Rose Petals in a Bowl:

A Cove

A/N: Yes, I finally decided to update this little story. I hope you find it satisfying :)

I remember sailing about the cove when my daughter was born. Sunset, the skies rosy and golden, the waters glittering with the brilliancy of crystalline cerulean. My husband sat at the helm, the rays of the sun caressing his body in their slow descent into the horizon. Tan and devastatingly handsome in the enigmatic lighting, he turned towards me and beamed, his dark eyes gleaming, his dark locks loose and fluttering about his face. I smiled, adjusting my position slightly to accommodate my distended abdomen. I garmented myself in the loosest gossamer shift I owned, draped over with a cotton robe. Despite the billowing characteristic of these vestments, nothing could conceal the breadth of my middle, the fact that I was heavy with child. Yet I had no wish to conceal it, no. For there were no preying eyes, no scathing remarks, not in our beautiful secluded spot above the docks, overlooking the small beach. No one existed in our world; we were the only two beings. My husband gazed at me with eyes foretelling of naught but love. In the days of my pregnancy, the gazes are more frequent, as if he is astonished by the miracle growing within me. It had been nine months since our clandestine escape from Port Royal to the French seaside, courtesy of one Captain Jack Sparrow, and there was I, reposing in a modest sailing boat, nine months pregnant. I couldn't be more relieved, more ecstatic; for once our lives were starting, truly, according to plan.

As my husband steered around a grouping of rocks, the wind picked up and the boat rocked slightly. His hand was steady; he was incredibly agile. I drew my hands across my abdomen, feeling a slight discomfort, though I attempted not to show this in my face, not wanting to ruin the quiet perfection of the atmosphere. My husband ceaselessly fusses over me, and I love him for it, but on occasion, I wish for him to let things be. To let the moment last forever, this quiet and blissful serenity never interrupted.

Just as soon as my hands reached the bump, I saw and felt his hand upon my knee.

I raised my eyes to his, full of gentle concern.

'Are you alright?' he questioned.

I sighed. 'Yes, of course, I'm alright.' I lay my hand atop his.

He continued to look at me with concern, and nervously eyed my middle. He had not wanted to go out on the boat. It was too dangerous, me so heavy with child. I insisted. The night was utterly perfect, fulfilling one of my long-lived fantasies of stealing away on a boat on a warm and breezy evening, my lover guiding us to a secret, beautiful place where we whispered softly and made love through the night.

I blush to think of it now, but in that state of hormonal imbalance (that is what I shall blame it on) I bared this fantasy to my husband as he continued to deny me the pleasure, gathering the venture would be completely unsafe. Upon my outburst, however (through which I emphatically described the fantasy with tears in my eyes), he agreed with a laugh and a kiss to my lips. This was perhaps out of pity, to humour me. Nonetheless, I have no complaints, and there I sat in a boat at sunset, my lover guiding the vessel. My fantasy was being fulfilled.

There was one detail I had not counted on, brought to my immediate attention as the discomfort fluttered within me once more, and my husband stilled the boat, leaning close towards me. He placed one hand softly upon my abdomen, the other reaching up to brush against my cheek.

'Are you sure you're alright, my love?' he asked softly, his soulful eyes bearing into mine so dreadfully that I had a strong desire to cry and kiss him simultaneously.

'Yes,' I whispered. 'This little one is rambunctious tonight.'

He smiled and soothed both of his hands over my stomach, eyes lighting as he felt movement. I cringed upon feeling a twinge of discomfort.

'Will,' I called, the word leaving my lips as a pained whimper. As he looked into my eyes, all I wanted was to kiss him. I leaned forward, but the increasing discomfort and awkwardness of my stomach prevented me from such movement. I moaned and unhappy tears pricked my eyes.

'Darling, what is it?'

'Come here,' I whined. 'I can't…'

Noticing my distress, he instantly drew near, and I had naught but drawn a breath when he kissed me, capturing my lips softly with his own, and the feeling was rapturous, and the moment could have lasted forever, his lips fervently pressed against mine, but he pulled back when I groaned. I was in pain, I could feel the baby inside of me, it was going to come, and tears leaked from my eyes because I wanted to kiss him still. For just this moment, to banish the pain and the baby so I could live my fantasy uninterrupted.

'Elizabeth!' he exclaimed, his countenance filled with worry and his eyes widened in disbelief as water pooled beneath me. 'Elizabeth, we must get you to a doctor. I knew this was a bad idea.' His face was dark and full of disapproval against my whims.

A wave of pain rushed through me and I let out a cry. 'No, Will, there's no time! It's coming!'

He glanced at me as I emitted another cry and began steering towards the shore, but we had sailed far off. I slumped, clenching my hands as the pain increased.


I heard him say my name, though nothing else as the pain and the feeling of the baby overwhelmed me, the sun setting, the jolt of the boat and Will gathering me into his arms, supporting me as he led me to a shaded sandy spot and I collapsed onto his coat.

Through the haze I saw him, his figure shadowed as the daylight cascaded into evening. He knelt at my feet, divesting himself of his shirt and laying it aside along with his long waist scarf.

'Will,' I attempted to whisper, though no sound escaped my lips. He yet came to me and pushed my hair, sticky, from my face, kissing my cheeks.

'It's alright Elizabeth, my darling. You just have to be strong now for our little one.'

I nodded, clenching my eyes shut as a spasm assaulted me. 'Oh Will.' I dug my nails into my palms in an attempt to transfer the pain from my stomach to my hands, but he took my hand in his own and I squeezed hard and he kissed my mouth, quieting my shout as I pushed against the unwavering pressure.

He continued to whisper steady encouragement in my ears, leaving my side at one point to move to my feet where he gathered his torn shirt.

My head was buzzing, my body was aching, and it felt like forever and so many pushes when I finally felt the pain abate and my body went limp, my head thrown back against the cushion of the sand.

'Oh yes, yes! That's right. Oh my love, oh beautiful!'

His words reached my ears, and I could hear movement and faint murmurings, though I could not find the strength to lift my head, to open my eyes, until I heard a shrill cry.

Rising weakly, tears came to my eyes as I beheld my husband, my Will, cradling a small whimpering bundle in his arms. Seeing me alert, he came to my side and brought the bundle to my chest. A beautiful pink baby, wrapped snugly in Will's scarf.

'Oh my,' I whispered, hugging my baby to me.

'This is our baby girl,' he said warmly.

I gasped, peering at her, smiling as she squirmed, and I kissed her nose. Her squinty eyes peered at me. Wisps of golden-brown hair poked out from beneath the hood of the scarf.

'Oh, my darling beauty,' I murmured and gazed up at Will. He was beaming, happy and proud and loving. He kissed me softly.

'I'm so proud of you,' he whispered. 'Thank you for bringing her into the world.'

I smiled, loving him, amazed by him, 'I could not have done it without you, my darling love.'

I had forgotten momentarily that he had seen the delivery of babies before. He had been present when Mr. Brown's wife had given birth. He had also, upon delivery of a sword to Mr. Collins, witnessed the sudden labour of Mr. Collins' daughter, and had been called upon to fetch blankets for her as the maids were not present, having been given a day of leisure.

He shook his head softly, saying, 'You are wonderful', as if his levelheadedness during my labour did not count an ounce.

A cry broke us apart. A flash of my eyes seemed to be all that Will needed, and he gently took our babe into his arms as my weak, shaking fingers unfastened the buttons of my chemise, and I drew the sleeves down. I opened my hands for her, and he carefully placed her within them, but murmured, 'Wait.'

I felt him shift behind me, and then he said gently, 'Try to lift up a bit.'

I just raised my shoulders from the ground, and I felt his hands about my ribs, lifting up, and with no further effort on my part, I was settled comfortably against his chest, his legs on either side of my own.

'Oh,' I said blissfully, and I felt his lips against my hair.

'Better?' he whispered.

'Much,' I replied, and sighed again, a sigh of tired happiness as I guided our little girl to my breast. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes as she nursed. Will softly stroked my arms.

'My beautiful darling,' he murmured, and leant to kiss my forehead.

I smiled, treasuring the moment.

'Darling, I want you to open your eyes.'

Curious, I did so.

'Now, look around you.'

'Will?' I questioned, though as I looked at my surroundings, I gasped and realized that we were situated in a beautiful, secluded little cove, sheltered from the wind and the sea's cold mist. The sand was soft and cool and rainbow-coloured shells were embedded into the rock walls. A waterfall pooled from a crevice, creating a shallow pool of water.

'Oh, how beautiful!' Tears sprang into my ears again; I was a watery mess as I realized my fantasy had come true. A million times better than a fantasy. For I had not only a lover, but my husband, and our beautiful daughter, the epitome of our love for one another.

I kissed our baby's sweet face and tiny fingers as she drifted into sleep against me, and I snuggled into the protective warmth of my husband, lifting my chin to kiss his lips.

I was so full of love, so content, I believed I would burst with happiness.

'What shall we name her?' he asked after a moment, thoughtful.

I sighed, wondering briefly, and replied with the only name which radiated.

'Emma.' I looked down upon her sleeping, angelic form. 'It means whole, universal.'

I glanced up at him for approval. He was smiling lovingly.

'It's perfect—Emma,' he said softly.

'You both are my entire world, and at this moment, I could not feel more whole, more complete,' I admitted, feeling that sense of dizzying rapture, so much stronger than ever before as I held our daughter close and melted into blissful oblivion as my husband's lips touched mine.

I remember sailing about the cove when my daughter was born. I have never experienced anything more beautiful—the glossy blue waters, the mauve-gold sky, my husband, bringing life into the world within a cove. My fantasies always seem to come true. My darling, darling Emma, my whole universe, the little girl with dark lustrous eyes and unruly golden hair, a little angel, a little bit of Will and myself. She wants to take journeys upon the open sea, she wants to explore and find secret caves full of treasure. Who am I to deny her such pleasures? With a reminiscent smile, my husband acquiesces to her whims.