Ladies and gentleman! Fangirls and fanboys of all sizes! I present to you Hollow Destiny, version 2! This new and improved version has the same plot line, the same chapters, but less grammar mistakes! Also this story now come to you all with more chapters and some completely rewritten ones! Smiles at her fans I know I haven't been very good to you all, and you all are probably wondering what the heck happened to the older version...

Well... I went back and decided that this story needed a make over...

And a few new chapters too!

So sorry for the inconvence to all of my awaiting fans, but we're going to have to start from the beginning again... But this time with less where/were and has/as mistakes!

I love you all!

And your patience!

Hollow Destiny

By Embodiment of Sekhmet

Chapter One: Beginning

I watch sadly as my older "brother" exits our room through the window. It had to be at lest midnight, with the pitch black night sky, filled with crystal stars shining in on me. But he always leaves at night; he must, for he is a creature of the night, a dark angel, a vampire.

He has been for three thousand years. How did I find this out? Heh, I remember when he first came...

I was four, and my parents brought a boy who looked a lot like me downstairs. He called them mommy and daddy, much like I did. Then my mother told me to play nice with my older brother. He had brainwashed them, for what purpose I may never know, but he did and for the last twelve years I've lived with a vampire as my older brother.

He doesn't know that I know about who he is.

Or maybe he does and doesn't care.

Either way I love him like a brother.

I did some research on vampires once, he caught me with the books and I told him it was a school project.

He believed me and told me all about "daylights...

What are they? They're vampires who can exist in sunlight, who can live off of human food, and can survive on only the tiniest amounts of blood.

That's what he was...

A "daylight"...

But he still goes out to hunt at night, he's done it ever since dad died and mom went crazy.

We live with my grandfather now...

He waits till I'm asleep, then dashes out the window into the night always making it back right before dawn, with the heavy scent of washed out blood floating about him. Grandpa doesn't notice it, but I do.
It never has really bothered me until a few days ago when he brought home a tall man with icy blue eyes and coppery brown hair. He was silent, only speaking when my brother spoke to him, and he barely ate the food Grandpa gave to him.

He watched me very closely, his blue gaze made me shiver.
I could tell he was like my brother.

A vampire...

Ever since he came over my brother decided to move out. I was sure he was joking until the man showed up again to pick up his things.

Tonight is his last night with us...

Then he's moving...

He didn't tell us where, just that he was going and he promised to visit.

I sigh and roll over in my bed.

Closing my eyes I wonder why he wants to move briefly before I fall into a heavy slumber...

And I dream...
I dream of a pair of lavender eyes...

(I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh or any of it's characters, all OC's were created by the author of the this fanfiction, with the exception of some of the names which I will list the owners of when I come to them.)

(Thanks and please do review... or flame if you'd like...)