.

"Randy." His head looked upwards, obviously having difficulty focusing on anything through his tears. "Could you step outside with me please?"

Randy seemed about ready to sob again. Placing the cup down on the table, he tried to get to his feet. They gave way beneath him, and he sank to his knees. Immediately, Jeff and Lana were on either side of him, gently helping him to stand. Nodding at the help, Randy slowly ventured forward under his own power. Holding the door open, Megan followed Randy out into the hallway.

The stopped in front of the delivery room, the door of which Megan pushed open. Randy meekly followed inside. Leaning against the wall, Megan softly folded her arms across her chest. Seemingly taking her time, she finally looked up at Randy.

"I don't think I need to tell you that things didn't go as I would have liked, Randy." Randy nodded briefly in silence. His body started to tremble softly. In an effort to control it, he in turn wrapped his arms around his body, hugging himself as protection against what was to come. "There were some serious complications. The stress of the birth was too much for the baby to cope with, and it's heart rate was dropping to quickly for us to continue with a natural birth." Randy's bottom lips started to tremble. He tried desperately to prepare himself for what was to come next.

It was a futile effort however. He simply had nothing left. Any emotional strength he may have had, had been shattered as easily as glass during the birth. "As you know, I had no choice to call for an emergency caesarean section. It was touch and go Randy, really it was."

Tears started to fall from Randy's eyes, which he slapped away as quickly as he could. "My baby?" It was barely above a whisper, and not really a question. What Randy was desperate to was if his baby was okay. He couldn't bring himself to say the words. If he did, and the answer was negative, Randy knew he would simply curl up and die on the floor. And there was no way he would assume the worst. Those two words seemed to hang in the air between Randy and Megan for an eternity, before the Doctor spoke.

"Why don't you take a look for yourself?" Megan smile gently. Taking Randy by the hand, she led him through a set of double doors into another room. A curtain separated the room in half.

Where Randy and Megan entered, Randy could make out a glass box. Obviously an incubator of sorts, he didn't dare move any further. Placing a hand on the small of his back, Megan walked Randy gently forward. He held off looking until the last possibly second. Glancing down into the space, Randy felt his heart skip several beats. His breath hissed out of his mouth as he registered what was before him.

Resting in a pool of pink blankets rested a little baby. Obviously slumbering, the tiny limbs would fidget every once in a while, causing the little features to contract. Randy turned to Megan, his eyes wide with shock and admiration. "Randy, say hello to your daughter." Randy's mouth opened and closed several times, as he looked from Megan to the baby and back again. Blinking, it was almost as though he couldn't believe what was before him. "Would you like to hold her?"

"Can I?" Randy ventured in disbelief.

Megan smiled. Leaning over, she carefully scooped the baby up inside the blanket. Holding the baby to close, she carefully handed her over to the waiting Randy. The second Megan placed his daughter into his arms, Randy felt his heart burst. Tears he didn't know he hadn began to run down his cheeks. The tiny life in his arms was the most precious thing he had ever seen in his life. This was his daughter. Randy looked back at Megan, smiling despite his tears. "She's beautiful."

"She's perfect Randy." Megan smiled, gently caressing the baby's head. "A healthy seven pounds and four ounces. Congratulations."

Megan took a step back for a moment to give Randy a few moments. Sniffing back his tears, he smiled down at the stirring baby in his arms. Her eyes opened slowly. They were full, and an intense shade of brown. She definitely had her mothers' eyes.

Smiling at the thought, Randy suddenly felt the icy chill of loss sweep through him. Trish would never know. She would never get to see how much her daughter looked like her, how they had the same eyes. She would never get to hold her baby in her arms, or be able to love her for the rest of her life.

In an intense crash of feeling, Randy felt the most devastating loneliness and feeling of completion at the same time. How it was possible, Randy didn't know. Gently laying his daughter back down, Randy took a step back to simply look at her. Tilting his head, he moved forward. Bending down over the cot, his softly brushed his lips against her forehead. She was the most precious thing he had ever known, and Randy vowed he make sure she grew up to know that.

Megan stepped forward again, resting her hand on Randy's shoulder. Despite himself, Randy couldn't help but feel a loss of Trish not being here to see this moment. "Trish." His voice wasn't even a whisper, but Megan had managed to catch the spoken word.

"She's going to fall in love with her the minute she lays eyes on her." Megan beamed.

Randy turned to face her fully. He clearly didn't understand. "What?"

Remaining oblivious, Megan smiled warmly. "Trish is going to fall head over heels with your daughter Randy."

"You…you mean…?" Randy stopped speaking, pressing his hand against his chest in fear of his heart beating right out of his chest.

A light of recognition sparked in Megan's eyes. She realised the last thing Randy had seen was Trish flat-lining before his eyes. He didn't know what else had happened. "She's alright Randy. Trish is alright. She's sleeping. Come on."

Taking his hand, Megan walked the dazed Randy across the room. Gripping the edge of the curtain that separated the room, she pulled in back. Randy couldn't help but whimper. Resting on the bed was Trish. Her eyes were closed softly, as her chest rose and fell gently beneath the covers. Her skin was a healthy pink, her golden hair spread out all around her head. She looked peaceful as she slept, the constant bleep of her heart monitor the only sound breaking the easy silence.

"I thought," Randy sobbed, "the Nurse said she…"

"That she flat-lined?" Megan finished the sentence for Randy. "She did. Twice actually. We lost her two times during the birth. But I brought her back Randy. You know better than anyone how strong your wife is. She's going to be fine." Randy nodded mutely through a flood of tears. "She lost a lot of blood during the birth. She's very fragile at the moment so she's going to have stay here for a few days until she gets her strength back. But she's sleeping peacefully. Mother and baby are going to be absolutely fine."

Megan all at once found herself engulfed in Randy's strong arms. Squeezing her into a tight embrace, he repeatedly thanked Megan. Over and over again as he held her close. She would never know just how truly thankful Randy was for what Megan had done for his family today. "I'll leave you three alone." Megan smiled. "I'll go update your friends."

After Randy allowed her to leave, Megan quietly left the room. Standing unmoving, Randy was content to just watch his wife sleep. Her beautiful features were completely at peace. There was no sign of stress of worry. Just an inner peace that Randy had never seen before. Cautiously, he crept closer to the bed. No sooner had he reached the edge, did Randy feel his sorrow pouring from his eyes. Crying unashamedly, Randy leant across the bed, desperate to be near to his wife.

Resting his head on her should, he continued to sob softly. His grief that was absolute almost minutes ago was slowly melting away to the greatest sense of joyous relief. Softly stroking her hair, Randy gently brushed his lips against Trish's. She stirred softly, but remained asleep. Smiling, Randy whispered softly in her ear. "I love you too."

By the time Megan had returned, it seemed the day's events had finally caught up to the new father. Peering in through window to the room, she smiled gently. Randy got onto the bed along side Trish. Although it looked as though he was perched precariously, his body had curved to be against Trish's. What touched Megan more than anything else was Trish. Whether unconsciously or not, her hand had slipped across her body to rest on Randy's shoulder. Sniffing back a tear, Megan sighed. They were going to be okay.

The car gently eased into the driveway of the St. Louis home. Coming to a complete stop, the car ceased to move. Sitting in silence for a moment, life suddenly came to the vehicle as the front door opened. Out stepped Jeff Hardy. His newly-dyed blue locks had been pulled back into a pony-tail, freeing his handsome features of the weight of his hair. One the other side of the car, the passenger door opened. Lana emerged. Her brunette hair tumbled in loose curls over her shoulders and back as she smiled.

Opening the door to the backseat, the retrieved a huge stuffed teddy-bear. A bright pink bow had been wrapped around its neck giving it a subtle feminine touch. Jeff too looked on the backseat, bringing out a long handled basket filled with assorted toys and clothes made specifically for a baby girl.

Taking each others' hand, they headed up the path towards the large three-storey house. It seemed a life time ago that they had come here one evening to inform their mutual friend that they had become a couple. It reality, in the four weeks that had passed since that fateful night, things were somehow beginning to return to normal.

After spending a fortnight in hospital, Trish Orton had finally been allowed to return home with her newborn daughter. Word had spread through their friends and family of what exactly had happened during the birth. Randy and Trish had been inundated with well wishes and kind thoughts. The strangest seemed to come from the Chairman of the Board himself, Vince McMahon. He insisted that Randy take off as much time as he felt he needed to be with his daughter. As Vince had put it, Randy was to tell the company when exactly he felt he was ready to return to work. He had even gone so far as to assure Randy that the Championship belt would still be waiting for him when he returned.

Thankful for small mercies, Randy had seized the opportunity to stay at home with his wife and newborn daughter. Indeed, after being confronted with the idea losing his wife, Randy honestly couldn't imagine going back to work. Knowing what it felt like to be without her, he didn't know if he could face resuming his wrestling schedule and being away from his wife. Not to mention his newborn baby. But Trish had assured him that he could cross that bridge when he came to it.

It seemed fitting now, that a month after the baby's birth, Randy and Trish were ready to introduce their daughter to their friends and family. If nothing else, Trish had joked, all the girls from the locker room had been amazingly patient with her. It would be simply cruel to keep them from meeting the newest edition to the Orton family any longer.

Knocking the front door, Jeff was confronted with chuckling face of John Cena. Pulling Hardy into a man hug, he and Lana were ushered into the front room, where everyone had gathered. It was almost a crush of people, every single seat being filled beyond capacity. There were wrestlers past and present from the WWE, along with referees and trainers and other friends the couple had. Not to mention the McMahon's, who were completely represented by all four members of the family along with their respective partners.

Jeff smiled as he saw JR sat in between Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson and Hunter, the three men deep in conversation about the births of their own daughters. Across from them, the 'divas' had poured together. Lana had joined them, and they were busily drinking champagne and squealing with delight at the idea of meeting Trish and Randy's baby.

Smirking, Jeff turned to look up the stairs. Smiling, he waved up to Randy and Trish who were making their way down. Wrapped in a white blanket, their daughter was geld comfortably against Trish's chest, as Randy held a protective arm around his wife.

Randy seemed to be positively glowing with pride. Dressed in jeans and a white tee-shirt, nothing could compare to the smiled etched on his face as they made their way down the stairs.

And Trish didn't disappoint by any stretch of the imagination either. Dressed in a simple white shirt and a black knee length skirt, her skin glowed. Her features were soft and relaxed, haloed by the mane of blonde hair that spilled around her shoulders. Despite the fact that she had lost almost all of her baby-weight, her figure seemed better than it had been before. Even though she had curves before, Trish seemed a little more rounded, with perhaps a fuller figure. The fact hadn't gone unnoticed by Randy who was practically counting down the days until he could make love to his wife again.

Those new curves she had seemed to leave him constantly on the verge of arousal. And for a man that was perpetually horny? It meant Trish lived in a state of slight panic as to exactly what he would do to her when he had the chance.

They both looked stunning, and were clearly proud parents. Jeff smiled, and turned to the full room that seemed oblivious to the presence of the parents. Clearing his throat, Jeff chuckled. "Uh, guys? They're here."

Silence descended on the room like a wave of a stormy sea. Every single set of eyes looked to the entrance to the room, where Randy stood alongside his wife. Cradling the baby close to her, Trish carefully pushed down the blanket a little to reveal the baby's small features.

"Hey everyone," Randy spoke first, resting his arm over Trish's shoulders. "Thank you for coming, and waiting for us. There's somebody here that we'd like to introduce you to again." The couple stepped forward, and Trish shifted the baby in her arms so everyone could see her face. "Guys, this is our daughter. Riley Kendall Orton. Baby girl? Meet everyone."

Randy grinned as he recited her name. It had been Trish's decision that they went with Randy's first name choice of Riley. They had both remarkably agreed on the name Kendall, and so the second generation of 'RKO' had been officially named.

The group broke into unbridled applause as everyone became desperate to get closer to their baby. The divas were at the head of the charge. Screaming and crying, Melina, Lisa and Candice all hugged Trish at once. Smiling, Trish carefully placed Riley in Candice's arms as the women began to fawn over her.

The male superstars were no better, with Randy receiving hugs from John Cena, Dave Batista and Adam Copeland in quick succession. Leaning closer to his wife, Randy pulled Trish closer to him. Smiling up at him, Trish moved onto her toes to reach Randy's lips. It was a gentle kiss, expressing just how much love they had one another. Relaxing into Randy's arms, Trish smiled as she watched Stephanie McMahon coo at her daughter. "I love you so much Trish." Randy whispered gently into her hair, rubbing her back with his arms. "When I thought I lost you…"

Trish turned to face Randy, kissing his lips before he could finish the sentence. They had had many conversations about what happened that night, and Trish could see how truly devastated her husband had been. In truth, it had shaken Trish up a lot to know that she had stopped breathing during the birth. But the couple had made it through as she had known they would. "I love you too Randy." She smiled gently, kissing his bottom lip between her own lips. "And I promise I will never leave you ever again."

Randy smiled brightly as he hugged Trish closer to him. "Besides," Trish winked up at her husband. "I'm far too stubborn. You won't get rid of me that easily. You're stuck with me buster."

Trish smiled at her humour, but Randy looked serious for a moment. "You make it sound like a bad thing. I wouldn't want it any other way. I love you Patricia Anne Orton. Thank you for giving me a daughter who is as beautiful as my perfect wife."

Taken aback by Randy's tenderness, Trish buried her head against his chest, hiding the tears that were threatening to spill. Pulling her back, she smiled serenely at her husband. "I love you Randy. You know you only ever have to ask and I will do anything for you." A devilish twinkle appeared in Trish's eyes. "Only don't ask for anything for Christmas. You've totally maxed out this year."

Randy chuckled gently, kissing the tip of Trish's nose. "You still my girl?"

"Always." Trish smiled.

"And the mother of my child." Randy sighed in awe as he watched Dave Batista display a surprising amount of gentleness as he held the baby. "So. What happens now?"

Trish smiled as she accepted her daughter back from Jeff Hardy. Smiling at Riley, Trish sighed. "We'll just see how it goes baby."

Struck by the nostalgia of what they had said, Trish smiled. For the first time in a long time, she felt like she had it all. She and Randy had come a long way since they had first gotten together all that time ago.

Randy had overcome his own fear of commitment to be with Trish, and she had managed to beat back her broken heart and self doubt to give everything to Randy. Their relationship, and subsequently their marriage, hadn't exactly been plain sailing. They had weathered obstacles from offers of infidelity to work pressures.

And after all, they were still together. Knowing them as she did, Trish knew this wasn't going to the least they going to face. After all, if the past three years were anything go by, they were just getting started. Their marriage wasn't perfect, but Trish figured that would take the excitement out of life. After all, if all that glittered wasn't gold, she'd more than happily put up with the silver. Especially if that meant she had the love of her life.

Trish wondered if she could talk to the person that she was when she had first met Randy, if that version of herself would have ever dared to dream that she would be where she was now. Personally, or professionally.

Three years had passed. She'd reached the pinnacle of her wrestling career and had become a business woman. She had found the man of her dreams, and he had asked her to marry him. And now they had their first child. Trish knew it couldn't possibly get any better than it was between them now.

Whatever struggles could and would come their way, Trish had absolute confidence. She and Randy would make it. No matter how serious the problem, no matter what the obstacle.

No matter what happened, the sun would always rise. A new day would always come. That was something you could always be certain of.

And something else Trish could be certain of? Randy and Trish would always be together.

To both Randy and Trish, that was all that would ever matter.

A/N: Trish and Randy will return very soon. The story will be called 'Impossible Princess'. Keep an eye open for it !! Love & Light guys, and thank you for reading.

P.S Check out my latest MySpace blog to see how this story was originally going to end…