Tokyo Mew Mew 2

The Mini Mews




A man in his mid-forty's with blond hair runs through the ruins of a city, and into an old, damaged café. Once inside, he begins pushing fallen rafters, old chairs, and broken tables out of his way. He then opens a door, and runs down to the basement, where there were many large computers and 9 adults, their ages ranging from late twenty's to mid-forty's were waiting.

"Ryou, Did you find them?" a woman with red hair and a bell on a ribbon around her neck in her early thirty's asked

"No, and I looked everywhere I could." The blond man, now revealed as Ryou, answered.

"I'm worried, where could they have gone?" a woman with blond hair, that had a strange mark on her forehead, in her late twenty's wondered.

"I'm not sure, Thyme was supposed to meet me here for her ballet lessons, but she never came. Honey, she said she was going to be with you." A woman with dark blue hair said to her husband.

"But Thyme told me she was going to stop at Ichigo's and Masaya's to play with Raspberry." The man answered.

"Raspberry said she was going to go over to your house, Lettuce, to play with Cabbage." Ichigo said to a woman about the same age with green hair.

"Cabbage said she was going to Custards." Lettuce answered.

"Custard said she was going to Zakuro's to play with Zaki." The blond hair woman said.

"Obviously our children decided to go somewhere without telling us." A man with dark hair in his forty's said.

"But Keiichiro, why would they do that? They know how dangerous it is, with the Celayans attacking." Ichigo asked.

"Who knows? But, I think that Raspberry and the others might have gone to the past. Raspberry used to use her powers to teleport herself to the café often, before the Celayans." Ryou said.

"You mean she can teleport that far back?" Ichigo incredulously asked.

"We don't know for sure, but Raspberry, Cabbage, Thyme, Custard and Zaki, better be careful. Since they aren't original mew mews and inherited your powers, if they use too much of their strength an ancient genetic defect from the endangered species might hold some problems." Keiichiro answered.

"What sort of 'genetic defects' are you talking about?" the blond haired woman asked.

"Well, Pudding. Their powers, combined with the animal DNA and human DNA are a dangerous mix. You five were chosen to be mew mews because your DNA was right mix with animal DNA, so there weren't any problems. But, our children weren't. If they try to go too far with their powers they could put too much strain on their DNA and their energy, and both could snap like a toothpick. It's even more dangerous for Raspberry because Masaya's part alien, so her DNA's even stranger." Ryou explained.

"What will happen if their DNA and energy break? Will they…?" Pudding cut off, letting it hang.

"Well hopefully we won't have to find out what happens. They could die, or they could be fine, we're not sure yet." Keiichiro answered.

"Raspberry has Masha with her, so hopefully they'll all be fine." Ichigo said.

"Well isn't this interesting." An evil voice said from above them.

"Dren! What do you want?"
"Well, I just happened to over hear your conversation. I could just destroy you right now, but then I'd have those brats to take care of. So perhaps I'll just follow them to the past and take care of everyone there." He sneered, then he disappeared.

"What did he mean by that?" the blue haired woman asked.

"Mint, he means, that he's going to go the past to attack us, by destroying our past selves he can destroy our children as well, because then they'll never be born." Ryou answered

"Does that mean that we're doomed?" Mint asked.

"It might, if we're lucky Raspberry and the others will get help from our past selves, and together they might be able to defeat Dren. If they fail, then the world is doomed."

--- End of Prologue ---

Chapter One

The new battle arises

-20 years before the prologue-

The five original mew mews are fighting a horde of Kirenma Anima. Masha, who is cornered by a lion Kirenma Anima tweets an alarm.

"Mint! There's another one!" Lettuce yells, while fighting a rat Kirenma Anima.

"Right!" Begins Mint, "Ribbon…. Mint…. Ec….." Before Mint could finish, an attack that looks like Zakuros' destroys the monster. "Zakuro, I was going to get that one!"

"What?" A girl, around 16, with long light purple hair, wolf ears and a wolf tail asks, after finishing fighting off a raven anima. "I didn't do anything."

"But that looked just like your ability!" protested Mint.

"Hey, look!" Ichigo shouted, as a purple boot slipped out of view.

"Hey you stop!" Mint yelled taking flight and flying in front of the unknown person. Then she let out a gasp. Standing there was a younger version of Zakuro as a mew mew! But the mark was on her wolf ear.

"Mew Zaki, this way!" a voice yelled. It was small, and sounded young, like whoever it was could be no older than eight.

Distracted, Mint looked over that way. There was a young version of Pudding! The only difference was that this mew mews mark was on her knee. The young Zakuro, now known as Mew Zaki, ran towards the other mew mew.

"Mew Custard! Where's Mew Raspberry?" Mew Zaki asked.

"This way come on!" Mew Custard urged. She and Mew Zaki ran over the hill, with the original Mews following them. Then the two mini mews turned and went through a bush. By the time the original mew mews got there, Mew Zaki was just about to go through a pink portal.

"Wait!" Zakuro commanded, grabbing on to Mew Zaki's wrist.

Mew Zaki tried to get her hand free, but she couldn't remove it from Zakuro's grasp.

"Who are you? Where did you come from? Who sent you here?" Zakuro demanded. But before they could make Mew Zaki answer, two small pairs of pink gloved and blue gloved hands appeared, and pulled Mew Zaki through the portal. The portal then closed.

"What was that?" Lettuce asked.

"I have no Idea."

--- On the other side of the portal ---

"That was too close." Mew Zaki panted, "Thanks Mew Raspberry, Mew Thyme."

"No problem Mew Zaki. But you really should have been more careful." Mew Thyme answered.

"We have to find a way to get them to help us, if we don't then who knows what the Celayans will do."

"We can't ask them for help Mew Zaki, if we do then we'll have to explain everything, and we can't tell them our last names, or who our parents are. It might alter history!" Mew Raspberry protested. "We just need to borrow their abilities, and find a mew aqua."

"But our parents in this time need the mew aquas, if we just take one, then it could mess up everything that's supposed to happen."

"Don't worry, there are actually 7 mew aquas, and our parents only needed five, I found the one that was here. And Zaki, your dad, Ryou recorded where all the mew aqua's were found and if they were used or not."

"Then why couldn't have we just used one from our time?" Mew cabbage asked. She looked just like Mew Lettuce, but her mark was on her cheek.

"Don't you remember? When the Celayans attacked, all the mew aqua's got broken. We don't have any more in our time." Mew Raspberry answered.

"So how are we going to get their abilities? It's not like they'll just hand them over, and the abilities disappear when they untransform." Mew Thyme asked.

"No problem! I came up with a special recipe. Xian Masco Kayo! It'll just make it so they're abilities don't disappear until we give them back, but they can still transform." Mew Custard explained.

Mew Zaki sighed and pulled her self onto a crate. Then she detransformed, her hair turned blond, but her eyes stayed purple, she was wearing a blue sweater-vest, and purple pants. "So how are we going to use it? They already know what Custard and I look like transformed, and you don't look much different." Zaki asked.

"Don't worry, I have it all planned out. You don't look like your mew mew form when you're normal and neither does Cabbage. Thyme has some cash, so you go, order some food, eat a little, and then take the rest to go. Stick my recipe onto the bottom of the plate, and then it'll activate when it tries to get washed off. The abilities will appear, and then we can just take them at night and bring them back in a little while." Mew Custard explained.

"Well, I guess. But still….. What if they recognize me?" Zaki said.

"Please Zaki, you and Cabbage are the only ones that could pull this off." Raspberry pleaded.

"Why not, but, I doubt they'll let a ten year old with a seven year old just buy something without parents." Zaki said.

"Oh, I forgot about that." Raspberry said.

"Hey, I know, there's always a few minutes when no one's in the kitchen of the café, Raspberry, you can teleport there, and stick it on the bottom of one of the plates." Cabbage said, detransforming as well. She had dark hair, brown eyes, and was wearing a green dress in a checkered pattern.

"That might not work; they don't go down to the basement every night." Raspberry said.

"Custard or I could check. I doubt the café now is different from Café Mew Mew in the future that much. We've even found hiding spots that Ryou or Keiichiro didn't know was there.

"I guess so." Raspberry said. "How will you tell me when they do go to the basement?"

"We could bring Masha with us, if you'll let us."

"Okay, but Custard would have to stay here, so I can see when it's all clear."

"That's fine with me, Thyme do you want to go with Zaki?" Custard asked.

"Sure." Thyme agreed.

"Well, I guess that's that." Mew Raspberry said.

"Right, let's go." Zaki said, retransforming, "Raspberry, will you teleport us inside a cabinet at the café?"

"Sure, Masha, stay with Zaki. Ribbon, Raspberry Portal!" Raspberry said. Masha tweeted and flew onto Zaki's head.

Thyme and Zaki jumped through the portal, Mew Custard used one of the rings to create a screen to see what Masha was seeing.

--- At the Café---

"Come on, down to the basement Mew Mews! We have something important to discuss!" A young, 15 year old Ryou said twice, in both the Kitchen, where Ichigo and Keichiro were doing the dishes and in the main part of the Café, where Pudding, Lettuce, Zakuro, and surprisingly Mint were cleaning. Today had been a rough day, with the Kirenma Anima appearing in the middle of their shifts, and don't forget those strange Mew Mews that had appeared! Everyone headed down to the basement. That's when Zaki and Thyme made their move. Thyme kept watch while Zaki made sure the plate she stuck Custards recipe to was dry. If Zaki stuck it to a wet plate she and Thyme would be the ones affected, instead of the original Mew Mews.

Downstairs, Ichigo and Ryo were starting to fight like a married couple again when Lettuce noticed the two 'Mini Mews' on the screen.

"Ryo, they're here!" Lettuce shouted, pointing to the screen.

"Right, let's go!" Ryo said, The five Mew Mews transformed and rushed up the stairs to go capture the intruders.

Thyme heard them coming and looked straight at Masha. "Raspberry, open a portal here! Right now!"

It took a few seconds but the portal finally appeared. Mew Zaki quickly jumped through, and Masha hid in a pan until Thyme went through. But things didn't work out so well. Before Thyme could get to the portal one of Puddings' rings, combined with Zakuro's whip, acted as a lasso and trapped Thyme. Pudding then used her sleeping incense and Thyme blacked out.

Raspberry's Masha, who was watching, made a mad dash for the portal, and disappeared inside it, right before Raspberry completely closed it.

"Was that just Masha? Wait, Masha's right here. So, does anyone have any idea of what's going on?" Ichigo asked as Zakuro and Pudding retrieved their abilities from the now sleeping Thyme.

"Well, I can analyze her DNA in just a couple of minutes downstairs, we can figure out a little of what's going on, and after she wakes up we can ask some more questions." Ryo said, "Bring her down with us."

Back at the clubhouse where the Mini Mews were, there was a serious discussion going on.

"Now what do we do, they captured Thyme! All the Celayans have to do now is teleport into the Café and they'll know that we're here. Zaki, why did you leave her there like that?" Raspberry demanded.

"I thought Thyme was right behind me, I didn't know that our parents were that close." Zaki defended, "Look, most likely our parents went back downstairs to the basement, we can just use the way Custards mom and my mom used to catch Thyme to get her back."

"Right, let's go."

Raspberry quickly opened a portal, the four 'Mini Mews' that were left hid behind a large computer next to the boxes they had teleported behind. Custard transformed, but Zaki was already in her Mew Mew form. Raspberry's highly sensitive cat ears picked up the voices of everyone who was downstairs, and somehow knew that there was no way they were going to save Thyme without the original mews noticing.

"Masha, go make a distraction upstairs, okay?" Raspberry whispered to her Masha. Masha quietly tweeted and Raspberry sent it through a small portal. Suddenly, there was a huge crash upstairs, obviously, Masha had just broken something. While everyone was starting to go up the stairs, Custard and Zaki grabbed Thyme, but not with out Lettuce noticing first, but, before anything could happen, Raspberry opened a portal and they fled. Raspberry also opened a portal for Masha, so they would all be together.

"Raspberry, that was too close." Zaki said.

"Yeah, I realized that." Raspberry answered, and then thought for a moment, "Do you think I should have invited Melon along too?" she asked.

"But we don't know where she went and besides, her mom, Berry isn't in the group yet." Zaki pointed out.

"We can always go forward a bit more if we need to." Raspberry answered.

"Raspberry…. No. It took too much out of you to get us here in the first place, you should save your strength for getting us back home. Besides, Custards 'recipe' is already in place, let's just get this over with and get back home. The four of you are the closest thing I have to siblings, so let's just make sure all of us get back home."