In My Life

Chapter 1: What are we?

Disclaimer: Oh How I wish they were but unfortunately they are not.

A/N: I would like to dedicate this story to Kay for talking me through one of my lowest points and convincing me that my writing is worthwhile. Thanks Kay for being a true friend.

A/N: The song is "In My Life" by the Beatles. The lyrics only appear in full in the first chapter but I think that it makes sense to name the story after the song.

Olivia leaned her head against her hand. After five and a half hours of straight paperwork she was ready to call it a night. Elliot had been in court all day and Munch and Fin had been out doing interviews. After she had processed a few crime scenes she had been back to the monotonous paperwork.

It was seven forty five and she was starving. She pushed out her chair and collected some files to take home with her. She could work on them later she thought. She stood up and started walking towards the door. She was just reaching for the handle to pull the door open when someone burst through from the other side. Olivia was thrown off balance and toppled to the ground, the files that she had in her hands scattering in every direction.

The person stopped immediately and bent down to help her up "Sorry Liv," he said hurriedly as he pulled her to her feet.

Olivia found herself staring into Elliot's eyes. Somehow she found herself swept off her feet once more "…Wow," she said breathlessly.

Elliot smiled back at her "Are you okay?" he asked. He saw the way she was looking at him and he couldn't help being captivated by it.

"Uh…uh…" she stuttered for a moment "I'm fine," she tried to laugh off her previous inability to say anything. An awkward silence fell between the two and Olivia searched for something to end it. Finally she remembered the files and turned her attention to them, bending down to gather them up.

Elliot bent down to help her "So," he began "heading out?"

She slid some papers that had fallen out of the folders back into their proper places as she answered him "Yeah thought I'd go home and get something to eat and maybe get some sleep for once."

Elliot laughed "No hot date?" he inquired skeptically.

Olivia gave a quick jerk of her head and a short laugh "Not in months," she said somewhat regretfully. She finished gathering up the files and stood up.

Elliot stood up as well and reached a hand out to her "You wanna go grab dinner?" he asked, seemingly out of the blue.

"Sure," she answered with a smile. She didn't quite understand why he had asked but she was sure she could con him into paying for the meal so she gladly accepted. She walked to her locker and grabbed her bag, shoving the files inside so that she could avoid any future mishaps such as the earlier incident with Elliot and the two of them walked to the pizza place down the street from the precinct.

"Pizza?" Elliot asked a bit surprised. A restaurant hadn't even been discussed; he was just following Olivia like a lost puppy.

"Why not?" Olivia asked him as they walked inside the small family owned establishment "I haven't had pizza in a long time," she smiled at him as she took a seat in a booth.

He shrugged and sat across from her. The truth was that when it was his weekend with the kids, all they wanted to eat was pizza. He was getting kind of sick of it himself but he wasn't going to tell her that.

The waitress came up to them and smiled "Hi," she said "What can I get for you this evening?"

Olivia looked down briefly at the menu that was printed on her paper placemat. She looked back up at the smiling young woman "I'll have a slice of sausage and mushroom and a diet coke please," she informed her.

Elliot took a little longer to decide than Olivia had. He wasn't sure he wanted pizza but that seemed to be all they had. He finally spotted something he liked and looked up at the waitress with a smile "I'll have a slice of peppers and broccoli please and a diet coke."

"I'll be right back," the waitress told them as she rushed off to get their food.

Olivia leaned her head to one side and stared at Elliot long and hard "Broccoli," she finally said quizzically "I never thought of you as the type."

"There's a type that like broccoli on pizza?" he asked, giving her his own quizzical look.

"Well…" Olivia started to say something but realized that there was nothing she really could say "I guess there isn't a type but still, broccoli?"

"What's wrong with broccoli?" Elliot asked "It's just a vegetable."

"But it tastes like… like…" Olivia tried to come up with the correct word.

"Like broccoli," Elliot said firmly "What are you, twelve?"

"No," she defended herself "I just don't like broccoli," she put both elbows on the table and rested her chin between the palms of her upturned hands.

"And I don't like mushrooms," Elliot informed her "but am I chastising you for your choice of pizza topping?" he laughed.

"Okay, okay," Olivia conceded. She reached a hand across the table towards him "Truce?" she asked, jutting out her lower lip and giving him puppy dog eyes.

Elliot couldn't help the fit of laughter that escaped him at seeing his partner pouting. He reached out and shook her hand "Truce," he said with a smile just as the waitress returned with their food.

The two were hungrier than either probably would have admitted because with in five minutes they had each polished off there slice of pizza and were slowly sipping down their diet cokes. Somewhere in the back of the restaurant the sounds of dishes being washed could be heard. A radio was playing soft jazz music which seemed completely unusual for a pizza place. Olivia found herself swaying slightly in her seat to the music.

"Do you want to dance?" Elliot asked, noticing the dreamy look on her face.

"Here?" Olivia didn't think that it was appropriate to dance in a restaurant like this. There was no dance floor, just an aisle that separated two rows of booths.

"Why not?" Elliot asked as he stood up and reached a hand out to her.

She hesitantly took the hand and stood up "I feel foolish," she told him in a soft voice.

Elliot flashed her a reassuring smile "Who's gonna see?" he gestured around the empty restaurant. The waitress stood behind the cash register near the door but other than that and the noises from the kitchen there was not a soul around.

Olivia nodded and Elliot led her to the center of the aisle. He wrapped his arms around her as they began to move gently in time to the music. Olivia couldn't believe how safe it felt to be with Elliot. It was such a comforting feeling to have his arms around her. She felt like everything was right in the world, that everything was right in her life. Sorrow disappeared from her vocabulary in the time that they spent dancing. She smiled softly into his shoulder as the song ended and another began.

It felt so right to Elliot that he was dancing with Olivia. Like this was what he was meant to do all his life, to hold her, to keep her safe. He could smell her hair from where his chin rested on top of her head. It smelled like flowers and vanilla and all the things good in life to him. He was sorry when the slow jazz song came to an end but the next song was slow as well which meant that he could still sway gently with Olivia in his arms so he didn't care.

It was a Beatles song that they both recognized instantly. Olivia began to hum quietly as they continued to dance.

There are places I'll remember

All my life though some have changed

Some forever not for better

Some have gone and some remain

All these places have their moments

With lovers and friends I still can recall

Some are dead and some are living

In my life I've loved them all

Olivia separated from Elliot just far enough that she could look at him "What are we doing Elliot?" she asked, her voice low and full of emotions that she wasn't even aware of at that moment.

He looked back at her and answered simply "We're dancing Olivia," he smiled and pulled her closer to him as the song continued though Olivia had stopped humming by this point.

But of all these friends and lovers

There is no one compares with you

And these memories lose their meaning

When I think of love as something new

Though I know I'll never lose affection

For people and things that went before

I know I'll often stop and think about them

In my life I love you more

"What are we Elliot?" Olivia asked, not moving from where she rested against Elliot's shoulder. She knew what they had been but were they still just partners, still just friends or were they now something different, something more?

Elliot had no idea how to answer that question. What they were at that moment in each other's arms was something that he couldn't explain. It went beyond partners beyond simple friendship. Could it be possible? Was it… were they…?

Though I know I'll never lose affection

For people and things that went before

I know I'll often stop and think about them

In my life I love you more

In my life I love you more

The song ended and Olivia pulled away from Elliot completely "What are we?" she asked again. In her eyes could be seen a veil of tears that she wouldn't allow to fall, not in front of this man, not in front of anyone. She walked back to their table and picked up her bag. She fumbled through it for a moment before pulling out her wallet. She pulled out ten dollars and turned to Elliot. In light of certain feelings she was having at this moment she didn't feel that it was right to have dinner be his treat. She wasn't sure why but that was how she felt. She forced the money into his hand "Here," she said softly, still trying to hold back the tears.

"No," Elliot waved his hand dismissively, indicating that she should keep her money "My treat, keep it."

"Just take it Elliot," she told him, throwing the money in his face before running out of the restaurant.

"Olivia!" Elliot called after her. He was about to run out the door when he remembered that he hadn't paid yet. He turned back to the waitress who stood behind the cash register.

She waved him off "Go," she told him simply "It's on me this time," she had seen the way the two interacted and knew that something important was happening.

Elliot nodded his thanks and ran after Olivia.

Olivia ran down the street back to the precinct; her car was still in the parking lot there. She heard Elliot calling out to her from about a block away but she ignored him. She couldn't fight the tears anymore and all she wanted to do was get home.

She reached her car and unlocked it. She opened the door and was about to get in when Elliot reached her. He stood next to her, obviously having pushed his body to the limit in order to catch up with her. She looked up at him, too tired of this back and forth to hide the tears that still slid down her face.

"Olivia," he said gently as he reached out to her.

She pulled back just slightly "You never answered me Elliot," she found herself staring into his eyes once more. A sea of forgiving, comforting blue that she could lose herself in but she couldn't afford to get lost not without someone to find her again "So I'll ask you one last time," the tears kept falling as she spoke "What are we?"

"How can I answer that?" he said quietly "You're you, I'm me that's the way it always has been."

"You don't feel like…?" she trailed off, afraid of the answer.

"Like something's changed between us," he finished her sentence "That we're somehow closer and you're scared to death of it because you feel like if we pursue it that we'll…"

"Lose everything that we already have," she finished his sentence, placing a hand on the side of his face "and that's the last thing you want to do because…"

"Over the years," he continued "its something you've come to depend on," he wrapped his arms around her.

Olivia pulled him closer still and kissed him. Deeply, furiously, the first kiss between the two treated by her as if it could be the last. He kissed her back with equal fervor and together they stood tongues exploring on the inside as hands found the backs of necks and crawled there way up the fronts of shirts. It seemed like an eternity when they separated briefly for air before their mouths frantically sought each other once more.

They finally separated only to have Elliot begin trailing soft and gentle kisses along her jaw. She moaned contentedly as both of her hands ran along his muscular chest underneath his dress shirt. She became frustrated with his shirt and began to unbutton it.

Some semblance of sanity seemed to return to Elliot and he paused just at her earlobe "Not here," he said breathlessly.

She nodded and opened the door to the back seat and crawled in, pulling him in after her. Their lips found each other once more in a passionate frenzy. Both pairs of hands began to fumble with clothes. Olivia got Elliot's shirt off first; it was a dress shirt and slid quickly off his shoulders.

Even as he slid Olivia's shirt over her head something in the back of his mind was trying to remind him that the back seat of a car was not the place for this, that there had been a time long ago where a moment of passion in the back seat of a car had ended badly. But she was so beautiful in the light of the setting summer sun. He couldn't help himself as he started work on her bra.

Her hands roamed his body, feeling his muscles quiver under her touch as she lay beneath him. Her hands made their way to the hem of his slacks and she began to free him of his pants. She managed to push the down as far as his knees and he took them off the rest of the way. She was about to start on his boxers when she took in a sharp breath. He had taken one of her nipples into his mouth and was running his tongue around it in a counterclockwise motion. He was bringing her to the edge of climax and she wasn't even fully undressed yet "El," she moaned in ecstasy. Her hands groped for something to grip and they finally settled on Elliot's firm rear end.

This action made him gasp and made his desire for her even stronger. He released her nipple, supporting his weight above her with one hand as he fumbled with the buttons of her jeans with the other.

Olivia took this opportunity to attempt the removal of the boxers again. This time she was successful and soon they both were naked in the back seat of Olivia's car, their clothes lying forgotten on the floor.

His erection was already rock hard as he lay on top of her. She reached down and carefully guided him inside her. He looked into her eyes and saw that they were dark with desire. He took that as his cue and began to move gently inside her. She began to move with him slowly at first but as they found there rhythm the pace quickened. The two were breathless as they moved ever quicker, becoming hopelessly tangled in the other's body. Olivia felt herself drawing closer and closer to the edge. She could see it in Elliot's face, he was too. She felt him plunge deeper within her and she grabbed his butt tighter to help him. She knew the moment was near for both of them and the sudden fear of being caught only increased her excitement. But she couldn't let them both scream out at the point of climax. She reached up and brought his face down to hers. Both screamed into each other's mouths as they came.

The orgasm was the most powerful that Olivia had ever experienced and its aftershocks wracked her body for several minutes after the initial wave. They lay together, sweaty and panting but neither cared. They were the most gorgeous thing the other had ever seen. As they lay together Olivia once more began to run her fingers across Elliot's muscles. This time though it was a much slower caress not as frantic as the first time but no less arousing to Elliot.

He looked down at her face, flush with passion in the waning light. He began to kiss her again and was surprised when she sat up, pulling him flush against her so that he felt her peeked nipples against his chest.

She wanted him, needed him, needed to feel him against her the fear that this was just another beautiful dream that could end at any second was so prevalent in her mind that it was hard to think of much else. She reached her hand down and began to stroke his penis gently hoping to bring him back for round two only to find that he was already standing at attention. She wrapped her legs around his waist and somewhat awkwardly because of the limited space in the back of the car, they began again.

This time he moved slowly inside her, taunting her, teasing her with the promise of an orgasm. She tried to force him to move faster with her own movement but still he moved painfully slow. He grinned at her in what little daylight remained. Without breaking their connection she forced him onto his back making her the dominant player. This time when they reached the edge they both called out each other's names into the atmosphere.

Olivia collapsed on top of Elliot after the latest orgasm ripped through her. He held her close to him and breathed in her scent. She smelled different after sex. It was an animalistic scent that was strangely arousing to him. The darkness fell around them as they lay there in the back of her car, just being with one another was intoxicating and neither one wanted to spoil the moment.

Finally Olivia sat up and pulled her shirt over her head "We can't stay here all night," she said regretfully as she searched for the rest of her clothes.

Elliot too sat up and began to pull his clothes on. Because of the cramped back seat, Olivia was sitting in his lap and he couldn't help but kiss her once more. The two got dressed in silence. Neither one saying a word to confirm or deny the feeling that had been expressed while they were in passion's powerful grip.

When Elliot finished putting on his clothes he simply moved to sit in the passenger's side seat of the car, an arrogant move that Olivia willingly accepted from him as she took the driver's seat and started the car. Without a word said between them they ended up back at Olivia's place.

They reached her building and she pulled into the parking garage. The two got out of the car. Elliot came around to the driver's side. She was so beautiful and he loved her so much. Every second without her in his arms was an eternity of loneliness no matter how pathetic it sounded. He enveloped her in his arms and kissed her with as much passion as that first kiss only an hour before.

She moaned out of pure exaltation as she kissed him back with the same energy and hunger he was kissing her with. Her hands wrapped around the back of his neck and roamed through his short hair as she used this leverage to deepen the kiss.

"You wanna try for round three?" he murmured into her mouth. She moaned in response, simply leaning further back against the car and allowing him to undo her jeans. In seconds round three had begun. It was as if they both thought they had a lot of catching up to do after admiring one another from afar for so long.

Olivia reveled in the new sensation of having him move within her while she was upright. She wound her legs around his waist and enjoyed the moment. When the orgasm came she bit down on her lower lip to keep herself from screaming out in ecstasy once again.

The two finished and stood facing one another. Olivia pushed the hair out of her eyes and turned away from Elliot "Wow," she murmured. What they had just done was enormous, the consequences were immense. She started to walk away when she felt Elliot's hand on her arm. She turned to face him and was relieved to see that the lust had faded from his eyes; she didn't think she could handle a round four.

"Olivia?" he asked softly as he turned her to face him.

She gave a small nod as he spoke. She still found it hard not to get lost in those eyes of his. She knew how she felt about him and she wanted what had just happened to mean that he felt the same way but she found herself to nervous to ask.

"Are you alright?" he asked. He kept his distance, unsure if he had crossed a line all the way back at round one, if this was truly what she wanted. He knew he wanted her but he wasn't sure how. He knew that their bond went deeper than simple physical attraction; he cared very deeply for her. He in fact loved her and having sex three times in and up against her car wasn't the best way of expressing that to her.

"I just…" she began. She found herself being pulled into those blue eyes and she had to break away "I need sometime," she turned and ran for the door of the building and rushed inside.

Elliot stood stunned beside her car. He could see that she was scared, he was too. It was true that what they had done could cost them their friendship but they could gain so much more. He loved her; he needed to let her know that. He walked up to the building and pushed the buzzer for her apartment. There was no answer. He assumed that she just hadn't gotten there yet so he waited.

Olivia ran up the first flight of stairs quickly but as soon as she reached the landing she leaned against the wall. What had she done? What had they done? This would change everything between them. If anything went wrong now she would lose the best relationship of any type she had ever had in her entire life. And she knew that something would go wrong; things always went wrong in a romantic relationship when she was involved. She stood there and cried for a long time before she decided finally to head to her apartment.


It had been ten minutes and Elliot pressed the buzzer again, still no answer. He decided to go home and call her. They had to work this out. He loved her and he had to find someway of showing her that didn't involve frenzied love making. He hailed a cab to take him back to the precinct where his car was still parked, knowing that he would be back in the morning to see her again. That was the only way he was able to pull himself away from her building in the first place, knowing that he'd see her again.


She unlocked her door and threw her keys down on the small table to the left of it when she got inside. She put her badge and gun down beside it before she turned to close and lock the door. She sighed heavily as she headed into the kitchen. She knew that her dreams tonight would be of Elliot. Usually she didn't mind those dreams; she had them often enough that she knew how not to let on about them to anyone in her subtle body language but since the dreams had now turned to reality she was feeling very confused. Her cheeks were still flushed from the passion she had experienced.

She turned on the tap and pulled a glass out of the cabinet to the right of the sink. Propping her head against her hand she stared out the small window above the sink as the glass filled with water. What was she going to do about this? She had to talk to him again. They worked together for God sake. But would he even speak to her after she ran away from him tonight? She had left him without a ride home. He had come back to her apartment with her with, she was sure, every intention of spending the night. And she had shot him down right outside, she had turned him away. Words could not express how low she felt at that moment.

She snapped back into reality when the cool water had filled the glass and looking for somewhere to go, spilled over the side and covered her hand. She pulled the glass from underneath the stream of water and turned it off. She took a deep gulp of the cool liquid. It may have only been New York tap water but it wasn't that bad, especially since Elliot had installed that filter for her three years ago.

She remembered that day. He had still been married to Kathy back then but looking back, Olivia thought that the marriage must have been on a razor's edge. It had been a lazy summer afternoon when Elliot had come over with tools, ready to get to work.


"Liv open the door!" he called from the other side.

She gladly obeyed, opening the door and revealing Elliot in jeans and a t-shirt and carrying what looked to her to be a much bigger toolbox than necessary "This way," she smiled as she lead him to the sink.

He set his toolbox down and went to work. After about an hour he was done "All finished," he smiled standing up. He grabbed two glasses from the cabinet and filled them both with water. He handed one to Olivia "I propose a toast," he said dramatically.

She laughed "A toast. You know you can be such an idiot," she smiled at the feigned look of hurt that he gave her.

"Come on Liv," he pouted which only made her laugh harder "I just spent an hour fixing your sink, humor me, would ya?"

"First of all," she couldn't stop smiling "It wasn't broken."

"But I made it better," he told her "Just taste the water now."

"Ok," she lifted the glass to her lips but he held out his hand and stopped her.

"First the toast," he insisted.

"Okay, okay," Olivia finally gave in. She held up her glass and waited for him to speak.

He raised his glass high in the air "To friendship," he began "And having a best friend who is too stubborn or she just likes the heat too much to get an air conditioner."

"Cheers," she laughed as she downed the water which made her cough furiously.

"You alright?" He asked when she had stopped coughing.

"Yeah," she nodded "On the plus side," she looked up at him "Best damn tap water I've ever tasted."

Elliot chuckled "You know Liv, that's not really saying much at all."

They both laughed and finished their water. Olivia set both glasses down on the counter next to the sink and turned back to Elliot "So what are your plans for the rest of the afternoon?" she asked.

"I cleared my entire schedule for this," he told her. He truly had planned on spending his whole afternoon at Olivia's. Kathy had taken the kids to the beach in an effort to give him some space in the hopes that it would help their relationship. He didn't have much confidence in the whole 'absence makes the heart grow fonder' thing and he really didn't think it would work in this case.

Olivia was just about to say something when Elliot's cell phone rang. She watched as his face fell instantly at seeing the caller ID "Work?" she asked.

"Kathy," he whispered as he flipped the phone open.


Olivia sighed as she took another sip of her water. She had left the room after that to give Elliot some privacy so she hadn't heard any of the call but she remembered that after it, Elliot had seemed no where near as happy as he had been when he had made her toast to friendship. It had turned out that Lizzie had broken her arm and Elliot had to go to the hospital and pick up the other kids while Kathy stayed at the hospital.

"Hello Olivia."

She dropped her glass at the sound of the voice. Shards of glass flew in every direction. Water splashed her shirt. She took in a slow deep breath as she turned around. She prayed that she had imagined the voice and had the sudden urge to shut her eyes. But when she had fully turned around, she saw no one. She looked through the kitchen door into the living room but she saw no one. She saw however that the lamp on the end table closest to the kitchen had been turned on and she didn't remember having turned it on when she came in.

Cautiously she stepped into the living room. Her eyes scanned the familiar furniture and found that nothing seemed out of place except for the lamp being on. She stepped back into the kitchen, assuming that she had forgotten that she had turned the light on and that she had imagined the voice. Even though she told herself that she wasn't anywhere near that old yet.

She got out the dust pan and began to sweep up the shards of glass "Son of a bitch," she cursed herself for her over active imagination and her over reaction to it. She emptied the shards into the trash and bent down to put the dustpan back on the shelf where it belonged.

"It's so good to see you again."

She froze as strong arms wrapped around her from behind. It was the same voice from before and at that moment she knew she hadn't been going crazy. She almost wished that she had though. She tried to turn around but she was powerless in his arms which she remembered was something that really turned him on. That he could make her helpless.

"You have no idea how much I missed you," he kissed the back of her neck gently "I've thought about you every day," he pulled her into a standing position "And I just knew I had to see you," he turned her around to face him.

She found herself staring at Andy Eckerson. Good looking as ever, his eyes dark with desire for her "How did you get in here?" she asked, her voice holding only the tiniest edge of apprehension. She was glad that she had been successful in masking most of her fear.

"That's not important," he told her as he ran a hand down her cheek "All that matters is that we're together now."

Olivia knew that she didn't want to have anything to do with this man, never again "Get out," she said evenly.

"Oh sweetheart," he pulled her close to him and kissed her on the lips "I know you don't really mean that."

He held her so tight against his body that she could feel his already growing erection "Yes I do," she told him, trying to pull away "Get out," she repeated.


Elliot collapsed on his couch and reached for the cordless phone. He just had to talk to her. He had to tell her that he loved her. He dialed the familiar number and waited. One ring… Two rings… Three rings. As it rang he got up from the couch and began to pace "Come on Liv," he muttered to himself "Pick up, pick up."


The phone was ringing. She knew that she had to get to it. It was her best chance. She needed help because no matter how hard she tried, she knew she couldn't deal with Andy on her own.

He had her pinned against a wall and he was running his hands all over her while he kissed her "I love you," he murmured into her mouth.

She tried to slowly inch along the wall to where the phone was but she had no luck. The ringing stopped and the answering machine picked up. Her heart skipped a beat when she heard the voice of the person leaving the message.

"Liv it's me."

"Elliot," she whispered without even realizing it.

Andy slapped her hard.

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I hope I didn't do anything to hurt you tonight. I guess you must have gone to bed already so I won't bother you much longer. I just wanted to let you know…" Elliot paused "I love you."

Those words seemed to send Eckerson in a fit of rage. He pulled Olivia off the ground and held her against the wall with her feet dangling in the air. He held her with one hand squeezing her wind pipe as he backhanded her with the other "Did you sleep with him!" he asked infuriated.

Olivia was gasping for air but she found that there was room to kick and so she did. Both feet made contact with Andy. One struck him in the crotch and caused him to double over. He let go of Olivia and she collapsed on the floor. She quickly recovered and ran for the phone 'Please still be their,' she silently prayed as she reached it.


Elliot lingered on the phone, not wanting to hang up but having nothing else to say. He was just about to push the button and end the call when he suddenly heard a frantic voice on the other end.

"Elliot," Olivia was out of breath and he could hear the fear clearly.

"Liv what's wrong?" he asked already grabbing his coat.


He heard crashing on the other end of the line "Olivia! Olivia!" he called frantically.


Eckerson pulled her towards him once again, knocking over everything in his path as he did so "No," he told her "I love you. You're mine. No one else can have you."

She lay beneath him on the floor, helpless "Don't," she begged weakly as his fist came crashing down on her face.

"You're mine," he told her as he picked her up and flung her against the wall.

She struggled to her feet but she was extremely disoriented at this point. She tried to get to the phone again. Her fingers closed around it just as she felt Eckerson grab her around the waist again. He was pulling her away from the phone. She was only able to get two last words out before his hand covered her mouth with what she recognized instantly as chloroform soaked rag.


Elliot heard the noises on the other end and he could swear his heart stopped beating. He heard a man's voice that he thought he knew shouting angrily although he couldn't make out the words. He heard another loud crashing sound followed by the sounds of a struggle. Finally he heard two clear words that caused something inside him to break, two words spoken by the woman that he would do anything for. He knew that he had to do what those two words asked of him but he didn't know how.

"Elliot Help!"


A/N: Okay guys please tell me what you think and try to keep the hate mail to a minimum please? I would really appreciate the feedback.