Author's Note: And so it draws to a close. My next story 'Stalemate' will be up as soon as possible (I'm building up the chapter buffers as we speak) and it's a doozy! The first chapter is 10 pages long, lots for you lovely readers to get your teeth stuck into! In fact, while we're on the topic of lovely readers I feel the need to tell you how much I really appreciate you all. Reading your reviews makes me open up microsoft word and write, I check my emails every morning to see if you guys have responded. It genuinely means a lot to me to recieve your feedback and thanks so much for making the effort and making me smile. I hope you'll all go on to read my future stories, but if not, thanks for reading this one.


Ishizu smiled as she looked at the two teens in front of her. She never could help smiling when she saw Yugi or the Pharaoh, but now together her joy was two fold.

"Are you ready?" She asked looking to both halves of the partnership.

"Yes." The Pharaoh replied

"But why do we have to be joined again?" Yugi asked inquisitively.

"This body is weakening Yugi." Yami reminded him, "You can't live for 5,000 years and then get another chance free of charge." Yugi giggled a little at that.

"Alright then, yes Ishizu I'm ready."

"Good." Ishizu put her hands together and closed her eyes, a chant of indistinguishable words flowing from her lips and a feeling of power suddenly springing into life in the room. Yami and Yugi stayed silent, watching the woman in front of them.

Inside however Yugi was sad and a little rueful at the irony of that. He had been sad when he and Yami had been separated, but now he felt as if Yami deserved a body of his own and shouldn't have to be locked away inside his host. 'Funny,' Yugi thought to himself, 'To think that this is originally what you wanted.' The boy cast another look at Ishizu and gasped slightly when he was enveloped by a thin layer of light, he quickly looked to Yami and saw the same.

Ishizu continued to chant and Yugi simply wallowed in the feeling of warmth he was getting. Then suddenly Ishizu stopped.

"Any moment." She said quietly.

Yami and Yugi looked at each other, each catching his friend's eye for just a moment. And in that moment Yugi felt the warmth of a timeless bond, a friendship that ran soul deep, the two of them intertwined indefinitely, indisputably inseparable. Then Yami was gone, or at least his body was. Yugi sighed tiredly and placed a hand upon the puzzle. Yami. He could feel him now, inside of him, his protector, his friend, half of his soul and all of his life.

'Are you ok Yami?' Yugi thought to his other half.

'Yes aibou, much better.' His darkness.

Or was he? Since they had met, Yami had changed so much, as he had shown that day. The day that they had been forced together Yami had been a selfish Pharaoh obsessed with power. But to look at him now was to see the change. Now he was kind and thoughtful, caring and sincere in his emotions. Was he truly darkness anymore? Yugi looked down at the puzzle where his friend now resided. He imagined the spikes of his hair elegantly framing his face, a contented smile curving his aristocratic lips as they always did when he found something amusing. With a smile Yugi rested a hand on the millennium puzzle. They were together once more, ready for whatever destiny had to throw at them. Ready to take on the world together.

Yami. Not darkness, not anymore. Just a hikari who'd gotten lost along the way. Not darkness. Just the darkest light.


Reviewer's Section

Masami Mistress of Fire: Now the story is completely over/Joins Masami in crying/ And Yami and Yugi are back where they belong, ready to take on the last series! Thanks for taking all this time to review and I hope you enjoyed the story over all, I'd love to know what your favourite bits were! Until next time then! Oh and remember to update soon... /winks/

cheekyeyes: Some more of Yugi for you! And you just wait till you see the next story, it's Yugi-riffic! As to a sequel for this, if there will be one it's a fair way in the works (unforseeable future) but I like Ieb and I don't think I could stand it if this is the last we ever saw of him... /winks/ And even if it is there are plenty of other villans out there in the recesses of my mind that are dying to be introduced! Hope to see you in my next story and thanks for all of your reviews!

dragonlady222: Ha, just wait for the 'King of Games''s a doozy! Here's the epilogue that you couldn't wait for and I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for all of your reviews and hope to hear from you again!

Psycho Kage Suma: Don't worry, all reviews are good reviews!! I hope you enjoyed the end of this and I'll see you around!

Iridescent Hope: Don't worry about babbling, if your babbling is always so pleasant to read then feel free to babble to me any time you please!! Thanks for the review and the compliments, it's nice to know I'm getting the characters right (all author's love to hear that!!) and that you have enjoyed the story! I hope to see you for some of my future yarns!

Crystal F. Flowright: To answer your question, now its the end! You can tell by the little word between squiggles at the bottom /winks/ I'm glad you're looking forward to reading my next story and I equally anticipate seeing you there! Thanks for your reviews and catch you in the future!

Cactus Bob: I care about Ieb, poor guy, so heavily misunderstood lol. Now then, to this sim! Or rather to your choices... don't happen to stalk me do you?! As it turns out I actually do have dark shoulder length hair, am caucasian and do have blue eyes (though they are more light than dark I think...a bit of grey in there too perhaps...!) Perhaps you're psychic!! Anywho, thanks for all of your reviews, they have kept me thouroughly entertained (and well fed!) Hope to see you for 'Stalemate'!! After all, I just can't get enough of your cooking XD

Yugisrose: I'm glad you liked the story and thanks for your review, it always makes me feel good to know that people are reading! I hope you've enjoyed this ending and that it wraps everything up for you! Oh and out of interest I'd love to know what your favourite bits have been! Helps me judge my audience a little better /winks/

Arion Girl: You've still got all of the best bits to go then! Perhaps by the time you get to reading this review response I'll have posted up a few more stories! I hope you enjoy it and stick around to get to the end!! Thanks for the review!

Yami Yuugi: Lol, I'm dying to know what your name is now! Anyways, yes my name is Trickana, wierd huh? But I like being unique! I'm glad you found the resolution satisfactory, and as for Ieb it is highly likely that this is the last you shall ever see of him, but worry not, there are plenty of other villans out there! Thanks for sticking with me through this by the way and thanks for all of the reviews! Now it's all done and dusted, but I hope to see you around another day!

Yami Val: Yay! I kept all of the cannons alive and happy, just like I promised! I'm glad you liked the story and I hope that you'll dip into some of my future ones! Thanks for your comments and support. Best wishes and I hope that we'll come across each other again in the future!

Thanks again everyone! And I hope this has been a satisfactory ending! I hope to see you all again!


Sneak Peek- 'Stalemate'


'Teenage millionaire, company patron, twice winner of the "Sexiest single of the year award" and undisputed King of Games, Yugi Moto is truly a remarkable young man. In just a few years the teen managed to explode out of no-where to take the gaming world by storm. Yet to loose a match, the attractively humble icon has set a hard target to beat, but still duellists and gamers the world over never give up, and Yugi never gives up winning. A few days ago we managed to get a rare interview with the teenage heart throb and asked him a few of the questions you wish you could have asked him yourself:

Interviewer: So Mr Moto,

Yugi Moto: Please, call me Yugi,

Interviewer: (Giggles) All right then, Yugi, how does it make you feel to be considered the hottest single for not only this year, but last year as well?

Yugi: (Laughs) It doesn't really make me feel any different to be honest, I'm flattered of course, but I'm just a person like everyone else and even I wake up some mornings and think 'I'm ugly today'

Interviewer: Really? What with all of the praise you get I wouldn't have expected that,

Yugi: Oh yeah, but everyone has those sort of days don't they?

Interviewer: (Laughs) Yes, yes I guess they do. Does that mean you get nervous like other guys as well?

Yugi: of course! I'm not different to other teenagers, I get nervous around a person I have a crush on and I get scared about asking people to dance.

Interviewer: You're so down to earth even when you're so famous! How do you manage it?

Yugi: I just try not to change, just because people recognise you on the street doesn't mean you become a different person over night.

Interviewer: Interesting, you'd be surprised how many people do...But lets talk about the really interesting stuff,

Yugi: (Grins) Should I be scared?

Interviewer: We'll see! Ok, first off where was your first kiss, what was it like and who was it with?

Yugi: (Laughs) That's unfair, you can't ask that of me.

Interviewer: Why not?

Yugi: I ah...I couldn't kiss and tell, even if it was a while ago.

Interviewer: (Surprised) Really? Most men can't help but brag about their erm...

Yugi: (Blanches) Previous conquests?

Interviewer: Yeah...(giggles) something like that. But are you sure you can't tell us? It wasn't with Tea Gardner was it?

Yugi: (Blushes even more and looks a bit ashamed, we wonder why...) No! I've never had a relationship with Tea, we're just friends.

Interviewer: Really...?

Yugi: Yes! Really!! Please...

Interviewer: Sorry...on the subject of romance, what's your ideal woman?

Yugi: (Blushing again and looking a bit uncomfortable, we love it when he does that!) Well, they'd have to be a bit different, individual. Intelligent, funny, cute and honest are towards the top of my list. I kind of like dark hair over blondes too...

Interviewer: You know girls the world over are now running off to be brunettes...

Yugi: (Laughs) I hope not, I like people with natural hair colours, dying can look a bit tacky. Anyway, I wouldn't not date a person just because they were blonde; I'm not that shallow...

Interviewer: And for that we are happy! So, ideal date?

Yugi: Ah, well I'm a bit of a romantic... (Interviewer sighs) So...something meaningful, and fun, I mean there's no point going out with someone if there isn't any fun in it...

Interviewer: I'm with you on that one. So, what have you spent all of your earnings on?

Yugi: Err...well I bought some things for my friends...

Interviewer: Nothing for yourself?

Yugi: Well no, not really, there wasn't anything more I wanted than to duel with the best, fall in love, be with my friends and family and be happy, money can't buy that.

Interviewer: Wow...deep stuff!

Yugi: (Laughing) I guess I'm a deep guy.

(Door opens and a bodyguard comes in)

Body Guard: Mr Moto, I'm sorry but we have to be moving now.

Yugi: I'm really sorry guys, but I have a photo shoot in a few hours and I need to catch a plane...

Interviewer: One of Kaiba Corps's jets?

Yugi: (With laughter, standing up) No, this one is mine.

Interviewer: So you did buy something for yourself!

Yugi: No, my agent got it covered in publicity fees.

Interviewer: Sweet!

Yugi: (Laughing and showing us that front page smile of his) Yeah, I guess!

Interviewer: Ok, one last thing before you go...I don't suppose you would ever tell us the answer to the question would you?

Yugi: (A little puzzled) Which question?

Interviewer: The question fans the world over are dying to know the answer to! Who is the secret lover you let slip all those years ago at the beginning of your career.

Yugi: (Looking uncomfortable) You know I can't tell you that, and I regret ever mentioning it.

Interviewer: The public just wants to know if your heart is still open! Speculation is running riot on the Internet you know!

Yugi: Well, I'm still single (With a small smile) and these days I'm told I'm looking...

Interviewer: Really?!

Yugi: Yeah, (winks, most the females in the room break into a sweat) Right, I really have to go, it's been a pleasure.

Interviewer: Well, thanks for coming Yugi it's been fun talking to you. (Yugi leans in and gives her a peck on the cheek. We all consequently swoon)

Yugi: Don't worry, any time.'


Coming Soon