A Twisted Fairytale : Once Upon A Time

A/N: I just had the urge to write this. I love Beauty and the Beast, but I will change some things so that the characters aren't OOC. I hate that. So, endure this, I assure you that it will be the most adorable thing you will ever read! - Mia.


Once upon a time, there lived a handsome prince in a glorious castle. But, the prince didn't have a heart, instead, a shallow, self loving soul. So, one stormy night, a gnarled old woman came doors of the castle pleading for shelter in return for a single rose. Being the conceited man that he was, he turned the old woman away. She warned him, however, to not judge a person by their looks, it's what is in the heart that determines true beauty.

Still, the prince turned the old woman away, disgusted by her ugliness. Then, in a burst of light, the old woman transformed into a beautiful sorceress. At once, the price begged for her to forgive him for his ignorance, but she had already seen the dark hearted prince's true nature.

So, she cast a spell on the prince and the entire castle, servants and all. She turned the prince into a hideous beast. But, she did leave the rose, and what an enchanted rose it was. She told the Beast, that he had until his twenty first birthday to find love, and earn the love of another, or he would forever remain... a monster...


The day was clear and sunny. A blue haired girl walked down a dirt road, her face in a dreamy state. Her pink eyes shimmered. The town she lived in was quaint, not too many people and not abandoned either. Some would say it was perfect, but not for Botan.

It was not what she wanted. She pondered this matter as she walked down the road. She heard people muttering. Her hearing was above average.

"Look, there goes Botan..."

"So beautiful..."

"One of a kind..."

"But so odd..."

"So different..."

"Not quite normal..."

Botan frowned, but her expression changed as she got to her destination, the basket that she held bouncing against her long legs. She was oblivious to the stares, and drooling, of the young men that she passed as she opened the door to her favorite place in the entire town. The library.

"Good morning, monsieur."

An old man adjusted his glasses as he stared at the enthusiastic girl in front of him.

"Good morning, Botan. How are you this fine morning?"

Botan grinned at him, her smile brighter than the sun.

"I'm great, thanks! Did you get any new books?"

"Not since yesterday."

They both laughed. Botan came in everyday, looking for new books. She had read the entire library. Botan stood on a stool, balancing as she reached up, her blue dress swaying.

"How about... this one!"

The old man read its title, and then laughed, his hands on his knees, steadying himself.

"You've read it six times!" He paused. "I'll tell you what, if you love it so much, you can keep it."

"But, sir..."

"Please, Botan."

"Thanks, really!"

Botan bowed as she left the library. Oh, yes! Another book for my collection. Botan sighed like a young schoolgirl dreaming about her crush. I love how she meets her very own Prince Charming, but it gets better, she doesn't find out, till chapter three!


George, a small, little man, ran in the middle of the street. Huffing and puffing, the little imp of a man met his goal. A dead goose. He stuffed it into a bag, grinning, revealing his smile, and that he was missing a few teeth.

"Koenma! Koenma I got it!"

A tall figure approached, silky brown hair blowing in the breeze. He glanced at George, who was very absorbed in his own victory. But then, the man's gaze was drawn by another. Koenma felt his chest puff out when Botan passed, her nose in a book. She didn't even notice him. Me! Me of all people, the great Koenma!


Koenma felt his pride inflate to massive proportions as the blue haired doll turned around, her pink eyes looking into his brown ones.

"Koenma... what a pleasant surprise..."

The man strode over to her confidently.

"Botan, what do you need these... books for? All they are is a bunch of words."

"Well, sometimes, Koenma, you need to have an imagination."

Koenma scoffed.

"What do you need an imagination for, when you have... me?"

He tried to slide his arm around the woman, but she slipped out of his grasp.

"I wouldn't know, Koenma."

Botan rolled her eyes, but Koenma translated that movement as swooning.

"Why, thank you, Botan."

Sighing, Botan hugged her book close to her chest. She walked toward her house, and all was good. Koenma wasn't following her, and she had her book. That was when a loud explosion was heard throughout the house.

Botan was about to run to her father's aid when she heard guffawing behind her. She glared at George and Koenma, who stopped their laughter immediately. Biting her lower lip, Botan ran up the path that led to her house.


"Dad? Dad are you okay?"

An orange haired older man dusted himself off as Botan tried to wave all the smoke away. Botan coughed as she stumbled though her basement.

"Botan? Botan, I think I've done it!" Botan blinked as she watched her father stumble through the smoke. "I, Kuwabara, have created the best wood-chopper machine in history!"

Botan laughed as she nodded her head, helping her father pull his work outside. It was quite monstrous, almost scary. Shaking herself back to reality, Botan set up the family horse, Puu. Soon, her father was leaving her.

"Bye, Dad! Good luck at the convention!"


Kuwabara and Puu trod into the forest when they came to a fork in the road. Now, Kuwabara was never that bright when it came to an internal map, so he steered a struggling Puu to the right. He coughed, reasoning with his horse.

"Come on, Puu, it's a shortcut!"

Kuwabara didn't actually think it was a shortcut, but it was a way to go, and it was probably the right way. However, after going down the road for about twenty minutes, he realized that maybe... just maybe he should turn around. It was at the fifth wolf howl that Kuwabara gave in.

"Come on, Puu, just turn around..."

But, that wasn't fast enough. He was too far in. Wolves came out, snarling as their dripping teeth were shown. Kuwabara screamed as Puu jumped back, knocking off his rider. The horse ran back down the path, and Kuwabara had no choice but to move forward, the wolves hot on his tail.

Slipping and sliding, the old man finally made it to large gates. He looked behind him, the wolves sprinting to meet him. With new vigor, Kuwabara pulled the gates open, slipping inside in the nick of time.

Panting, Kuwabara looked back at the menacing dogs. He shivered and turned to look up at the castle. It was large, and very ominous. Thunder cracked, and it began to rain. Figures. I almost get eaten alive by wolves and now this...

Shaking his head, Kuwabara opened the doors, wincing from the loud squeak that it made. He stepped inside, the candlelight causing his shadow to flicker, like a ghost.

"Hello? I'm sorry to come in like this, but I just need a place to stay..."

The old man walked in slowly, his soggy boots leaving wet footprints. That was when he heard voices, not in his head, but in the room that he was in. The first voice he heard was very serene and young.

"Come on, he was left out in the cold! Yusuke, have a heart... "

"No, the Master said–"

"The old man needs food and shelter!"

"I'm not hearing this! I'm not hearing this!"

Kuwabara looked around desperately. The castle was huge, and so, the room that he had walked into was enormous, but still, if two young boys were in it, he would surely be able to see them. Heck, he could hear them. Where were those two...? So, Kuwabara grabbed a candle off a table that had a clock on it as well.

"Hello, is someone there?"

"Over hear, monsieur."

Kuwabara turned.


Kuwabara flinched as he felt a light tapping on his head. Slowly, the fading orange haired man turned. He saw the candle, with eyes, a nose, and mouth, looking at him. Talking to him.


Kuwabara let out a frightened yell and threw the candle stick onto the ground. The candle murmured something as it relit itself. That was when Kuwabara saw more movement out of the corner of his eye. He was shocked to see the clock, a small clock mind you, walking over to the edge of the table.

"What did I tell you, Kurama?"

"Aw, shut it, Yusuke!"

The candle got to its... well it stood upright and Kuwabara grabbed the clock.

"How is this possible? This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen!"

He started turning the hands, causing the clock to squirm and kick it's little legs (yes it had legs, those wooden knobs).

"Let go of me, right now!"

It swatted at his hand. Kuwabara let the clock go, it falling onto the table. Kuwabara was about to ask how exactly they came to be like that, but he heard a low growl behind him. Before turning, he saw the look of horror on the candle's face. The clock was hiding under the table cloth.

"Who dares enter my castle?"


A/N: Hee hee hee. Writing this makes me laugh. Please review, I need all the advice and critiquing I can get!