Rating/Disclaimer/Summary - Please see part 1

Part 8 - Rodney McKay - Post Season 2 - No Spoilers

Rodney McKay had left the SGC with the knowledge that his parents were dead.

John had winced when he'd told him but quite frankly it had been some of the best news he'd ever gotten.

Actually being able to go and see Jeannie was far more daunting than he'd anticipated though.

He pulled the note she'd sent him out of his pocket and read it again, 'MOM – see you there'. It didn't surprise him that his sister had ended up working for the British Ministry, the opportunities for employment had always been better there and the public reunion place would probably be beneficial.

Rodney realised that he was stalling and finished exiting the base.

Once he was free from the prying eyes he made his way towards one of the blind spots at the back and squeezed his eyes shut. Concentrating as hard as he could and praying to Merlin that he wouldn't regret using something like apparition when he hadn't tried it since he was seventeen.

He was more than relieved as he arrived outside the Ministry of Magic in one piece, or at least, as far as he could see. To quote John Sheppard, 'ten arms, ten fingers, I'll check the rest later'.

And that would be him stalling again.

He squared his shoulders and walked inside somewhat amused to notice that the statue that had adorned the entrance ever since he could remember was no longer there.

There was a bored looking witch on the information desk and he walked over, uncomfortably aware of how much he stood out in the jeans he'd changed into back in Atlantis.

Maybe he should have taken five minutes to change before he left the SGC.

But then again, even if he didn't happen to have some robes on hand in the SGC he'd have looked a real sight leaving the base in them. At least the wizarding world had seen muggle fashion before.

Either way it was too late now and he made his way over to the information desk, darting through the dozens of witches and wizards who were rushing around.

"Hello, I'm looking for my sister, Jeannie-"

A screech from behind him cut him off and he spun, reaching automatically for the gun he wasn't wearing.

A brunette witch arched an eyebrow at him and he shrugged. She fixed him with a piercing stare. "Did you say you were looking for Jeannie?" He nodded. "And you're her brother, Rodney McKay?"

He nodded again, warily this time since she appeared to know the name he'd adopted since leaving the wizarding world. He realised suddenly that the only weapon he had on him was the knife Ronon had presented him with after the hiveship.

How smart did you have to be to know that coming here unarmed was a stupid thing to do?

The brunette snatched his wrist and started dragging him down the corridor. She nodded at the guard who stood up on their approach and he relaxed, sitting back down as he waved them through.

"You bastard," she hissed at him, still propelling them through the hallways. "I was the one who set up that tape you sent to Jeannie. You terrified her! The only contact you have with her in twenty years and you send her that!"

She was shrill and she was annoying but Rodney had been annoying people on a professional level for most of his career.

He halted abruptly and they staggered to a stop as he twisted her round.

"Right, you're a muggleborn aren't you?"

Her lip curled defiantly. "What of it?"

"You can have no idea what kind of a household Jeannie and I lived in. If I had contacted her our parents would have found out and they would have made her life a literal living hell. I have been living in the muggle world for twenty years and I have accepted projects on the most classified and obscure projects in existence so the chances of anyone putting two and two together were minimised.

"I sent that message because Jeannie is my sister and she sacrificed everything to get me out so I could have a chance at a future. I sent that message because she's my sister and I thought I was going to die, I just…" He deflated. "I just wanted one last chance to say goodbye and to tell her that I still cared."

The witch looked stunned and then she smiled. "How the hell does the only son of one of the most extremist, pureblooded wizarding families in this world end up working as an astrophysicist for the muggle government?"

He smiled back. "Just lucky I guess."

She turned and pointed out an obscure brown door at the bottom of the corridor. "That's Jeannie's office and I wouldn't worry too much. Like you said, she's your sister." She checked her watch. It consisted mainly of planets and moons. Rodney watched it and wondered where his own had gone after he'd left. "In fact," she continued. "Jeannie's due a lunch break. There's a café in Diagon Alley she likes, take her there."

She pushed him towards the door gently and he nodded.

Stepping forwards he knocked on the door, taking a deep breath and opening it when a voice he'd missed so much told him to do so.


Crossover with Harry Potter