Title: Connect & Disconnect

Author: ME! – Bobo – though not my real name…

Rating: PG – PG13… (dude, it's a nice and sweet story!)

Disclaimer: So far, I only own Sam, Becky, Justin and Jenny… Nobody else but them – up till this point that is.

A/N: Hey everybody! Here's the sequel, as wanted, to my other fic 'Friends & Connections'. To clear things up again, it's now July 2006 – if my calculations did not stuff up… Yes I skipped 6 – 7 months of the story – sorry.

Jessie is now 15, Grace probably 17, Katie soon to be 17, Tad 17, Russell 17, Sam soon to be 18 so still 17, Becky 16.

A/N2: This is just a trial sequel… if you guys don't like it then tell me. Anyways here it goes. Hope you Enjoy!

Part 1: Connected…

From that day they made up in the attic, Jessie and Katie had spent nearly every waking moment together, even more so before they realized Jessie had to leave. They would wake up thinking about each other, make sure the first person they interact with every morning was each other, the last person they say goodbye to after school was each other.


Coming Out… (June)

To benefit their little relationship, Jessie finally told her whole family about her and Katie once holiday started.

This whole revelation was definitely no surprise to Eli or Grace…

Zoë did not feel one bit shocked, she had always thought there was something, but really didn't care… Of course, Zoë was not the main approval they were seeking for, but nevertheless a reassuring sign.

Lily shouted a very childish "Knew it!" when the two finished.

Rick calmly said, "That explains it all." Though not having exactly explained what 'all' meant but it was good enough for Jessie and Katie.

Finally it was Karen's turn to react; she smirked at her daughter and Katie, causing them two to become very confused. "Was wondering when you guys would finally tell us… I must say I was worried if you would ever tell us."

"So… So… You guys all kinda knew?" Jessie stuttered in utter shock.

"Well of course honey… who couldn't have? Unless they were totally blind." Lily answered, and everyone else nodded in agreement.

"So… no… I meant you're all okay with me and Katie together?" Jessie asked, easing back into the couch next to Katie.

"Of course, if you're happy with Katie, we're happy you're with Katie." Karen answered simply.

Rick finally spoke up, "Ah… so I see you and Eli inherited my 'attracting beautiful young women' gene."

Jessie scrunched her nose, "Dad…" she stretched out. Katie found the expression Jessie had on too terribly cute and kissed Jessie on the cheeks, causing the younger girl to blush, but smile back in return.

"You know Jess, I've always thought you would attract a hot looking somebody, but never thought it was going to be a hot looking girl…" Eli said, rubbing the back of his head stupidly.

"Guess you thought wrong then…" Grace said and threw a cushion at Eli.


Katie's House (July 12th 2005)

Since their near three months summer holiday started, which was really only about a month ago, Katie practically lived with Jessie, or Jessie with Katie. Normally they would alternate between the three houses, but the majority was spent at one of Jessie's homes. Tonight they spent it over at Katie's because it was her birthday.

Katie finally got herself a car, because she wouldn't stop bugging her parents about getting one for her, telling them how much more convenient it would be for her and them. Her parents obliged to their only daughter's request, one because their daughter some how or another did make a point, two also it was her birthday in July, and three she was the only and youngest daughter out of three child.

The day before Katie's birthday, they brought home the car late at night. Katie's brothers were in charge of bringing it home, they had stopped a few houses down, put the car in neutral and pushed the rest the brand new Red mini cooper into their driveway. After parking the car, they covered it with a black cover. On the black cover, Katie's older brothers spray-painted 'Happy 17th Little Sis!' and each signed their names. In small brackets they also wrote, 'The bigger prezzie is from mom and dad, but look inside and you'll see what we got you!'

The next morning, Jessie awoke in Katie's arms, she looked up only to see a peaceful looking Katie still sleeping. Jessie grinned at the site and knew it was about time to wake up. She recalled Austin, the younger of Katie's two brother, told her to make sure Katie looked out the window when she awoke. Jessie decided to take a look at what the surprise was, so she looked out the window. She caught the site and smiled, knowing full well how Katie would be jumping everywhere later on.

Katie felt something shift on her bed, she knew it was Jessie, but being so lazy, she couldn't be bothered to move just yet. After a long while she missed the feeling of having Jessie in her arms so she finally decided to open her eyes. She looked around the room, which was still dark, because the sun had not fully risen yet. Finally seeing a small figure standing near her window, Katie got herself out of bed, and lightly padded her way across her room. She lazily wrapped her arms around the smaller girl's waist and laid her head on the blonde's shoulder.

Jessie felt Katie's arms around her waist, and she herself instinctively brought her arm down from the window sill and wrapped her arms over the older girl's.

"Morning," Katie whispered.

"Morning. Happy Birthday you're 17 now!" Jessie said turning herself around in Katie's arm and placed a sweet kiss on the other girl's lips.

"Mmm… I wish it was my birthday every day now…" Katie said with her eyes still closed.

"Yeah… You wish…"

"So I'm once again two years older than you…" Katie said matter-of-factly.

"Yeah you're so totally old…" Jessie joked. "Oh… Look down there!" Jessie pointed out the window.

Katie did as instructed and looked out the window. She read the note her brothers had spray-painted for her, finally taking a closer look at the object underneath the black cover. It finally hit her.

"Oh my god!" Katie screeched.

"Yeah." Jessie said calmly.

Katie let go of Jessie and was about to run out of her room, but Jessie caught her arm.

"Don't you think you should change so you look more presentable out in the streets?" Jessie asked taking a full look at her girlfriends outfit.

Katie was wearing an oversized t-shirt with a pair of really short shorts on, which was basically covered by the t-shirt.

"Oh yeah…"

10 minutes later…

After brushing their teeth, combing their hair, Jessie and Katie changed into comfortable sweatpants and Jessie with a tank-top, Katie a t-shirt. Katie dragged Jessie downstairs and out the door once their shoes were on.

Without giving it a second thought, Katie pulled off the cover in one graceful movement, revealing the brand new red mini cooper.

"Oh my god Jess! Look at this!" Katie muttered.

"Wow… nice car…"

A/N3: Soo… how was it? Continue-able?