My Koibito & I

Note: Revamped I wrote this fanfic back in my old account, the one before that was rudely deleted. Anyhow, I will rewrite this once again, but it will be revamped heavily, Hiten-Kagome pairing.

Warning: OOC in everyone's part

Summary: Betrayed beyond all hopes, Kagome fights along side the very same person who had hurt many others, along with a demon whom she thought dead. Hiten-Kagome

Chapter 1: The betrayal

Inuyasha, a white headed hanyou wearing a red fire rat costume paced around the hut inhabited by a fifty eight year old priestess who long ago had lost her left eye. As Inuyasha continued his pacing through the hut, the individuals watching him rolled their eyes.

"Inuyasha, if ye are waiting for Kagome, then I suggest you go to the bone eater's well to wait for her there." Kaede suggested while Sango, Miroku and Shippo snorted stifling their laughter. The rigid form of Inuyasha froze before the tips of his doggy ears twitched.

"Feh, who asked you old hag," Inuyasha growled before looking away immediately. "Who the fuck does that bitch think she is, how dare she keep us all preoccupied waiting for her here while we can be out…?" but his statement was shortly cut off when everyone else finished his sentence for him

"Yea, yea, hunting shards… right." Sango said wearily as she brushed off the statement. Miroku and Shippo on the other hand snickered at the disheveled look that Inuyasha currently comprehended.

"Oh shut up, fine I'll go and wait for her at the bone eater's well." Inuyasha growled before puffing his chest out awkwardly. "Just don't get all too cocky because you made me do something against my own will." Inuyasha huffed before exiting the hut through the flaps.

"Lady Kaede, if it may be of help, but I think Inuyasha is expecting too much from Kagome, I think we should how do you say it, put a restraining order on Inuyasha." Miroku chuckled as Sango giggled lightly.

"Be as it May that the idea is very inviting, but who knows what kind of tantrum the young lad will throw when we grant him this order." Kaede sighed before returning to her duties. As the group sighed lightly, they all returned back to their original post, helping the old priestess out.

"Stupid bitch, taking so long how dare she, what if I blow this god damn well up, then she won't be able to head back to her time." Inuyasha ranted on as he paced back and ford in front of the bone eaters well. "Stupid whore…" Inuyasha spat venomously as he stopped taking a cold glare down within the pits of the well before sitting himself on the rim.

As he gently sat there watching the sun blare upon his face, he enjoyed the little quiet that he had for the time being, feeling the wind brush against his face, blowing gently at his hair, but the wind not only did little to calm him down, it had managed to blow a scent as well, a stench of clay and bone mixed with a touch of ashes as the scent filled his nose, filling his lungs with the same familiar odour.

Hesitating to move from his position, Inuyasha took one glance within the well…"It's not like she would be back now." Inuyasha snarled letting the wind blow a few strands of his white hair in to his face before looking up eyeing the sky above now partially covered with white clouds. "If she does come back she would just head over to Kaede, simple as that." Inuyasha pieced together as he shifted his eyes from the sky. "Till then, I'll just go meet up with Kikyo." Murmuring the last piece out, Inuyasha spun around and made his way towards the forest to meet up with the dead fifty years ago priestess.

As Inuyasha dashed into the forest completely disappearing in the shrouds of the woods a pair of red eyes hidden in the bushes followed his departure, before focusing themselves upon the bone eater well with a feral glare, blinking once the eyes immediately disappeared into thin air.

"Oh Kagome you bad, bad girl… dozing off making myself late, Inuyasha is so going to kill me." Kagome shrieked as clambered out of the well dumping her yellow bag first on the ground while using the sturdy vines to heave her self out of the structure. "Just act neutral and play innocent," She eeped slightly before rising to her feet dusting a few earth particles off her bottom. "Play it cool if you keep a straight face up and apologize he won't get as upset." Kagome reasoned nervously to herself as she grabbed her yellow bag lying neatly on the floor and hoisted the object onto her shoulder before inhaling a few gulps of air, taking her first step; she walked with as much calmness she can muster through her vain before walking her way towards Kaede's village.

As she walked smoothly through the woods, feeling the earth's floor below her, she enjoyed the peace that took place around, the simple noise of crickets humming and birds' chirping was all it took to let her forget her problems momentarily. Letting the peace get to her, she let her eyes wander shut but not completely as she allowed herself to eye the road ahead of her through lidded eyes. She allowed the peace to consume her letting the quiet get to her.

Walking nonchalantly Kagome bluntly was unaware of two red eyes glowing red, eyeing her from within the tree branch as the figure stood in the tree watching soundlessly as the pure girl walked by it. The figure let his eyes glow a bright red briefly before jumping off into another orchid.

Kagome sighed happily as she neared the village, only a few more trees before everything would be crystal clear, as she neared the bridge where the forest cut through to an open field. Kagome gasped as she heard something snap from beside her near the bushes as she cautiously eyed the shaking bush.

"Who's there?" She asked, her voice quivering. "I warn I am armed." She was lucky that her statement was true since her bag sported her bow and arrow, as she relinquished her bag letting the yellow bag drop on the ground before readying her bow notching a single arrow, poised at the bush, face determined. "I will give you to the count of three to show yourself." Kagome said determinedly as she took mini steps towards the shaking shrub beads of sweat immediately forming.

"One… two…tr…" Kagome screeched as the shrub in front of her exploded sending showers of splinter all over her as the next thing she found was having the wind knocked out of her as she found herself laying on the earth's floor, breathing in the moldy stench of earth and decay as something heavy preoccupied her back, the simple indentation caused her to loose her grip on the weapons she had prepared, now the items laying just a few feet away Kagome sighed heavily as she allowed herself to remain motionless. Readying her self for the major blow… the only thing she did felt was the shifting from her back as the culprit placed his or her knee painfully onto her back grinding them against her spine.

"I'll be waiting wench…" Kagome shuddered as she felt the person's breath breathe upon her back, letting off a small perspiration of fear. The voice she heard… it was so strikingly familiar that she couldn't place an origin. But just by the sheer luck of trying to shift her head so she can try to catch a better glimpse, the arms holding her own arms back was remarkably strong, denying her request to take a look at the unknown person's face.

Just like the weight on her back vanished, the trees around her rustling, her hair blowing gently against the wind as she finally picked herself up off the ground dusting herself off while at the same time veering her head left and right trying to catch a glimpse of who the person was, she can finally conclude that it was definitely a male's voice who had spoken to her, frowning immensely, she retrieved her bag and her weapon laying on the ground before hurrying to Kaede's village.

"Ah Kagome, you finally showed up." Sango chuckled from her position near the hearth, the demon slayer accompanied by the monk sat together gazing lightly up at her while Shippo and Kirara played with each other outside, where she had noticed them when she first came in.

"Inuyasha was searching for you, but I presume the dog is outside." Miroku chuckled as he fiddled with his staff. Kagome sweat dropped before frowning.

"What do you mean waiting for me, I didn't' see him anywhere near the well, in fact he didn't even greet me." Kagome coldly stated growling a bit. The true fact about Inuyasha was the fact that his arrogance is always the first to over look his other demeanour, yea he can be cold, or cruel sometimes, but he was indeed a loyal friend. Kagome harboured their friendship a lot, yes she was in love with him at one time, hell she had been in love with him for a good few months right now, but the plot that keeps changing is the fact that Inuyasha was clearly not interested in her, the fact that he still loves his former mate.

A priestess who goes by the name of Kikyo, fifty long years ago Kikyo and Inuyasha were friends, Kikyo had convinced Inuyasha to become human so they can live together, but tragic arose when one day Kikyo was walking alone in a field of grass, hands clutching the Shikon jewel, a jewel in which allows a humans and demons to wield great strength, but Naraku a horrendous half demon posed himself as Inuyasha causing the first blow to the unaware priestess.

While at the same time Inuyasha happened to be dashing within the woods when all of a sudden he was struck with many arrows, at that time he didn't know that it was Naraku who had transfigured himself into the duplicate image of Kikyo who had fired those arrows. Hurt and betrayed Inuyasha struck the village where Kaede lived, at that time Kaede was only a mere eight year old kid, eyes heavily bandaged. He had broken into the shrine to steal the sacred jewel, only to succeed in getting pinned to the tree by a single sacred arrow shot by Kikyo as he tried to escape.

In plum time the half demon Inuyasha sunk into a fifty year coma while Kikyo had died mere minutes after the witness of the downfall of Inuyasha.

But that was all ancient, but when a deadly dark witch who goes by the name of Urasuea had struck the village, she had managed to steal the essence of Kikyo along with her ashes and mere little bones, the dark witch had made a configuration of the Kikyo who was once dead… a mold made entirely of clay and the bones of the reminiscence priestess.

The day where some of Kagome's very own soul was captured and forced into Kikyo's, it was all too long ago and still today Kagome Higurashi can remember it like it was only yesterday.

Yea she knew that Inuyasha was secretly meeting Kikyo, but she can never find any proof to reambunctuate the crime, it had pained her to see that Inuyasha asked little of her while he asked many questions about Kikyo.

"Um isn't he with you, I mean he said that he was going to the bone eaters well, but I guess he left?" Sango said her eyes knitted into knots as she frowned immensely at this. "I presume he went to look for Kikyo once again.

"It doesn't matter Sango, I am used to this now, lets just leave things as it is, why don't I go look for him, I always have a keen sense of where he might lurk." Kagome squeaked fainting happiness. "I'll just leave my yellow bag with you and I'll be on my way." Kagome said as she knelt downwards to discard her yellow bag. Springing back up she focused her attention to the others, who all in returned looked perplexed at her.

"Uh Kagome, are you sure you don't need any help?" Sango asked, eyeing her friend with worry.

"Lady Sango is right; maybe one of us can tag along with you." Miroku said offering Kagome a genuine smile.

"Awe you guys, I am so happy that you guys care about me." Kagome swooned clasping her hand together before giggling lightly. "But I am positive, I'll go look for the trouble maker on my own." Kagome said determinedly, shouldering her arrows while right hand clasped lightly around the bow. "I'll see you guys later." Kagome said bowing to each of her friends.

"Be careful my child." Kaede advised as he eyed Kagome through one of her eyes.

"Will do…" Kagome said gibing the group her peace gesture added on with a wink. As she exited the hut, she strained her eyes outward bound towards the forest where she for surely knew where the white head would be.

"Come back to us Kagome." Shippo squeaked as he nuzzled his head on Kagome's leg. Kagome smiled brightly down at Shippo before placing a palm squarely on his head nodding her own as she let go.

"Well I will see you later Shippo." Kagome smiled lightly waving her had as she departed. As the village grew daintier and daintier, the forest around her started to build up, and within seconds she was completely enshrouded by a wall of trees. She had no idea which way to go now since the whole rows or trees made it impossible for her to make out a direction to choose, so letting her own miko energy flow through her, she allowed herself to be guided.

Everything was pretty much the same, except the faint glow of her miko energy. Her own ability allowed her to home in to a strong demon energy nearby and allow the energy to be radiated allowing her to seek it, and right now, her energy is directing her further within the forest. It wasn't long till her energy disappeared causing her to stop in a secluded area with fine tall oak trees around some dense shrubs.

Kagome gasped as she witnessed two individuals standing side by side under a willow tree. There was no mistaken of who they were, of years of experience and many witnesses, she had no real intentions of breaking down and cry anymore, in fact snooping was way better, plus she has all the proof there was to it right before her eyes.

Rolling her eyes at the typical cliché dilemma, Kagome sat herself down under a tree's bark adjusting her ears to the two.

"Kikyo… how many times must you run away… if you need protection, than allow me to protect you, I can as well convince the group to do the same as well." Inuyasha softly said.

Kagome immediately huffed; this was a conversation worth listening too, if he thinks he can enter Kikyo into the group just like that, than for surely he has something coming against him.

"I thank you very much for your hospitality, but this is something I think no one can handle." The dead priestess smoothly said as she held Inuyasha's gentle gaze with her hazel nut coloured eyes.

"Naraku, I dare say had resurrected an arch nemesis of yours, I believe this someone you will remember, Hiten Thunder of the thunder brothers now alive just as I, he's coming for your miko, I was in the area when I heard Naraku commanding the demon to do this, so I might as well come here and tell you myself." Kikyo explained letting her eyes wander around for a bit.

Kagome's eyes widened, the little bit of information kicking into her sense, Kagome had to bite down a gasp as she recalled her earlier incident with an unknown person… 'Now she remembered the voice, it was Hiten who had jumped her. That one bit of information scared her.

"I don't care about Kagome; let her be captured for all I care… I as well have plan on killing her entire family and seal the well so the bitch can't escape." Inuyasha sneered.

"Inuyasha, you are truly stupid, is your sense clogged up by your own arrogance, or are you just plain stupid, can you not see that we're not alone, your miko friend is hiding behind that tree right there." Kikyo calmly stated.

Kagome sighed, her eyes red now, from the last part, where Inuyasha had clearly stated that he would kill her family; that was the last straw. Summoning the little energy she had, she used her hand to wipe away the tears that was threatening to spill.

"Kagome you insufferable wench, why are you eavesdropping… how much have you heard?" Inuyasha snarled, his white hair swaying from side to side as he eyed Kagome. "Even all these years, how I suffered enough by your presence, those times where emotions ran wild, what the hell was I thinking?" Inuyasha said sneering at the startled Kagome.

"What the hell is wrong with you, I can't believe I actually thought you cared about me. Oh my gosh this stupid cliché dilemma is so getting old, I should have left you so long ago." Kagome seethed as she turned ninety degree before marching back towards the hut.

"Hey where the hell are you going?" Inuyasha sneered making to block Kagome, but she firmly narrowed her eyes before stating the one word that he hates the most.

"Sit boy." Kagome said venomously smirking lightly at the tremendous vibration that followed after, before dashing off.

"Well, there is nothing else, but to shatter the little child's poor heart." Kikyo solemnly said her eyes sparkling with electric.

As the departing Kagome left the scene a smirking individual concealed within the forest tree watched with amusement, and as simple as that the individual was gone.

"Stupid Inuyasha, how dare he threatens to kill my family, once I tell Miroku and the others about this they will surely back me up upon this," Kagome fumed as she broke through of the forest, making her way down the muddy hill her weapons still on one shoulder as she heatly walked.

Kagome was so preoccupied with her thoughts that she didn't see an on coming rock hurled towards her way, until she registered what was going on Kagome groaned in pain as she slumped to the ground falling unconscious. As the individual landed beside her, he took one look at the village givingit a hard cold look before returning his gaze to the slumped miko before his eyes softy readjusting.

"You don't deserve this place, even you don't deserve to be betrayed this badly." The person spoke, before taking the unconscious Kagome into his arms… bridal style carrying, the individual took one glance at the village before the two disappeared into a cloud of thunders.

Within the haze of her consciousness, Kagome ruefully turned as she begin to come around… it was one thing to moan about, but having a headache the size of a saucer was too crazy to handle, so when Kagome blinked her eyes open, she immediately regretted it. "Damn it feels like I've been hit by a rock…" Kagome groaned as she placed her right hand to her head massaging the lump that swelled there.

"Actually you have, and then you fainted, so I brought you here." A sneering voice ingested. Kagome's eyes widened at this, shooting upward, Kagome immediately groaned as she once again landed into the soft futon. "I wouldn't get up if I were you, you need to get that head of yours recovered." The voice said softly.

"Who are you…" Kagome weakly asked, her eyes trying to move but the throbbing within her head prevented her action. The more she looked at it, the realization hit her, the area as well was completely new since she was no longer in the village, but lying in a large futon inhabiting a large room filled with grand furniture's all sparkling and polished. "Where am I as well?" Kagome murmured massaging her temple trying to ease the pain away.

"You're in Naraku's home, he asked me to take you here so he can have a word with the both of us… and as to who I am… well I am Hiten, I am surprised that you already forgot who I am." Hiten smirked.

"No I didn't forget, I just wanted to make sure…" Kagome whispered. "Oh screw this I'm going to heal myself with my powers." Kagome growled before shutting her eyes lightly before concentrating lightly at the specific area where her body aches. Hiten calmly stood as he watched Kagome's healing power took effect, the concentration of white energy light spreading over the body coursing through the vein as the magic healed every aching thing there was too it.

"You have very impressive healing abilities." Hiten complimented as he folded his arms across his chest.

"Yea, well if you have great teachers teaching you, plus being the fact I'm the reincarnation of a powerful priestess, than anything can happen." Kagome grinned as she place the blanket aside before getting up, Kagome faintly could see Hiten, since her eyes are disorientated with re awaken pace, but as she rubbed her eyes, the images before her came into focus, the tall individual of Hiten standing next to the door, clad in the same get up as last time they had met, but this time his wheels from his ankle were larger.

"I see you haven't change one bit Hiten, so how are you these days?" Kagome asked, it was strange that she wasn't terrified, the hopelessness she thought she would have had never appeared.

"Well, I'm fine, but I don't know if I should kill you right now, or kill you later, your head would look really great on my trophy case, probably a better price, call it you say an eye for an eye?" Hiten smirked playing with his javelin. "You and your boyfriend Inuyasha took away my brother's life, why don't I just take yours right now and your little boyfriend can cry over your dismembered body." Hiten smirked leveling his javelin towards Kagome's widened face.

"You actually think that Inuyasha and I are a couple?" Kagome squeaked cupping both hands to her mouth to prevent her from laughing. Hiten narrowed his eyes dangerously into slits as he jabbed the pointed tip of the javelin lightly at her forehead.

"I wouldn't laugh if I were you lady." Hiten growled softly before retracting the weapon.

"I'm sorry, it's just that Inuyasha and I are like glue and water, we don't stick, theoretically Inuyasha already has this special person in mind while I don't, so as you can see your assumptions are wrong, plus the fact I would never be with him." Kagome said sternly as her lips trembled slightly.

Hiten's cold exterior collapsed as he watched the once happy and go girl fall silent. "May I ask what had happened?" Hiten asked curiously.

"It's easy, the dog demon obviously betrayed her, manipulated her, back stabbed her, formed alliance with Kikyo… and Kagome, your other so called friends agreed to help Inuyasha." Naraku softly said as he entered the room, Kagome's eyes widened before whipping her head towards his direction.

"Naraku…" Kagome growled as she fished around for her bow and arrows. Naraku merely smirked. What was once a person who clad himself in a baboon pelt was now wearing nothing but a simple white silk robe with a matching grayish black baggy robe pants.

"Now Kagome, no need for the hate, I am just here to help you, Hiten here, who I resurrected had kindly went to fetch you to take you away from the betrayals that were going to form at your stay at your friends village." Naraku explained, his long ebony raven hair flowing gently down his back, while his reddish tinted eyes held Kagome's gaze.

"What are you talking about; my friends would never betray me…" Kagome yelled fisting her hands to her side as she glared dangerously at Naraku. "They would never help that dead priestess." She ranted adrenalin coursing within her veins.

My dear, you are simply blinded by this friendship you so dearly call it, but what I say to you is no lie, I have proof." Naraku smiled.

"Oh how pray tell are you going to prove such nonsense?" Kagome sneer her fist turning white by the hardened muscle.

"Hiten, why don't you take her back to her friend's place, but stay hidden in the shadows." Naraku ordered. Kagome blinked, so she was going to be taken back to the village just too over hear some conversation made by her friends?

"Yes Naraku, let us go Kagome." Hiten said lightly taking a depressed looking Kagome into his hands.

"I'll come as well, just to see how you fair with this situation my dear." Naraku smiled before snapping his fingers, in doing so, his outfit immediately disappeared what was then was now replaced by the familiar purple baboon pelt. "Let us leave now." Naraku sneered as the floor around them swallowed them up in a cloud of miasma.

Kagome blinked a few seconds later as she found herself standing in front of Kaede's hut, the day had surely went by very fast since the sun was about to set showering the sky with a pinkish orangey after glow.

"We have arrived at your friend's little hut, now if I may direct your attention to the back side, we may as well hear the conversation that is partaking from within." Naraku said as he calmly walked to the side of the hut which aligned with the others giving off a few space, as Kagome and Hiten followed into the alley space sort of place a low window pane stood ajar allowing the voices from within to flow freely outside.

"Kikyo, would you please join our group so we may complete our journey of finishing the task of completing the Shikon shard hunt." Miroku said within. Kagome stood horror struck as the voice within talked.

"Yea, since now that Kagome is gone, we might as well keep on collecting." Sango in putted.

"Very well, since all of you guys asked politely then be as it may I'll join." Kikyo said calmly.

"You hear that Kaede, I told you everyone would agree, even the little fox is agreeing as well." Inuyasha gloated.

"Yup if Sango and Miroku says Kikyo can join, then it is ok within my books." Shippo chirped. Kagome couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"There's got to be a logic explanation for this…" Kagome said dejectedly as she eyed the open space. Even though Hiten did hate the girl, but someone as pure as her didn't have the right to be betrayed like this, so out of character he found himself placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. Kagome raised a teary eye at the hand before looking to see who the owner was only to find Hiten staring at her with an unusual soft facial.

"See Kagome, they weren't your friends, maybe except the old miko, but the others all punned at your disappearance, believed you had died, probably don't even care, see how they replaced you with the dead?" Naraku explained. Kagome blinked, she was totally at a lost of words, her friends betrayed her, they didn't even care about her, they even shunned her for Kikyo, this was all to much, at this she felt very angry, very angry towards the people she had once called them family, the things that Naraku was saying, she was beginning to understand… all the things he was saying were true, concluding into one conclusion, Kagome's eyes what was once bright and happy now fully narrowed into stern looking ones.

"I've masked out scent, as well as the black Shikon jewel around your neck Kagome." Naraku smirked as he found the tainted Shikon jewel glow from the jar Kagome had. "Work for me and all of us will have our revenge." Naraku said. Hiten merely watched with surprise.

"That is right Kagome, why don't we work as one to kill of those friends of yours, well what were once friends." Hiten jeered.

As Kagome stared from Naraku's calm stoic face to Hiten's determined one, Kagome finally realized that she too wanted this. So turning one eighty degrees, Kagome marched back out into the opening where people littered the place followed closely by Naraku and Hiten. "I want my yellow bag back." Kagome said lightly as she grabbed a bow on the ground next to her and the arrows as well, Naraku smirked while Hiten smiled.

"Don't worry Kagome; we'll be here to assist you as well." Hiten smirked as he formed a barrier around the three of them with his javelin. Kagome readied her bow as she notched an arrow, and as the people around them begun to scream and started to run away immediately Kagome could feel her miko energy flaring up as the people from within came out to investigate the ruckus.

"What the hell is going on out here?" Inuyasha snarled, as the entire group came out.

"Well hello there my friends." As the group all turned towards the familiar voice their eyes widened as Kagome launched an arrow at them, arrow tainted with black miko energy as the group watched in horror, Naraku launched his tentacles into the hut to retrieve the yellow bag while Hiten extended his yellow barrier. "Bye my friends." Kagome waved as she watched her arrow soar towards them.

Chapter 1 finished.

Revamped, but hopefully I made it a little better.