No matter what happens...

"I promise to protect you herm-own-y. I would do anything for you I would die for you..." Those were the words that Viktor whispered to her when her hands slipped away from his.

She had left him to marry another and everyday she regreted her foolhardy decision. Marks on her face arms and body could tell you why marrying Joshua St-George was a terrible decision.

They met when Joshua had come to help rebuild the rubble that was left of wizard England. He was french and was a former Beauxbatons student. He was nice and quiet, he never pushed anything and after two solid years of bliss Hermione accepted his engagement as a gift with happy butterflies in her stomach. Now the rings on her finger were a shackle, they weighed her down to a life of abuse and sadness. She sat legs pressed to her chest arms keeping her safe from the chill that had nothing to do with the cold. Tears threatened to spill but she faught them down, willing herself not to cry. "I'm strong," she said softly standing up and wincing when her side gave a painfull twitch. "I think my rib is broken..." Her mind raced poing at the wound gingerly inspecting the purple bruise that had formed just below her left breast. She was going to get up today and do something productive but her beaten body cried in protest. Hermione led herself to there bed where she lay head in the pillow crying despite her strengh and fell into a fitfull sleep.

Days like this were normal for her now and she was now the shell of what she once was. Broken into obedience Joshua would not tolerate anything that wasn't perfect in his eyes and so Hermione was "trained" into the proper way to act.

Months went by when Hermione woke up to the feeling of a slow throbbing pain at the back of her skull. That's when she realized that she was waking up on the floor of the bedroom and she tried to recall what had happened. "Oooh..." She groaned remembering the letter that had arrived. Viktor had owled her asking to see her. That letter had caused quite a good whack on the back of her head as Joshua steemed about the nerve of her ex-boyfriend asking to come over. In the end Joshua resigned to let him come as it would seem suspicious if he had denied. No one really saw Hermione a lot anymore and this would be the best moment to put on the facade that they were the perfect little couple. Hermione barely heard Joshua raving when she was showering thinking that maybe, just maybe Viktor would find out what was going on, maybe he could take me away... She dried off and put on a long sleeve shirt and jeans so that the purple fading marks could not be seen.

The hours ticked and Joshua had become more and more impatient. "The hell I'm going to have to pay for this visit." Hermione thought watching her husbands erratic behaviour.

A knock sounded at the door and Joshua signed Hermione to get it. "Should not have to tell you girl." He whispered giving her a small smack on the behind, just hard enough to sting. When she opened the door it took all her power not to grab Viktor's hand and run away. He looked the same as he did previously and though most would think had to many sharp edges and was duck-footed to Hermione he looked like an angel sent from god.

"Herm-own-y..." Viktor whispered looking into her eyes and sighing. "Hello Viktor." She said curtiously. She sounded so formal and emotionless when she greeted him and Viktor was worried if something had happened. His subconsious thought sounding warning bells when he saw Joshua who was eying his wife with scrutiny. "Did they rehearse this or something?" Viktor thought hiding his blatant surprise at there behaviour. "Ahh! Hello Viktor come on in for a cup of tea, why don't you?" Joshua had said plastering a noticably fake grin on his narrow face. Viktor merely nodded his head and watched as Hermione went to the kitchen to start the kettle.

The dinner had gone quite well except that Hermione had not eaten anything from her plate but merely pushed it around on her plate. Also she did not speak unless someone had asked her opinion. This behaviour reminded him of the "Don't speak unless spoken to!" saying they had in the muggle army. He would have cracked a grin at this if the situation wasn't so serious but it was. Hermione wasn't like this, she wasn't skinny like this, she wasn't quiet, Hermione ate! "I have to use the loo." Joshua stated getting up and leaving the to as he left the room. Viktor whispered quietly to Hermione. "What is wrong Herm-own-y?" She in turned looked him in the eye and he saw the water pooling at the edges of her eyes when she shook her head. "I should have married you." Was all that she said and it hit home. Something was wrong.

An hour past and Joshua was practically pushing him out the door. Hermione looked at him like he was her last hope, the last chance that was now leaving when he walked to the door. Viktor held out his arm to shake her hand and thats when he finally put the signs together. Joshua had pushed her rudely towards him whispering in her ear and the look on Hermione's face as he did looked dead and empty. When she grabbed his hand her shirt trailed up slightly as his hand grazed it and the fading blue on her arm was enough for him to grab her and push her behind him. Joshua lookes confused at the sudden movement and regarded Viktor with wary eyes. "What in the devil's name are you doing?" He asked trying to grab her back. Viktor's arm cut the air and a loud crack was sounded when Joshua's thin effeminate arm gave way and broke. Fury shown in his eyes that wattered with pain when he grabbed his useless wand arm. "How dare you?" Viktor looked at Hermione softly. "Did he hurt you?" Hermione nodded slowly looking indifferent. "I'm taking her with me." Viktor said plainly daring Joshua to say something. "If I hear a word from you I will have the aurors here, I swear it." "For what?" Joshua growled seething mad at his bluntness. "For abuse you dirty fowl excuse for a man." "We-" "Mlukvay zataryay si ustata! Ne se ebajav s men!"(Shut your mouth! don't fuck with me!" Viktor spat punching Joshua square in his thin nose. Hermione swayed with anxiety and fainted in his arms.

When she awoke Hermione finally understood what Viktor had been saying over the years...

No matter what happens... "I promise to protect you herm-own-y. I would do anything for you I would die for you..."

Hermione was nusred to health slowly and when Viktor would give her seconds of every meal and exclaim, "You are to skinny!" she would smile and kiss him on the nose gently.

No matter what happens...

A/N: I don't know wether I should continue this story so tell me what you think and if you want it continued I will..I have many ideas up my sleeve...Muah ha ha ha...thanx for your reviews.