Title: The Best Laid Plans

Authors: Sara and Lizzie

Rating: T for violence, language, maybe sex

Disclaimer: Obviously the show does not belong to two school girls.

Summary: An OR gets taken hostage by a love struck woman who's fiance is dying. Meredith gets caught in the cross fire, and no one is safe. But, it's all in the name of love, right?

Author's Note: Yea, it's a cliché, but we're obbsessed and back to writing game, so feed our egos and review.

10:58:32 PST

"He's getting worse Charles!" Rachel Finley yelled at her brother. "I don't think he's breathing right."

"I know this Rach." He shouted back. "And what the hell are we supposed to do? We don't have insurance. We don't have any money. The hospital won't treat him."

"We're supposed to be getting married, Charles. I'm supposed to marry him." She was on the brink of tears. She pushed her red hair out of her eyes. "He can not die. We're getting married."

" The hospital isn't going to treat him because you're gonna get hitched." Charles said gentler this time.

Her green eyes narrowed into slits. "You know what? Fuck the hospital. Get him ready."

"To go where?"

"Just do it Charles. I'll explain in the car."

11:31:30 PST

Meredith Grey shuffled into the emergency entrance lobby, rubbing her eyes. 11:30. Way too late when you've been at Seattle Gracee since six am. No, way to late when you've been with Addison Shepherd since six am.

"If I ever wanted to be obgyn, which I didn't, I sure as hell don't now." She muttered to herself.

"That's a sign of schizophrenia." Came a smooth voice from across the hall.

She smiled at him, and her face burned at the butterflies she felt in her stomach. Still felt in her stomach. Even after he hadn't picked her.

"I'll take that under consideration."

"Long day?"

"The longest."

"In the pit?"

"The pit of crying children and bitching-" she stopped short, catching herself. She looked at Derek, hoping hse hadn't crossed the line. His eyebrows raised and he snorted. A snort that turned into a laugh that they shared.

When Derek could breathe again, and Meredith had gotten around to wiping the tears from her eyes, they noticed Addison, standing across the hall from them, arms crossed.

Their next laughing fit didn't improve her mood. "Derek, can we go?"

"Addison, we're talking. Come over here." He said, still choking back laughter.

"Derek, let's leave." She said slowly, as if she were addressing a three year old. He held up a hand to Meredith and dutifully followed his wife.

11:33:00 PST

Rachel wheeled her fiance through the ER doors, and reached into her large tote bag. She came towards Meredith.

"Who are you?" she demanded.

"Doctor Grey." Meredith said indignantly.

Rachel pulled out her gun. "Doctor, you and I are going to spend some time together."

It was thirty seconds after Derek left the ER.