I'm Bebedora.

I traveled with Darc and others and helped the world.

That's what Maru said I did.

If Maru said it, that's what I did.

Darc was many different colors. It was all very confusing.

The others were simple, easy colors, but Darc was different.

Besides Darc, there was another who caught my attention.

Maru was very different.

I found myself liking his colors.

I like the colors of pure white.

I'm too used to the darkness.

Maru is a pure white.

He is simple, but he is Maru.

That is enough for me.

I wondered one day.

There is friendship.

Maru said the humans are his friends.

I think Darc felt that all of us are his friends too.

Maru said I'm his friend.

I'm Bebedora.

I wondered.

Delma was the hot red of jealousy many times.


Delma always seemed to flash hot red when Darc didn't pay her any mind.

I'm Bebedora, I only know what I see.

I see a hot red jealousy, and I see a calm blue of the oblivious feeling.

I asked Maru one day.

Why? Does something come after friends?

I remember the scene quite clearly.

He was fumbling around.

He was the green of nervousness.

I do not understand.

I'm Bebedora.

I am not judged, and do not judge.

Why is Maru nervous?

I remember his words quite clearly as well.

"Well..you see Bebedora..it sounds like Delma likes Darc as more than a friend, maybe like a lover.."

Friend? Lover? What is this lover?

There is more than a friend?


I asked Maru if I had a lover.

Would I know if I had one?

Should I know?

Maru laughed.

"Well, I don't think you have one, see, a lover is kind of like someone you share more personal stuff with, like dreams and kisses and stupid stuff like that!"

Dreams and kisses.

Do I dream?

A kiss.

What is a kiss?

Why does Maru feel this is stupid?

A light swirling green with yellow.

The feeling of lies.

Maru is not being truthful.

I do not think Maru feels that lovers are stupid.

"Maru, what is a kiss?"

A light pink shade of embarassment.


Did I say something wrong?

"Well, um see Bebedora..maybe it would be easier if I could show you.."

I'm Bebedora.
I learned the hot pink passion of a kiss that night.

I learned that I love, and I can be loved.

I learned.

"I'm Bebedora. I control and are controlled. Why show me the hot pink passion of a kiss Maru?"

I think that Maru gave me the best explanation he could.

I am no longer Bebedora.

I am beautiful.