Hey all! Lookee, I updated! ducks randomly thrown objects from reviewers

Disclaimer: Hmmm. Let's see. Do I have lots of money? turns out pockets, purse, and backpack Nope. Nada. Not mine.

Here ya go!


"She wouldn't!" Darrell gasped after hearing the proposition.

"That's what she said she'd do." Affirmed Ryan.

Darrell shook his head. "And all we have to do is get Sam and my man together-"

"-without anyone finding out that Rachel had anything to do with it." Jen finished. "Exactly."

"Make two good-natured people happy, see Rachel ride, and know I was in on it? Heck yeah, I'll do it. With pleasure." He grinned suddenly. "I woulda paid to see Rachel like that. To see it for just a little simple assistance…" He shook his head again. "Just explain what you need me to do again."

Jen grinned wolfishly. "All right, here's what's to happen..."


Sorry this is sooooooo short. The next chapter is longer already, and I just started it today. Though I don't think my Geometry teacher was too thrilled that I did... I will update before/by next weekend. (Not this one, I won't have access to a computer.)

Read and Review!