Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom!

Useless Authors note: (Please read) I like to bold, italicizes, and CAPITALIZED words 'cause I feel like It if you don't like it . . . don't read . . . but if you do happen to read this please review!

Useless Author note: uh here is where I apologies about not updating in a long time and my excuse. I'm sorry! Uh I'm a sophomore and now I have more hard classes and have to study...for test and stuff! Uh also I'm been very busy!

--oh and someone told me that it's a spoof the anime'Ghost Stories'! Thanks to her I have no more sleepless night wondering where I based the first and second chapter off of! And thanks to her I can sleep better . . . only a little! (That all that really important . . . the rest is just me rambling on and on!) Oh and I don't own 'Ghost Stories'! Oh and I don't own Dirty Little Secret! And I don't own Ms. B, she belongs to cutereviewgirl! She's just awesome!

Rate M for violence, adult language, god damning, talk/showing of undergarments and plans for plotting someone death! And the Cheese factor maybe high! Enjoy!

A Perverted Neighbor

By: Perpetual Happiness

Chapter 4 (Point of View is . . . Still Danny!)

This is bad! I've just went from perverted neighbor to crazy stalker to kidnapper!

"What am I gonna do?"

"I'll get the shovel!" My dad can be a real maniac sometimes!

"Jack! We can't burrow her body! She is not even dead!" My mom is the only sane person here . . .

"Fine, we'll do-the right thing, and give her to her parents!" My dad said in a childish tone.

I went over to her lifeless body; good she still has a pulse. As I came face to face with her, beautiful violet eyes. I noticed that she was really pretty! What the hell, there no time for that! I mentally looked up and saw Tucker shit he knows! "What are you starring at?" It's no use we've been friends since the sand box days . . . its hopeless he knows!

"Nothing!" he said.

"It's nothing . . ." Why he so smug? What does he know that I'm so totally clueless about?

"Uh . . . Mrs. Fenton I think I should go home now. My parent might be worried for why I'm not home yet!" Freaking liar!

"Bye Danny! Bye Sleeping Sam!" Like this is my fault was my fault, I'm going to get him for this . . .

"I think'll sit this one out . . . see you all in the morning!" and with that Jazz went to up to her room and close the door. Weirdo! She can be such a spaz at times.

I scooped her up in my arms . . . Then again I really shouldn't complain. I have to admit this is kinda nice . . . Since the accident I feel kind of empty inside. Like a block of ice to all human emotion . . . and she makes me feel normal again . . .

"Hi there! Were you new neighbors! I'm Maddie Fenton this is my husband Jack, and my son Danny!" She said pointing towards my dad and me. So far so good, now comes the hard part!

"You're probably wondering what where doing here and why my son is caring you daughter Sam." That it! Where done for! Anyone would think were crazy!

"Well you see . . . there was a ghost attack at the school . . ." yep where doomed! " . . . Oh don't worry you daughter fine! She just tried is all. She should get some rest and she'll be as good as new in the morning!" This can't be happening . . . there not . . . They don't think . . .

"Thanks heavens she unharmed!" Mrs. Manson said. (Elizabeth)

"Oh Danny is that you? Thank you for bring back my daughter safely!"

"Yes it's me, Mrs. Manson! Oh but it wasn't me who save her . . . it was the town hero! Danny Phantom!" Oh the irony!

"That weird how you both have the same first name . . ." Oh shit!

That weird how you both have the same first name . . ."

"Well its getting really late and our kids have school tomorrow! We must be going, it's not meeting you!"

I made my quick get away up to Sam's room . . . but damn Sam's house is huge! You couldn't really tell from the outside but it HUGE! I set her down on her bed. But the only problem was she would let go! Not that I'm complaining or anything, but I have to go before something embarrassing happens. I can't leave the Mansons alone with my parent; they might do something stupid (well most likely my dad might do something stupid!) I've got an idea, but this doesn't make me a pervert!

"Black panties . . ." She groaned and turned over letting me go. From the outside of the window out jump Sam cat jumped in. Lilac started purring and rubbing against my leg. At least someone likes me, it stopped rubbing against me and jump next to Sam. Then, rolled itself into a ball and started to sleep. I think it's my cue to leave!

Before I left the room I quickly looked back at Sam . . . She looks so peaceful and beautiful. With the moon light shinning on her white skin make her look luminous, glowing in the sliver moon.

Now something happened that I didn't expect to happen . . . I went back to her . . . It was like I couldn't control my body, but some part of me knew that I wanted it. That night I kissed Sam Manson.

Later (Morning to be exact)

"Who has to know . . . The way she feels inside (inside) . . . Those thoughts I can't deny (deny) . . . These sleeping dogs won't lie (won't lie) . . . And now I try to lie . . . It?s eating me apart . . . Trace this life out!" (A.N. radio alarm clock! who doesn't have one!)

Arg, morning already? I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep!

"Dirty little secret . . . Dirty little secret . . . Who has to know . . . Who has to know?"

"Danny get up! You're going be late for school!" Jazz the over achiever . . . Damn her . . . I want to sleep!"


"FINE! I'm up . . . I'M UP!" Party pooper!

I went over to my dresser and got my signature red and white t-shirt and blue jeans and went over to my mirror. Nah I don't need to comb my hair. It would really matter any way, it's always messy! I grabbed my bag and when down stairs, and went into the kitchen. I smell baked goods, yay my mom made cookies! I grabbed a couple of them and looked at the clock. Shit, it read 7:50, I'm going to be late!

I ran out the door only to be greeted by my best friend. "Finally! I've been waiting!" Liar he just got here! "Sorry Tuck, I woke up late again!" Well I did! "Well come on we gotta get to school. We can't afford to be late . . . since we cut yesterday because of your girlfriend! Yeah that true . . . wait, "She not my girlfriend . . . hell she not even my friend!" She more along the lines of an acquaintance . . . someone I like to kiss . . . scratch that, I meant tease. Yeah tease, its just fun to see her pissed off! "But for that . . . You die Foley!" I am so getting him back for this . . . And last night, damn I almost forgot too!

Dammit! By the time I caught up to him we were already at school and the bell ringed. Foley you may have lucked out this time but I'm getting you back for this! We quickly headed to our first period class . . . English with Mr. Lancer! Uhg why do I have to see him so early in the morning! "Hello Mr. Fenton and Mr. Foley good of you to show up to day!" Busted!

"but--" I was cut off.

"No excuses Mr. Fenton just take your seat, I feel a pop quiz coming on!" That bastard he said nothing about a pop quiz! Well I wasn't actually at school yesterday so I would actually know if he doing this just to piss me off or he actually told other students about it!

After a long back breaking quizzing experience I handed in my test. I looked up at the clock about 5 minutes till the bell rings. I totally failed that quiz . . . hell I always fail quizzes! F.Y.I. I'm the town hero! I have the--

. . . I almost forgot Sam's first day was supposed to be yesterday. She walked in and gave Mr. Lancer a peace of paper. Most likely a note on who she is and why she's here!

"Attention class! We have a new student her name is Sam--" Brinnnnnnnnng! He was saved by the bell . . . You DO NOT want to call Sam by her full name! From what I can gather she hates it . . . probably just as much as I hate to be called Daniel! Other students starting heading out to there next class, but being the gentleman that I am I went up to Sam. "Hello Samantha!" Hey I know what you're thinking and your wrong . . . or maybe you're right. Its just I love to piss her off, the expression she makes how her violet eyes seem to get bigger by the sound of her on name!

"You bastard!" She said as yet again her eyes widened.

"That's a no-no Ms. Manson! Who's going to be the gentleman to help you find your classes? Don't want a repeat of yesterday do we now?" Oh I am so good.

"Fine!" she said gritting her teeth.

"What class do you have next?" I said oh so politely.

"World History!" She barked, why she so piss? I was only being polite. Actually I do know . . . but let's not get into details now!

"Oh so who do you have?"

"Ms. B-" I stopped her there Ms. B. hates to be called by her last name, I think it's 'cause she isn't married. But she not a bitter hag, she is really nice! She some times lets me sleep in her class!

"She doesn't like to be called by her last name, just as much as we don't want to be called by our full names!" When I had said she looked extremely happy. What did I do this time, most people say I'm clueless, but I don't think so. I think I'm just really really really really slow at times! Let me take a moment to process this all damn I just told her how to push my buttons, like that way I push hers.

"Uh . . . gotta get to class!" What the fuck? I whirled around and saw Tucker, he was freaking filming this!

"What the fuck are you doing?" He is so dead . . . I gotta exact my revenge!

"Well we should be going to our next class!" Damn bastard his right!

The three of us made it to Ms. B's room, number 402. As we both entered the room, Sam stopped at the door way. I would too, if I didn't see the room so many times. Ms. B's room was packed with posters! Ones with protesting, far away places, comics, pictures of life out side of the U.S, and a bunch more. I sometimes find it hard to sleep in her because of all the posters. There just so many and I haven't even read them all yet!

Brrrrrrrrinnnnnnnnnnnng! "Hey Danny, hey Tuck good of you to come to class!" Ms. B said sweetly, that made us feel guilty for not showing up yesterday!

"Who's your female companion?" Man she going to start thinking . . . and its not even true . . . I think . . .

" . . . Amazing!"

"Why thank you Sam! I believe you're the new transfer student, lucky of you to have Danny and Tucker to show you around the school!"

"Yeah real lucky!" Her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Well you guys have to take you seats, I'm going to start roll call soon!" Lucky us there where three empty desks side by side to each other! I quickly claimed to middle. Tucker was to my left and Sam to my right. And again groan at this setting arrangement.

"Now class we will have a class discussion on child labor! You know those over prized t-shirts people have that are made by underpaid children!" When Ms. B said today's topic of discussion Sam start to beam.

"Okays split people into for 'it' and 'against it'! People for 'it' to the left and people 'against it' to the right!" I got up from my sit and went to the right side, I think it is wrong to have children half my age and work for less then 10 cents day. It was a shocker to see Sam was on the same side I was. I was so was Tuck, and so was a bunch of other do-gooders. As usual Paullina and the rest of the A-listers were to the left! They are such stuck up snobs!

"Now that we have our groups! Let the blood bath begging!" Ms. B said.

Arg I don't want to go up first, I hate public speaking. I hope I don't come first! "So whose would like to say there ideas and option first?" Please don't be me . . . hopefully it's the other side! "Lets start with the heartless, I mean the people who are for it!" Smooth Ms. B smooth!

Paullina quickly raised her hand, and quickly headed to the front of the class! "I am totally for it . . . you know . . . Like how those little kids . . . who cares it's not us doing it. They have to need the money to pay for . . . coco nuts or something!" She gave a quick smile and went back to her seat. The rest of the 'for it' people clapped and cheered for her. What a stuck up bitch! Now it's our sides turn . . . Please don't let it be me, I might become transparent and sunk through the floor.

"Whose want to go next?"

"I will!" I heard coming from the back of me. It was Sam, Kick some ass! She said and went to the front of the desk.

"Paul-lina, has quite a good point, NOT. The children that work get 10 cents a day. The jobs are manual labor for and dangerous for kids to do!" Oh yes she kicking ass out there.

"Furthermore the children who work have no time for an education because they have no time for it. They are needed to support there families!" When she had finish and went back to her seat, everyone was applauding her. She got louder applauses then Paullina. I looked across the room and Paullina's eyes were green with envy Well normally her eyes were green ,but they where green with envy . . .

"Now class-" brrrrrrrrinnnnnnnnnng! "Oh fizzle sticks, I'll see you all tomorrow!" We all left and headed to our next classes . . . "Sam what is your next class?" I asked here. "I have Computer key boarding with Mrs. So!" Darn and I want to be in all her classes, I have Remedial English. Tucker would have been in the same class for English but he lucked out. I think he has Computer key boarding with Sam.

"You have that with Tucker; I have Remedial English with Mr. Lancer!" She seemed a little to happy about this . . . meanie!

Tucker and Sam quickly went to there next class and I went back to English. There Mr. Lancer was write stuff about the lesson we were going to do today. I was meet by Valerie Grey, she used to be one of the people on the a-list but under some unfortunate circumstances. . . that were totally not my fault . . . was kicked off! She now joins the social static of a peanut! "Hey Val!" I took the seat in the back next to her. "Hey Danny!" she said putting her 'Huntress Guide to Hunting Ghost' away. "What fun filled lesson does he have us do today?" I asked my tone of voice bursting with sarcasm. She didn't need to answer me, the belling ringed.

"Now class what are the five elements of a short story? Anyone?" Mr. Lancer asked the classes. I groaned and hide sunk back into my chair. Val furtively handed me a note asking me about why I wasn't here today. I replied and said that the new transfer student got lost and was attacked by ghost, and that I just so happen to be there. This took me the whole period tell her this without telling her that I was Phantom and without Mr. Lancer finding out, we were passing notes.

Did for get to mention, she hates my guts? Well she hates half of them. Believe me it wasn't even my fault!

"Mr. Fenton?"


"What?" I said looking up, to see a very angry Lancer.

"Mr. Fenton, I have spent the whole class period, explaining what these five terms are! And you--" Brrrrrrrrrinnng, saved by the bell, its been doing that a lot today.

"Val, you coming?"

"No, you go on ahead."

"Cya." I went out into the hallway to get to the cafeteria. But I was stopped by the school's biggest ass.



"the transfer student, you know her right?"

"Duh." Where is he going with this?

"How long, do you thin it'll . . ."

"It will what?"

"Take me to make her scream my name?" Ewe this sick bastard, Sam would never do that.

"Gross, Sam would never have sex with you!"

"We'll see about that." What a cocky bastard.

"Whatever." I have to get out of here, before I kick his ass.

I was relieved to see Sam and Tucker fighting, well Sam yelling at him, while he was stuffing his face. Wonder what there fighting about?

"How can you eat living and breathing animals?"

"Like this!" Stuffing his face again. "Why do you care anyway?"

"Because, I'm a Ultra-Recycle-Vegetarian!"

"What the hell is that?"

"It means she doesn't eat anything with a face!" They looked up from arguing and looked at me as I sat down.

"How'd you know that?" I don't know, and what worst I could fell my face heating up. I was about to rub my neck, but my ghost sense went off. There was a loud crash and followed by loud screams. I think its time for me to leave and go ghost. Luckily Sam turned and looked over to where the sound where coming from. I took this as my chance to get away. Good the close is clear, four black rings formed over my clothes. Changing then into my black jump suit. I flew back into the cafeteria, the place was empty except for me, the lunch lady, and Sam?

"SAM?" She was under the table eyes tightly shut.

"Danny, Is that you?" Well she only half right.

"No, I mean yes, sorta, I'm Danny Phantom. Its going to be alright Sam." She didn't speak, but the lunch lady did. "Would you like some meatloaf?"

"No but, how about some soup?" I opened the thermos and sucked her in it. Then, carried Sam to the infirmary, I set her down on one of the beds, and brushed her bangs out of her eyes. I could her foots steps, from the other side of the door, I flew out of the window and transformed behind a bush. For the rest of the day I didn't see Sam, I think she still in the infirmary or something. The last belling ringed, and Tucker and me started walking home. Tucker didn't say a word, he was tinkering with his PDA, and I didn't mind a lot happened today.

I entered my house and who a I to see at the foot of my stairs, "Sam?"

"Are you here to see me?"

"Hell no!" Gosh she didn't have to be so mean about it.

"Hi there sweetie, I see you met our guest."


"Yeah, Sam is going to sleepover . . ."

End of chapter 4!

Finally its finish, and just before Halloween too! Please review, it may motivate me to write, maybe.

Chapter 5 coming soon?