A/N: Sorry Cid fans, I don't hate him, he's a cool guy, but I need him to act grumpy in the story. :P

And now that I think about it…the situation Aeris was in was pretty sexist…argh! I hate that but…Sigh I wanted Cloud to do something good… T.T

….)) Faith ((….

"Hey, Cloud, let's go."

"What?" Cloud asked, with his back still turned to Cid. He was sitting on the inn's bed, organizing his material.

"I said, let's go."


"To the bar."


"Because, I'm bored, and there's not much restaurants here, and I want some $#& tea."

Cloud sweat-dropped, "You want tea and you go to a bar? Why don't you drink tea here?"

"I did. #!$& tea didn't taste good."

"Can't you wait till we go to the next town? Or are you so depressed that you didn't see Sierra? Why don't you keep a pic - itai!"

Cid had thrown a material at Cloud's head. "Next time it will be something worst." He threatened.

"Find, find, I get the point. I will accompany you for your depress-" Cloud stopped, as he had received a glare.

Cid turned and walked out the door. Cloud scratched his head, what's wrong with him? Dropping the thought, he followed him.

Cid was in front and they walked in silence. When they finally reached their destination, Cloud had a bad feeling. Cid pushed the door open and Cloud followed. They were welcomed with the smell of cigarettes. Cid was use to it, but Cloud still thought of it as a foul smell.

I wish I didn't have to come…maybe I can drag Cid out after he had his 'tea'.

They proceeded down the stairs and headed towards the bar. As soon as they sat down the bartender approached them, "May I get you something to drink?"

"Water is just fine." Cloud said, looking bored already.

"No! We'll take two of this." Cid answered, pointing at an item in the menu.

The bartender looked to where Cid was pointing, and said, "Coming right up." He went to work.

Feeling completely ignored, Cloud exclaimed, "What? No, I don't need-"

"There's no alcohol kid."

Cloud eyed him suspiciously, "You sure?"


"Ah…Whatever." Cloud sighed, and then the drinks came. He looked at it carefully. It was a bright clear, red, with a lemon on the side of the glass cup. It looked tropical with a mini umbrella.

Guess it's safe to drink…

Cloud took a sip and found it tasting like fruit punch. "Not bad…"

"Told you so!"

"You never said that…"

Cid shrugged and finished the drink off in a few more gulps. A few moments passed without either blonds speaking. Then Cid broke the silence between them, "Why did I come with you guys anyways?"

Cloud gave him the 'how should I know' look.

"Oh yeah, I remember…only idiots go against Shinra." He laughed.

Cloud shrugged. Listening to him rant wasn't a new thing.

"I gotta go to the washroom." He was gone is an instance.

That was fast…

Cloud was about to finish his drink when a random girl appeared, "Hey there, cutie."

There was a moment of awkwardness, and then Cloud realized that she was talking to him, so he looked over. She had long black hair that was tied into a ponytail, and was wearing all black with hints of white. She was pretty, for sure.

But not as pretty asan angel I know…what…am I thinking…?

Cloud realized he wasn't thinking properly…or was he? The image of a girl in pink flashed in his mind.

This feeling…what is it? I'm so confused…

Before he could get lost in his thoughts, the girl interrupted him, "I'm Dhime, but everyone calls me Hime." She smiled at Cloud.

Princess? Sounds pretty prideful…

Cloud knew she was expecting him to say his name in return so all he said was, "Cloud."

She giggled, "That's such a funny name, no offence. So…what are you doing here?"

Cloud mentally sighed in his mind, and then said, "I'm with a friend."

"I see. Are you bored? You seem like it."

"I didn't…really want to be here…" He admitted.

When will she stop annoying me? I guess I can't help it, need to wait for Cid…where is he anyways? He's taking so long…

"I was bored too."

Yeah, right.

When Cloud didn't seem to be so responsive, she continued, "So, what do you do for a living?"

"Uh, well, I'm just going around and see what there is."

I'm not gonna tell you what I do! Jeez…

"I'm a tailor. Isn't that cool? Making clothes is so fun! You want something made or repaired? I'll give you a discount."

"No thanks."

"Oh! Are you looking for a job around here? Maybe I can ask some of my friends and see if they can help you."

"No, it's okay." Suddenly Cloud felt a pang of familiarity.

What was that? Someone is here…who?

He got the image of pink in his mind again, so he looked out of the corner of his eye.

Aeris? Is she here? I'm not sure but…

Suddenly, Dhime leaned over to Cloud, who was still too distracted with his thoughts to notice. In a moment, Cloud felt the familiar feeling disappear, and that's when he jumped a whole two meters away from Dhime.

"What the heck was that for?" He shouted with surprise.

"Huh? You were spacing out so I decided to…" Dhime trailed off with a sly smile.

Seeing that the cheque wasn't paid, Cloud put down some money and turned to go. He didn't bother with the girl, he was thinking about something else.

Aeris…she must've been here just now! And if she was…did she see what just happen? I have to explain it to her! Cid can take care of himself…

Cloud pushed through the crowds, but paused when he felt a hand on his shoulders. He turned to see who it was. It was a big guy, and behind him was no other than Dhime. She was looking all pitiful.

"It was him, Dear, he was picking on me…" she sniffed.

"What? You were the one that-" Cloud started, but couldn't finish as the guy already took a swung at him.

Cloud skilfully dodged, and got ready for his attack.

I don't have time for this…

He lunged at his attacker but missed.

What? I need to focus…If I only fight out of spite, it wouldn't turn out too good.

The attacker took this chance and aimed for Cloud's face, but Cloud dodged and hit him in the face. Apparently, Cloud had a glove on, making the impact to be greater. His attacker fell on the floor, unconscious. Seeing that the whole club create an empty space in the middle because of their fight, Cloud took this chance and ran up the stairs.

Aeris…please don't misunderstand…

Cloud pulled the door open and saw a guy grabbing Aeris' wrist. He raised his hand, and was about to hit her, but Cloud caught it in time. The guy immediately let go out Aeris and turned to Cloud.

"C-Cloud!" Aeris looked relieve but at the same time, confused.

"It's not nice to hit a lady." Cloud gave him a good glare.

"You &#!$!" He lunged at Cloud, but he simply dodged, opened the bar's door, and let the man lose his balance and fall in. A loud crash sounded, and Cloud closed the door after he took a good look to see if the man was going to come up again, which was a no.

I have to explain it to her…

Cloud started, "Aeris, what are you doing here?"

"I-I was looking for you…" She replied.

She looks like she's hiding something…

"Oh." Cloud looked down at the floor.

"Red wanted to talk to you." Cloud noticed his face was staring to feel warm.

I'm pretty sure I'm not blushing...why would I blush in a situation like this? Why does my face feel so warm then?

Dropping the thought, he said," Let's go then."

Aeris didn't respond, but just started to walk. Cloud's heart fell.

She's definitely angry at me…She's quiet and she's not laughing…I…want to make her smile…

After a few moments of walking, Cloud gathered up his courage and said, "Aeris."

"Yes?" She didn't look at Cloud, but at the floor.

Cloud's heart fell ever further.

Why…does my heart hurt to see her act that way towards me? I should be use to it by now…everyone being cold towards me…but why do I desperately want her to understand? Only her?

He stopped in his tracks, "What happened at the bar…it's not what you think…"

Aeris paused, without turning around.

She's still not looking at me, but at least I got her attention.

"I…Cid asked me to go with him, and he dragged me there, then he went to the washroom or something, and he didn't come back for a long time." Cloud started to talk very fast, and he knew he was doing so but he couldn't help it, "Then, this girl came up to me and started to talk to me, and I didn't want to be rude, so I just listened, then she, I don't know, I think she was drunk, so she…"

Aeris turned around and faced him.

I really can't say it now that she's looking at me…I don't want her to misunderstand anymore than she already does…

Cloud finished off with, "Um…you know…you saw…Nothing happened, really."

I swear it! Please…

Aeris started to giggle, "You look funny when you're trying to explain something so frantically."

She smiled.

Huh? I don't get it…she's not angry? But she smiled…that's a relief.

"Wha-you're not…angry?" Cloud questioned, making direct eye contact.

"Nope." With that said, she turned around and started to walk again.

I don't get it…

Still not satisfied, Cloud jogged up to her and caught her arm, "Why?"

Aeris turned around, "Because, I have faith in you. That's what."

Faith? She trusts me and my words?

Cloud felt his cheeks redden, for sure this time, "Uh-um-ah thanks."

Someone that puts their faith in me…Uh…I'm still holding her arm…

Cloud let go of Aeris, "Uh, sorry."

"Did you drink?" Aeris asked, not even slightly annoyed, but rather a bit amused.

"Wha-uh-no…I don't think so…" Cloud said, and scratched the back of his head.

She noticed me blushing...

"Your face looks red."

Now that I think about it…My face was feeling warm before…


Aeris looked at him questioningly, so he said, "Cid said there was no alcohol in that drink…I guess he lied."

"Ah…we forgot about him…"

She looks…cute…

Cloud brushed the thought off with, "Forget him! I'm thinking he ditched me. That Ojiji…" Cloud looked away.

Aeris laughed, "Hey, that's rude. Cid would murder you if he heard that."

Cloud shrugged it off, "Let's go."

Aeris nodded. They started to walk, faster than before. As they neared the inn, Cloud stopped once again. He looked at the floor.

I'm still wondering why…I care so much about…her…


Crap…my face is going red again…

He felt Aeris walk up to him. She leaned towards him and looked into his eyes. A sudden feeling took over Cloud, and he pulled Aeris close to him. He closed his eyes.

She smells nice…like of fresh flowers…

"C-Cloud?" Aeris asked timidly. As soon as she said that his eyes flew open, and he let go of her.

What did I just do? I'm not thinking…

He clutched his head, "A-Aeris, I'm sorry…I wasn't thinking properly…"

Aeris was tilting her head down, and her cheeks were red, "…It's okay. Let's go inside." Cloud felt the urge to reach up to her face, but this time he made sure he was thinking 'properly', so he just nodded.

I'm going to scare her away if I do that…

Aeris opened the door, and giggled.


"Red's in his room I think."

Cloud nodded, confused, but he left to find Red.

Why did she giggle? I don't think I should ask her though…not after what I just did.

Cloud took a glimpse of Aeris' retreating figure.

Maybe I should say good night…leaving without a word is rude…

Cloud turned around and followed Aeris. He was one meter behind her and gather his courage again, "Aeris."

She turned around worriedly, "Cloud? You couldn't find Red?"

He shook his head and said, "Just saying…good night."

"Good night, Cloud."

Cloud left in an instance after she replied.

Normally I wouldn't do this…something is wrong with my head…

He smiled.

Oh well.

"$&!#$ Cloud! Why the heck are you smiling for? And why did you ditch me?"

Cloud looked up at Cid.

I think I know why my thinking is like this…it's the alcohol.

"You're the one that ditched me, Cid."

Or maybe not.

….)) Fin ((….

A/N: I edited the last part of the first chapter; it's nothing big, but yeah. :) So I'm done with this little fic. :D Hope you enjoyed it!

Or maybe I'm not done…Duh duh DUH! XD