Chapter 26: The finale, Oh... and I never mentioned how old were they did I? If I did.. tell me... I think I only said at one point that she had to be at least 13, but I don't think I ever gave you an age. Maybe this Writer is starting to loose its mind... I don't know... But please tell me because I got a message or two wondering how old they were. I'm not sure if maybe they skimmed or something or didn't read affter chapter 1 or something,.. but I was accoully starting this FanFiction story with Naruto and Hinata's age at 17... But I may have said something else... I REALLY don't know.. so please... someone.. message me... I am too busy in essays and work to look. Everytime I get a free second I need to do something. In fact, I only write this First period of the school days. On Saturdays and Sundays I try to but am always getting interupted or something... Simply... I don't have enough time to reread my story and chapters. I am tring to update as fast as possible. Anyway... This takes place at 18... Even after episode 200... and sorry to all the people who I made wait. PEOPLE ACCOULLY REVIEWED! So I decided to write a little more.. THat TRIPPLE DIGIT REALLY got me back into writing. I checked it but I didn't think more then 10 people REALLY liked my story. People accoully Sent me a message saying it was good and I should keep writing.

Hinata covered her mouth as screams would only be replaced by crying. Her heart punded and wouldn't stop. Naruto's right baby blue eye soon grew red with pure evil. Soon a fox mask grew on his face and his voice became a mixture of fox and Naruto. His foot steps left foot prints in steel and rubble of things falling down. A vortex of red chakra spun into a tornado and the fox mask covered half his face. Soon, tails of red chakra appeared and lashed the air. Naruto's face got an evil grin on it.

"Orochimaru... thank you for reviving me." Orochimaru grinned.

"My pleasure master." Orochimaru signaled for Sasuke to attack the Naruto creature. Three tails whipped at Sasuke and all of them hit. Blood Splashed on the wall. The fox masked eye looked at Orochimaru. The vortex dissapeared into the air. And storm clouds gather, as if they knew that they were needed.

"What was that about Orochiamru?"

"To make sure it was you." His eyes diverted to Hinata who had been petrified with fear. He walked over and the vortex once again apeared.

"Hello Hinata.." He touched her face. She closed her eyes and tried to move but couldn't.

"Please don't touch me!" She cries pulling away from his cold touch. Another smile runs across his face.

"Don't be like that Hinata. I only want to make you happy."

"If you want to make me happy. Give me back Naruto and NEVER return. For nothing to ever disturbe us!" She had only hoped for a life like that.

"I can give you that. I can give you a place, were nothing happens, and were you and Naruto never have to worry about a thing."

"You..C-Can?" She turns around to stare him in the face. His cold eyes stare at her. He chuckles.

"Yes. I can give you solitude, with the one you love." This raptured her whole body in false hope.

"How... how can you do this?" The answer came quick and painful to her.

"By dieing for me..." Her head studdered to look down the bloody hand that grasped her entrails. She screamed in agony as her body was wrapped in a tingle. The back of her mouth felt like throwing up, her vision stared to blurr, she became disoriented from blood loss. More of her crimson life support were lost. She clenched her teeth as she began to see a hooded figure, thought burred, walked towards her.

"Hinata... be a good girl, and die." The fox creature slowly removed his fingers, coated with blood.

"Naruto.." She said as her body hit the ground and became engulfed in her blood. It became difficult to keep her eyes open. The fox creature laughed.

"Why can't you die?"


"Grr. Damn. Why do you always have to make things DIF..." Suddenly the mask housing his right eyes, cracked. The mask shattered and pieces of it. Out of the blue a baby blue eye emerged and looked at Hinata.


"Naruto..." She tried to lean into a kiss with him but each time was interupted by coughing blood into his face and excrutiating pain.

"Hinata..." She laid back and stared at the open sky through the holes in the ceiling. She watches birds go by.

"Naruto.. Do you remember when you first came back after 2 and a half years of training?"

"Yeh with pervy sage."

"I didn't come to see you at that time, even though I was 20 feet away watching. I regret to have said hello, but you... grew so much and looked so much..." A small blush came across her face. "Handsome, that I didn't want to go near you."

"Please stop Hinata..." She turns her face to him.

"I''m sorry about Menma. If you remember him."

"Of course I remember him!"


"Hinata.. why are you like this?"

"Naruto.. these are things I have never told anyone that I would like to tell you.. but I never got the chance before."

"Please no more.. Hinata. Stop talking, you won't die."

"I will Naruto, and when I do, kick his ass." She points to Orochimaru who was standing there enjoing the 'proformance.'

"I will, and don't worry."

"I know you will. I have"

"Hinata! Hinata!" Her head and body went limp as the storm cloud's rain came own hitting her face. It came quick and heavy. Naruto clenched his teeth and they began to clammer. Chills went up and down his spine. His heart raced. Tears, mixed with rain, fell to the floor, only to dissapear in the soaked floor.

"Is that all? Too bad, I was hoping for a better show." Naruto's body didn't move. His eyes staring at the blood on his hands and the blood and rain. It was dark, dark and

damp. Orochimaru started clapping as Naruto stood up. "Good proformance! Now it's my turn." He jumped up on part of the broken ceiling, and flund kunai after kunai at him. He caught 3 kunai and the rest were deflected. "At least I won't be bored. He did a few hand signs before snakes moved towards him. As they jumped to bit him, THEY HIT! The snake's fangs tightened on his neck and shoulder. Orochimaru laughed. "Is that all? I should have thought you were strong." A heart beat pounded his chest as the snakes were thrown off forcefully. Naruto's hands had not move though. The wounds quickly healed. The heart beats grew faster, and stronger. Naruto stood there, not in pain, but anger for himself. A heart beat pulsed and caused Naruto to look up at Orochimaru. Red chakra vortex, apeared once again around his body, but no fox mask was there. He dissapeared. Orochimaru quickly looked around. Suddenly, a vortex sourrounded him and Naruto, standing on a slightly higher beam. However, his eyes were different, they were, darker blue then normal.

"Orochimaru." He said in normal voice. "I'm going to kill you!" He once again dissapeared, this time attacking with a shuriken.

He easily dodged it. Suddenly, a bombardment of shuriken and kunai, came out from the walls of the vortex. There were too many to count, and too many to dodge. A few hit and scraped his legs and chest. Naruto smirked.

"What is so funny?" Orochimaru demanded. He looked at Orochimaru. Naruto did a hand sign.

"Forbidden Jutsu: Vortex of death!" Those words struck Orochimaru and knocked him back a step. The top of the vortex closed and Orochimaru started to look for a way out. As he touched the walls of the vortex, electricity struck him. "Don't bother, if u touch somthing like this, it'll only hurt you. The vortex walls seemed to get smaller. Orochimaru looked back at where Naruto was just standing. Damn that kid... He left! These walls are getting closer... I need to find a way out..I wonder where he learned a jutsu like this? "Oh well. just need to enjoy the show. He sat down. He took his hand over the vortex and then clenched it. The vortex quickly go smaller. He heard Orochimaru scream, then... silence... The vortex dissapeared and Orochimaru's body fell to the ground. A tear fell down Naruto's face. I killed him, but... I killed Hinata...DAMN IT ALL!!!!! He fell to his knees and fell into a pool of blood, water and salt (tears). By this time ANBU where sourounding the building, all enjoying the dead body of Orochimaru. (Told you I didn't like him...) In the middle of building, a cring Naruto over Hinata's pale cold body. A loud cry was heard that night, that shocked everyone, even Tsunade. Naruto took a kunai up to his neck. Tsunade quickly ran to him andd tried to stop the kunai from hitting Naruto's flesh. She held the kunai before it could touch his skin.

"Naruto what the hell are you doing?"

"I...I...I killed hinata!" Tsunade then felt a body hit hers. She cuddled Naruto. and they stood there. Naruto cring, even though he was 18, he lost the worst thing in the world to him, he felt the ache in his heart. He remembered her, everything about her, her body, her voice, her touch. They all came back to him.

"Naruto calm down. Please." Almost as soon as she said that, he calmed down a little. Tears stopped and Naruto looked at Tsunade.

"Baa-chan.." She wasn't thrilled to hear him say that, but it at least was something other then cring.

"Turn around and hold still." Naruto gave her a question look. "I want to heal your back Naruto. You have a few scratches." Until then, he did not notice the cold chill on his back. He turned around and let her heal him. Just then a ANBU went to check the body. As soon as he touched it, Naruto snapped around and threw a kunai. The ANBU dodged it easy. The same ANBU stared at him.

"No one touched her got it?" Naruto wasn't kidding. His eyes looked at the ANBU with intentions of killing him if he touched the body. The ANBU, normally not scared easy, backed off without Tsunade's permission.

"Naruto.. jut let me heal you and let the ANBU get the body exam..."

"NO! She can't be dead. She.. she just can't... she's strong now... she won't die. She is just unconcious."

"Naruto don't be stupid, she's dead.."

"NO! SHE'S NOT!" He once again swung around, but this time the kunai was at Tsunade's shoulder. "Tell me she's not." Tsunade saw the pain in his eyes. Th hurt in him.

"She's dead Naruto. You know I can't lie." Naruto's eyes grew with rage. He didn't want to believe it. He looked into her eyes. The kunai thouched her neck. They stared for a few minutes before Naruto dropped the kunai and turned back around. Tsunade continued to heal him. "I'm sorry Naruto, I know that you are in pain." Naruto just stares at the floor. The same ANBU went to the body and before touching her corpse, looked at Naruto. He slowly got closer to the body and staring at Naruto.

"Just take the damn body..." He mumbled. He bit his lower lip and watched them touch her. He wanted so bad to kill each of them. A strong burning and tightening in his stomach apeared. He had murderous thoughts of them, he put his hand over his head. Small chakra shield apeared, not even strong enough to shield him from a kunai. Naruto closed his eyes. Tears formed and fell down his face. He didn't want to cry, he didn't want to look like he did years ago, he didn't want to be sad, he didn't want to to have pain, have regret, have feelings. But also he wanted to, wanted to cry, be sad, and have feelings. He just wished she was back. He knew he shouldn't revive her. As they where about to take her away..."WAIT!" The ANBU stared at him, and inside scared of Naruto. They stood there, ready to defend themselves if he attacked. Naruto walked towards them. Tsunade stopped him.

"What are you doing Naruto?" He stood there quiet. "Answer me Naruto..." He pulled his hand away from her. She was surprised at how strong he was. She got up and walked towards the ANBU and Hinata. He walked towards them.

"What do we do?" One ANBU quietly asked.

"If he attacks, we strike." Another ANBU responded. Naruto conintued to walk towards them, Tsunade tring to stop him, but didn't want to hurt him. She had no reason to.

He was now 10 feet from the ANBU, and the ANBU started to get testy. Naruto got close enough that he could strike and kill all of them, yet he kep walking towards them. He was now a breath's distance away from an ANBU. The ANBU ready to die if nessisary, but nothing happened. Naruto pulled out of his pocket but kept it gripped in his hand.

"What is in your hand?" An ANBU asked. "Answer me." Naruto's eye scrolled over them, then threw something past the ANBU. The ANBU in self defence, attacked Naruto and stabbed him with a kunai. One ANBU stood there, he turned and looked at the object he threw. He bent down to notice it was a locket. But what was amazing is that the locket had landed on Hinata's chest around a locket would hang. The ANBU couldn't open it.

"You open it..." The ANBU stood up and the other ANBU stared at what Naruto said.

"What do you mean open it?" Before he could speak, the ANBU said it.

"He threw a locket to Hinata's corpse, and landed it right on her upper chest." The ANBU looked at Naruto. Tsunade ran over and tried to heal the wound before Naruto would die but Naruto punched at her, she dodged it but in doing so, the ANBU removed the kunai. Blood ran down his cloths. Naruto limped over to the other ANBU holding the locket. Tsunade tried to stop NAruto, but he was still too strong. Naruto placed his hand on the ANBU's hand containing the locket. A surge of chakra opened the locket just in time for Naruto to faint. The ANBU saw the inscription inside the locket. They picked up his body and let him die. They understood why he did what he did. They gathered around his body for a prayer. At first Tsunade was very reluctant to let him die. She even tried to kill a Black op. to get to him. The op. that still held the locket, looked at an ANBU that looked back at him. He took the locket to the other ANBU and she read the inscription. She stared at the ANBU and kissed him on the cheek. The two ANBU stared at each other and smiled. They took it to the funeral and held each other's hands. The inscription put smiles on their face, even though they where cring. The ANBU hand their masks off so everyone could see their face.

"The person who found the locket has something to say." Tsunade said as she stepped aside so the ANBU could speak.

"Thank you Tsunade, me and Sakura are deeply hurt by this. There was one thing inscribed in the locket, 2 words. Those words touched me and Sakura. They will forever be with us both. Let me recite them..." The ANBU got down on one knee and said.."Akei ai"

(Even a sad day can be good, though we never know what awaits us.) A young man walks out of the shadows. It is Naruto. Naruto followed by Hinata and behind her is Sasuke, and behind him, Tsunade. The author steps out of the shadows.

"Even though we see the what goes on the world, we are unaware of things even around us. I would like to thank you for reading my story.

Since this is the longest story I have finished, I would like comments on the story not it's mistakes please. I don't mind a few your spelling sucks and things, but the whole point of a review is to tell me if you liked it, not to tell me to fix something, though it is sometimes helpful.

If you have read this far, i salute you, i hope you like the ending. I usually do a happy ending, but I did warn you that this story is a Tragedy.

Sorry for the very long update. I am just having a few very bad weeks and couldn't consintrate. This is the last chapter, i'm sorry. Other stories need updates. See ya... Author out...