Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

:0) Sorry for the long time it took to update.


Chapter 16:

"Sesshou...What the.."

Kagome enters the luxurious room. A portrait of herself dressed in the multi-layered kimono met her roving eyes. Curiously she approaches it, fascinated by the way the opulent clothes were portrayed. It seemed even the varying hues of the rainbow is put to shame by the rich garb that her portrait had been clothed with. She smiled warmly, running her fingers over the painted fabric-almost as though she was touching a real silk fabric.

"He had this made for me?" She mumbled out, as she stood transfixed on the spot..

"Actually it is to commemorate the late Lady."

"Kanna!" Gasped Kagome sharply, turning abruptly towards the emotionless voice of the void youkai.

"Sesshoumaru, had it commissioned a year after the late Lady's demise. He never displayed it, for the young Lord mourned her death deeply, even to this day. For what reason you think he takes delight in your company?" Unknown to Kagome Kanna produced a darkened orb from her pocket, whispering under her breath she recited a most foul spell.

Kagome's head drooped and her shoulders slumped. "Is that how he saw me? Just a mirror reflection of his dead mate?" Her heart lurched, each beat constricting her chest painfully. Had she truly been blinded by love to be that naïve?

"A reflection you say?" Repeated Kanna with a sinister smirk.

A blinding light exploded in her midst, she felt herself propelled backwards. Her panicked shriek dying in her throat as she feels herself pulled in two. A vacuum of dark energy sucks at her soul, Kagome loses consciousness at the suffocating whirl of miasma and her own pain. A moment later she succumbs to the growing darkness pulling at her very being.

"Now for stage 2." Muttered Kanna indifferently. Casting one contemptuous look at Kagome she exits the room leaving behind the acrid and corrupt stench of the spell.


"Where the hell is she?"

"Girl's a hurtin, maybe she got a bit of sexual healing" Retorted Ayame humping the wall. Sango groans as she slaps her forehead.

"Is that all you can think about ya sex-crazed camel? No wonder the ookami was crawling on his belly on his way out of your room." Snorted Kaede, crossing her arms. "What are ye? Four chromosomes short?"

Ayame's eyes tinged pink at the edges. "Kiss my furry ass ya little short sh't! At least I'm not married to one of the 'sparky twins'!"

"Shut up! Can't you two idiots, stay within the same breathing space without biting each other's head off?" Cried Kikyo irritably. "Hurry up and open the door Sango, I can't stand these two any longer."


"A-ha! No problem is too complex for the likes of this Sango!"

"Yep, except for the problem regarding your hubby's wondering dildo." Added Kaede, producing a plump cucumber from the plastic bag she had been holding, and wriggling it in front of Sango.

"Touche, Thumbellina!" Applauded Ayame.

"You're both sick you know that? I hope you both grow a massive hernia and die shitting in the toilet!"

Sango glared at the both of them as Ayame and Kaede roared in laughter.

Kikyo stepped through the threshold ignoring the bickering trio. "Kagome said she was here ..."

"F'ck! I smell magic!" Cried Ayame in alarm, instinctively going on a defensive stance.

"Kikyo, Ayame, Sango, Kaede! Help me!" Screamed a muffled voice.

"What freakin hell was that?" Jumped Kaede, a strange prickling sensation making her hairs stand on end..

Sango scanned the entire scene. "Something's not right." She muttered.

"There!" Alerted Kikyo, pointing at the gold rimmed mirror standing on a gray marble pedestal.

"Kagome?" The girl cried in unison.

"What happened?" Asked Sango, as she surveyed her friend's shaking form on the other side of the mirror.

"Kanna came here she said Sesshoumaru only likes me because he sees his dead mate in me... (sniff).. then, there was a bright flash, ... (hic).. I remember I hurt all over and then when I came to I was imprisoned here." Kagome sobbed.

Kikyo raced to her side, touching the mirror she closed her eyes in concentration. She shrieked in pain pulling back her hand from the mirror. She cradled her hand against her chest trying to asses thr damage.

"Kikyo-neechan, your hand!" Gasped Kaede in alarm, pointing at Kikyo's hand.

"The transparent bitch must been royally pissed to land your ass in there." Remarked Ayame, moving closer to Kikyo.

All focused their eyes on the red patches that appeared on Kikyo's milky white palms. "A corrupt aura." Mumbled out the older miko. "There is a spell attached to this... we humans cannot touch this without getting burned."

"Oh yea sure! Pick the youkai to get her ass zapped, before joining Kagome on the freakin phantom zone, and haunting all your flat yellow asses from the other side!" Complained Ayame, gesturing with both arms to emphasize her point.

"Ayame just pick the damn thing up before I show Kouga the home movie we made last Halloween when you decided to dress up as Elvira and giggle your tits in front of the video cam complete with nipple tassels!"

Ayame grumbled as she grasped the full length mirror on either side and lifted it from off the marble pedestal. Underestimating the weight of the elegant mirror, the ookami stumbled forward. Everyone gasped and held their breaths as the mirror tilted forward. Ayame's youkai reflexes kicked in however, and she maneuvered it to safety, catching the gold and marble disc on her arms. "Damn it.. no one ever said my back would be cracked in the process!"

"Plug your hole! I know you've contorted yourself much more than that! As I recall, ye be the twisting queen on ice back in high school." Retorted Kaede.

"I twist pretzels ya damn battery operated midget! I was the pretzel queen!" Huffed Ayame, letting off a string of curses. "Couldn't you have haunted something lighter? Like a freakin pocket mirror or something like that? This sh't weighs more than all the blubber from Jenny Craig in a year's time!"

"Well, it's not like I could choose!" Retorted Kagome.

"If only youkai could touch the mirror, shouldn't we call Sesshoumaru? I bet he could pick up that mirror with one hand while picking his nose with the other." Suggested Kaede.

"NO!" Protested Kagome. "He mustn't know.."

"But he's your mate, he has the right to know." Disapproved Kikyo.

"I agree with Kiks, regardless of what Casper the friendly ghost may have said, I know for a fact that you've melted the ice around that Taiyoukai's frigid ass!" Joined Ayame, straining under the weight of the mirror she held. "God, I can't even remember the last time, that Yeti was in a good mood, and yet I've caught glimpses of him smiling! Smiling could you believe it? It almost made my blood run cold!" Rambled Ayame. Kagome keeled sideways clutching her head with both hands.


"Lady Mate, I bequeath this to you. This unique gem has been guarded by my family for generations. It was given to us for safe keeping until the rightful guardian should appear. Wars have been fought over it. So many lives lost to ensure it's safety." The Inu Lord placed her hand over his dexterously placing the jewel on her small hands without touching the jewel himself. "Youkai's touch taint it black, but a being of light renders it pure."

"It's beautiful! What is it?"

"The Shikon no tama." Answered Sesshoumaru giving one of his rare genuine smiles.

"Oi! Kagome! Don't do that... you nearly scared the ticks off my ass!"

"Nearly?" Asked Kaede. "Ye mean those things plastered on your ass aren't polka dots?"

"Shut up! Mind your own pubic hairs, before I get pissed off and flick one tick and blind one of your damn eyeballs!"

"Girls please!" Pleaded Kagome.

Kikyo observed her with calculating eyes. "You remembered something?"

"Hai... Kyo-chan, what do you know of the Shikon no tama?"

Kikyo's eyes widened. "A most dangerous knowledge to behold Kagome .. why do you want to know of it?"

"Has it got something to do with your relapse?" Asked Kaede.

"To put simply, it is a most dangerous relic, it is not to be trifled with. It will consume your soul should it deem so."

"Consume? .. You mean as in eat?" Gasped a horrified Sango.

"Nah duh!" Snorted Ayame rolling her eyes.

"Hai.. The jewel itself is made up of vanquished souls, those who were foolish enough to tamper with it. No one has been able to wield the jewel without falling prey to it's curse." Continued Kikyo.

"A further reason why I must see to this alone." Remarked Kagome adamantly.