Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Summary: It's just a simple kiss demanded by a simple game…what's so hard about that? Ask Sasuke…

CHAPTER 1: Truth and Dare

The scent of fire burning in the fireplace lingered in the boy's room. Konoha High is having it's annual camp. The laughter echoed the room, as each of them made their choice after the spin of the battle…truth or dare?

"This is so lame…this kind of thing is a girl's game, why do we have to play this stupid game?" Kiba asked in an irritated manner.

"To kill time…" Naruto replied.

"How about if I kill you instead." Sasuke threatened him; apparently he's also annoyed of playing truth or dare. Is this how they're supposed to spend a night, playing this childish game?

"Relax, bro." Itachi said, restraining himself to laugh. What does a third year student doing in a room packed with second years? Well, he's just here to have some hilarious time torturing his beloved brother in front of his dear classmates. And one more thing, he's here to investigate if the rumors about his brother having a girlfriend are true.

"Just answer the damn question Kiba."


"Do you like someone in our class?" Lee asked excitedly.

"Yes Lee…I like Tenten." He said sarcastically. Lee's eyes widened, he can't believe what he had heard and apparently the group couldn't believe how stupid he could get either. Neji glowered at Kiba, to make him stop and answer the question properly. Kiba's sweat dropped, getting Hyuuga Neji pissed is synonymous to suicide. "Well I don't have anyone…apparently all pretty girls in the class are taken." He said and looked at Sasuke, grinning.

"I'm outta here…this game sucks!" Sasuke declared. He stood up and tried to exit his way but his damn sadistic brother blocked him. "Scared of playing this game, little brother?" Itachi mocked him.

Sasuke glared at him, but Itachi wasn't taken aback…he's the only one who couldn't be swayed by his brother's famous glare. "Why would I?"

"Then stay…" he smirked.

"This game's stupid."

"Then let's make it more exciting." Itachi stated with a mischievous grin plastered on his face. "How about making it a game of truth and dare."


And the bottle spins endlessly as if it would never stop. Finally it slowed down… slower…slower and finally stopped. In Sasuke's direction.Itachi grinned inside… "Let the game begin!"

"Dare…" Sasuke said.

"No bro, you don't get the rules properly. I said it's a truth and dare…so you really don't have to choose. You're doing both." Itachi grinned at the sight of his annoyed brother. How he love torturing him. "Ok, your girlfriend's name is Haruno Sakura right?"

"Yes…" OK, the truth part is not that hard…next is the dare. Sasuke thought.

"That's not my question."

"What!" Sasuke shouted, but Itachi just ignored him.

"The question is…have you already kissed her?"

Sasuke didn't replied quickly and the whole room is waiting for his response. Itachi smirked, he has a good feeling about this…

"No." Sasuke said flatly after about thinking what to say for about a minute or so. Confessing to her was hard enough…and kissing her is another story. He told his self.

"What!" Naruto exclaimed. "You've been together for four months and you still haven't kissed her even once."

One more word and I'll definitely kill you.

"You're the most pathetic person I've ever met." Kiba said, trying to contain his self from laughing really hard. Sasuke glared at him.

You're next Kiba, after Naruto it'll be you. But I have to kill my stupid brother first…for suggesting this stupid modified game and asking the more stupid question. He noted to his self.

Itachi, grinned. So he's right about it. "Very well Sasuke, then I dare you to steal a kiss from Haruno Sakura."