Chapter 12: Seiya and Usagi... and ChibiUsa?

The room was dark and you can see nothing but endless darkness then suddenly a light appear revealing a girl with long wavy silver hair sitting in the middle. Her eyes was close thinking about something, 'So, she's gone. Now I have no more rival' Then she open her eyes showing a pair of beautiful green eyes, 'No! She can't even be considered as a rival. She too weak' she thought to herself.

Now that her lifetime rival is gone, it be her turn to take over the job that Suki left behind. She should be happy, but her face show no emotion. This is the way she is, it just her nature. Her name says it all. "I should be getting ready" she thought to herself and try to find her first victim through a hole where she can see people walking around talking, laughing and enjoying themselves. Then it stop at a picture where a guy around twenty with jet black hair, brown eyes wearing a white plain t-shirtblack pant. "OK, this is your lucky day so you better enjoy it" she said to the picture of the man in front of her and smirked.

The bell ring loudly as every student rush out from Juuban High School to go home or meeting up with their friends. Today Usagi are walking home by herself because everyone seems to be busy doing their own thing. Mina and Yaten are hanging out together somwhere. Yaten probably have a surprised for Mina because he look all secretive and Mina seems to be very excited about it. Wonder what they're doing? It so cute to watch couple like them sometime, but would get jealous too.

Taiki and Ami said something about going to the library to finish their homework. How do they do that? Always thinking about school 24/7. Dont they know there more to life than just school? Well, they're probably having their lovey dovey time while doing their work too. The library is very peaceful and quiet.

Rei said that she need to help Yuuichirou with some chores in her temple. The two of them is obviously in love, but always seem to fight. Well, more like Rei bossing him around, but that probably the reason why their relationship have a strong bond. It sweet to sometime watch them fight though. One person is obedient and the other just have a little temper problem. Ok more than a little.

Mako said that she is busy because her cooking club need a hand.While they're making food, some of the student mess up and brake a few equipment. They also accidentally mess the food and got it all over the place and now they have to clean everything up.Oh well, but hopefully Mako will do something nice while at it and share with everyone.

Usagi having a feeling that she miss someone, but couldn't figure out who it is. Oh well! She sigh and continued to walk slowly toward the school gate. Everyone seem to have something to do except her. This is just boring. Normally she would have Mina to gossip with, but after she and Yaten get together they spent just about every second with each other. Well, it couldn't be help. Usagi use to be like that when she was with Mamoru.

Guess she just go home now and maybe ChibiUsa might be there for her and they could do something together. Probably fighting, oh well. Just then Usagi heard a voice that she long for and have arrived just in time to save her from the boredom, "Hey Odango!"

She turn around and saw Seiya running up to her, "Hi Seiya! What is it?"

He run up to her and stop, catching his breath, "Nothing. I'm just wondering if you mind going on a date with me. Now"

"Um..." Usagi blush slightly. Before she can even answer though, Seiya interrupt

"Alright! I'll be waiting at the same place on our first date" Then he start to walk off with Usagi shouting behind him

"Hey! I didn't agree yet"

"See you later" Seiya said completely ignoring Usagi. Instead of getting mad though, she stand there smiling and blushing lightly. She then run home and went straight to her bedroom getting ready. She run right pass ChibiUsa without noticing. "What she in a hurry for? Gotta find out" ChibiUsa thought to herself.

"Hey Asu!" she shout toward the kitchen. ChibiUsa, Asuka and Mineko are now living in the same house with Usagi. The three chibi share ChibiUsa old room. Even though it a little small for them, but it just fine. It pretty easy to make Usagi's parent to let them in. All they need to do is hypnotize them. Simple!

"What is it?" Asu shout back

"Tell Mine I'm going somewhere"

"Sure thing" Asuka replied without any suspicious as Usagi running down the stair. She was wearing her usual green skirt and a baby blue top. She look very excite about Seiya and hers date. In fact, she was suprised when he say meeting at the same old place on their first date. In other word, he still remember about their first date. It means a lots to her.

When she reach their meeting place, she can see Seiya standing from a distance waiting for her. He was wearing a blue pant and a yellow shirt with a black sunglass. He's cute. That's all Usagi can think of for a moment."You're late" was his greeting bringing her back to reality, but his voice didn't sound angry

"Gomen," Usagi apologized, then it hit her, "Wait! You didn't say what time so I can come any way I want"

Seiya just chuckled, "I was just kidding. I was late last time so make this a draw" he said smiling

"You still remember?" Usagi asked suprised

"I never forget any of our time together" Seiya replied

"Really?" she whispered

"Yeah.." he said softly and nod. It look as if they're in a trance and there was total silent. It wasn't awkward though. When suddenly Usagi said the most ridiculous thing and interrupt the moment

"What great friend you are?" she said smile widely and Seiya just fall the anime style. He can't believe that sometime Usagi can be so dense. That not what he meant by not forgetting their time together. But maybe that's why he was attract to her in the first place. It was so sweet of her to be like that. He just want her to know how he felt for her. She means everything to him.

Not too far away ChibiUsa was peeking on them. She sweatdrop when she heard what Usagi said, 'Can she get any stupider?' she know Usagi are sometime like that, but it surprising how dense she can get. Even ChibiUsa get what Seiya said and for a moment there when they were in a trance ChibiUsa thought that they were gonna do something 'funny'.

Then she realized that this was a date between Usagi and Seiya, 'So she on a date with Seiya' she thought to herself, but she also realized she doesn't feel uncomfortable with it, in fact she kinda glad, 'I wonder why? Could he be my father? Now that remind me, I never knew who my father was in this century, but I know Usagi is my mother. It's so confusing' ChibiUsa come up with all different kind of possibility, but she still unsure. Then she decided to forget about it for now and think about it another time. 'I want to join them'

"Okay. Let's go Odango" Seiya said as he stand up and wipe the dirt off his clothes. Usagi just nod. When they was about to walk off, Seiya notice a pink odango not far from them and recognize it straight away. Really, no one have that hair style beside two relate person

"Odango, isn't that your future daughter?"

Usagi turn around and really hope that Seiya was wrong and he was just imagining things, but to her disappointment, ChibiUsa was walking toward them. ChibiUsa was smiling widely and act all innocent, "Hi!"

"What are you doing here?" Usagi shout the moment she arrived

"Well, when you run pass me without noticing. I knew you was up to something" ChibiUsa replied matter-of-factly

Usagi groan, "You always drag along when Mamoru and I were on a date. Now you're still following me,"

ChibiUsa was lost now, "Mamoru? Who's Mamoru?"

Then Usagi remember that she haven't introduced ChibiUsa to Mamoru yet and she has lost all memory of him so of course she doesn't know who he is, "Oh, nevermind"

"Don't she know Mamoru, Odango?" Seiya asked. He thought that ChibiUsa and Mamoru must be close even though they said that the future has change. This was unexpected

"I dont know what happen, but after I brake up with Mamoru she come back looking slightly different and remember everything except him" Usagi explained

"I see" Seiya said thoughtfully. ChibiUsa look at them weirdly as if they're someone from outer space. Well, one of them is, but you know what I mean

"What are you two talking about?" ChibiUsa questioned

"Nevermind" Usagi said, letting it slide. It be weird to explain to her that sort thing and she wouldn't understand it anyway. Beside, Usagi herself didn't get everything

ChibiUsa thought that it was kinda strange, but then shrug it off. If Usagi want to tell her then she will do it on her own will, beside there more important thing on her hand right now, "Anyway, can I tag along?" she asked after a second

"NO!" Usagi scream right after ChibiUsa finish

"Please mommy?" ChibiUsa change her attitude straight away. She thought it work the other time so it might work now

"No mean no. What part of no you dont understand"

"Thats it" ChibiUsa shout out of the blue, "I'm coming and theres nothing you can do about it" she stuck her tounge at Usagi

"Why you little..." Usagi anger was building up inside her and it was about to explode when Seiya interrupt

"OKOK, you two stop fight, alright?" He then bent down and smile at ChibiUsa "We'll let you come this time, but next time is a no, ok?"

"Ok, I promise" ChibiUsa agreed, smile sweetly

"You're too nice, Seiya" Usagi said, not really wanting ChibiUsa to come along, but in truth she dont mind that much

Seiya stand up and turn to Usagi, "Next time we have a date alone"

"I didn't say I'm going to another date with you" Usagi said as she blush

Seiya just smile, "You will. Ok, let's go"

"YES!" ChibiUsa cheer then she turn to Seiya, "Um... Seiya?"


"Can you piggyback me?" she asked looking kinda awkward and blush slightly

Seiya chuckled, "All right" he bent down and told ChibiUsa to get on. ChibiUsa jump on his back and they start walking toward the amusement park. Usagi was very jealous and had a really mad look on her face. 'Its not fair' she thought to herself

Then she turn to look at Seiya with ChibiUsa who is smiling widelyon his back and her face soften right away. They look so cute, like a little family.'Oh! I guess it ok, but this one time only'' Then the word family hit her, 'Who is ChibiUsa father?' She thought to herself, but couldn't figured it out. If it isn't Mamoru then who? She look over at them again, 'Could it be Seiya?' then she blush furiously at the thoughts 'Well, they do look pretty alike'

On the other hand Seiya and ChibiUsa thought was pretty much alike. 'It fell great to be like this with Odango' Then Seiya thought of ChibiUsa, 'If ChibiUsa is Odango's daughter than who the father?' He been thinking about that recently. Who is the father if it not Mamoru? They have no clue and well... it not like their looking for the father. Even so, they really want to know. Seiya sure thathe not the only one thinking about it. 'I shouldn't think too much about it. Right now I just want to enjoy our time together. All the happy time' Seiya decided to leave it behind him, for now. He knew theres nothing he can do, just have to wait for time to reveal.

'I just wish Plu would tell me who my father is' ChibiUsa then sigh to herself. Sometime Pluto can be so secretive that it quite annoying, but she also know the responsibility that Sailor Pluto have carry. She understand. So now only time can tell, 'By then they be surprise about Asu and Mine' she smile widely 'Now that remind me. When are they coming? And where will they stay afterward?'

Then all three snap out of their thought and come back to reality when they reach the amusement park. It's was crowd and very loud. People was everywhere! Seiya went and brought the tickets and went inside. Its was even louder, everywhere was people and food carts and games. Many many games.

They went to every single ride there is. Screaming and laughing and talking were heard. It was happiness. They probably haven't have this much fun in... god-know-how-long. It was amazing, not only the game, the feeling as well. It nice to see each other, their friends and their love one happy. It great to sometime just relax and put everything behind and enjoy themselves. Especially with all the fighting and saving the world thing. It a lots of responsibility.

They eat foods from probably every single cart there is. Well, more like Usagi and ChibiUsa munching on them while Seiya have to hold all the food and stoping them from killing each other for one piece of fairy floss. Two word: Poor Seiya.

Then suddenly an idea pop into Seiya mind, "Hey! Do you want to take some picture and save the memories?" he suggested

"YEAH" both Usagi andChibiUsa cheered

"Where the camera then?" Usagi asked, excited

Seiya smile turn into a frown, "Um... I forgot about that" Usagi just sigh

"Dont worry! I got an idea" ChibiUsa said happily. Then Seiya and Usagi turn to look at her with hope in their eyes. ChibiUsa then took out a cat head ball out of the blue and bound it while running in circle, "Luna-P, please turn into a camera" she said. Luna-P obey her, turning into a camera falling down into ChibiUsa's hand. She catch it with ease, "Here"

"Right! I forgot you got that" Usagi said

On the other side, Seiya wide eye andwas really amazed, "Thats so cool. Where you get it?"

"Mother gave it to me"

"I should have keep it to myself" Usagi whispered, but ChibiUsa didn't miss one bit

"Oh, be quiet. You're not my mother yet" ChibiUsa glare at her

"But I still am" Usagi said then stuck out her tounge and ChibiUsa did the same in return. They turn their head away from each other

Seiya just laugh and sweat drop "All right! Lets take some photo"

"Let's take all three of us first" ChibiUsa suggested

"Give me the camera" After handing the camera to Seiya, he turn around and walk somewhere while Usagi and ChibiUsa stand in their spot waiting for him. It was a surprised that they didn't argue at all. Seiya went to a nearby man and tap him on the shoulder, "Excuse me,"

The man turn around, he look about twenty, has jet black hair, brown eyeswearing plain white t-shirt and black pant, "Yes?" The moment he knowwho tap him on the shoulder his eyes went wide open, "YOU'RE SEI..." he was about to scream out the idol name when Seiya covered his mouth

"Yes, please calm down" Seiya trying to calm him down. The last thing he want now is to have people all over him asking questions and wanting his autograph

"Right!" he regain his composure. This must be his lucky day, seeing SEIYA KOU in a amusement park. He is so gonna tell all his friends about this, "What can I do to help you?"

"Can you help us take some photo?" he said as he point to Usagi and ChibiUsa behind him

"Sure, my pleasure"

They then walk toward Usagi and ChibiUsa and when they got closer they heard that the two were arguing, "You have no right to say that" screamed ChibiUsa

"Yes I do. That was given to you by me so hand it over"

"No way I'm handing Luna-P to you. Beside you didn't give it to me, mum did"

"Why you little brat..." Before they can rip each other apart Seiya went in between then and seperate the two

"OKOK, this person gonna take picture for us so you two can stop arguing now"

"Really?" they saidcompletely forgot the fact that they been arguing about a second ago. They were excited and want to have some picture taken. The man that been watching them laugh uncontrolably then he calm down

"OK, ready?"


He snap a few photo of the three and left. The photo was great. All the photo look great with their smiling face-

Photo 1- Seiya and Usagi standing next to each other with ChibiUsa in the middle and they was smilingbrightly

Photo 2- Seiya and Usagi standing next to each other with ChibiUsa at the back hanging on them. She got her hands on their shoulder and her head between theirs

Photo 3- Usagi stand in front with Seiya behindher piggy back ChibiUsa and has his ark wrap around her

Photo 4- This photo capture their face only with ChibiUsa in the middle and the other two on each side

Photo 5- Usagi was sitting on Seiya lap while he sit on a nearby bench,. They looks awfully cute and Usagi was blushing

Photo 6- Seiya got his hand around Usagi waist while she got her hands on top of his

Photo 7- Seiya is piggy back ChibiUsaand they make a V with their fingers

Photo 8- Seiya standing behind ChibiUsa and bent to her level. The two of them strech their hand out like an aeroplane

After all the photos done they continued their day walking around the amusement park playing again. They come across a toy machine, Usagi and ChibiUsa try many time, but fail miserably to get the toy that they want. While Seiya only try it once and got two rabbit out. Usagi and ChibiUsa really thought that it was for them so they giggle happily

"Can I have it, Seiya?" Usagi asked smiling widely

"Since you got two, can I have the other one?" ChibiUsa added

Seiya was about to hand it to them and when they nearly grab it, he pull back, "NO! If you two want it then get it yourself"

"This is what you did last time as well" Usagi said sighing

"That's really mean Sieya" ChibiUsa told him

Seiya just smirked and slowly walk off while Usagi and ChibiUsa had a pout face on, "Get it yourself! I wont give it to you"

They keep walking behind his back begging him to give it to them then out of nowhere they heard a shriek, "AHHHHH!" The three look at each other understandingly

"Eternal StarLight Moon Power…"

"StarLight Chibi Moon Power…"

"Fighter Star Power..."


After they transform they went to see what happening. If they remember correctly, Saki was already destroyed, but there someone screaming for help. That would only mean one thing, there someone else beside Saki. When they got there, they saw a beautiful girl holding a orange glow and it comes from the man that help taking picture for them before.

"Hold it right there" Sailor Moon scream then she continued "Hurting people who just help us take picture"

"Also taking their Glow agaisn't their will"

"Then we will stop you" they said together

"Agent of Love and Justice..."

"Pretty Sailor Soldier in pretty sailor suit..."

"Sailor Moon..."

"Sailor Chibi Moon..."

"In the name of the moon we will punish you" they yelled

"Breaking through the evil darkness. I am a wandering shooting star. Sailor Star Fighter. Stage on!" Star Fighter said her speech and did the pose

"My, my. I see. So you're the one that continuously stopping Saki. Oh and nice introduction" Yuki commented smiling. Her voice and smile was sweet and nice. It was kinda a surprised to the group, but they knew that she were the enemy no matter how sweet she may be

"Star Serious Laser" Fighter shout as she send out her attack. The glow got knock out of Yuki's hand, but she still has that smile on. She doesn't seem to be concern or anything

"Ok then. If you want it that way" she said still smiling as she summon a monster, "Amusement man." Then out of the blue, snow start to form a human body and suddenly it melt and a clown appear. He got and wear everything that clown would have. Big nose, big red mouth, holding many balloons

"I'm here"

"I'll let you take care of them and remember to take the glow back later" she saidand many white snow surround her and when it clear she disappear with it. Amusement man turn to the three and said,

"Hi, how you doing? So would you like to play some game? Or would you like some Fairy Floss?"

"I would like some Fairy Floss, please" SailorMoon and Chibi Moon said happily, completely forgot what going on

"Guys. You shouldn't be doing this" Fighter said

"But we want some Fairy Floss," they replied and turn around with tear pouring out of their eyes. Seiya just sweatdrop

"Here" then he hand them each a Fairy Floss, but before they could put it in their mouth, it explore and their went black while Amusement man laugh hysterically, "You've been fool!" he said as he dance around

"You'll pay for that!" Chibi Moon yelled and get ready for her attack, "Glass Star Wink Heart!"


"Sailor Moon. NOW!"

Sailor Moon nod, "Twinkle Star Glitter Shoot"

"SHINING" Amusement man shout as he dissappear to glittering dust. Fighter went to pick up the glow and put t back to the person that has help them before it too late. When the person wake up, he look around, confused "Huh?"

Seiya, Usagi and ChibiUsa were walking home in silence enjoying one another company. It was a great for them and somehow ChibiUsa felt so good when they were this close. The day was fun, exciting, great... she could on forever. It kinda weird that on their way home, Usagi and ChibiUsa haven't argue even one bit.

"I had a great day" Seiya said breaking the silence

"Me too, it really fun" Usagi argeed

"Me three. Can we do it again?" ChibiUsa asked smile brightly hoping that they would agreed

"NO!" Usagi shouted, but ChibiUsa completely ignore her like she doesn't exist. ChibiUsa knew what Usagi gonna say even before she answer so she want to hear it from Seiya more

Seiya chuckle, "After I have a date with Odango"

"Awww! Too bad, but I wont promise that I wont follow you"

"All right!" Seiya said laughing

"Just try and you'll see" Usagi warned her future daughter

"I thought you said you wont have a date with me anymore" Seiya said and smirked. Usagi just blush and said nothing

"I see, Odango-atama is blushing" ChibiUsa said and knew what gonna happen next so she went ahead and run

"Be quiet you little brat" Usagi shouted as she run after her. While the two chasing after one another, Seiya was laughing his heart out. This was definately an unforgetable day.

While they were having fun and laughing loudly, they didn't noticed that there was a shadow watching themfrom afar. She look at them and have no expression on her face, but somehow she look kinda sad. 'So, that's their true identity' she thought herself 'Dont worry! We'll meet again soon' Then she disappear. All she left behind was a piece of silver hair that probably drop out from her long wavy hair.

She seen it all. Saw how they defeat the monster and de-tranform revealing their true identity.

OMG! It been ages. I cant believe it took that long. I am REALLY SORRY! I've got lots of homework recently and that the reason why it took so long. I'm really sorry. But now I've nearly done with all my work, I probably be updating sooner. Please give me some ideas about the monsters. I'm desperated. Oh yeah! I was really disappoint that there was only one review. :'( I really hope you guy review more even if it bad, tell me and I'll try to improved. Thank you and please review.