Suicide is something that never happened in Konoha. Not because there weren't depressed people, not because it was unheard of, but simply because it was considered the weakest form in which to die, and the death was not mourned, not was the person considered a hero. It was a quiet, disappointed funeral with only the closest family, and in a city dominated by fighting and honor, suicide just was not an option.

Except for one person who was decidedly out of the 'circle' that was considered human or honorable. That boy was Naruto, the vessel of the feared and reverred fox demon, Kyubi. The boy was meant to be a hero in their eyes, enduring the stomach pains and hardships of having to share a body with an evil spirit. Instead, people feared him, hated him, and utterly shattered his hopes, dreams, confidence, and happiness. There was no Naruto, there was no Kyubi vessel, there was only the demon himself reincarnated in a small loudmouthed annoying blonde's body. A nuisance, a pest, and something that was only tolerated because there were severe consquences if the law not followed.

No one was punished, though, for insulting him without physical harm. No one was punished for causing severe mental scars and depression in a small boy. No one was punished for dehumanizing the demon boy. No, it was accepted and encouraged and passed down through their children. A never ending cycle of hate, horror, and pain for one so small. As he grew, he developed the habit of gaining attention through performing the most horrendous acts for someone of his age and social status. Defacing reverred statues and insulting the elderly and speaking back when spoken to. He had no restraint, no cooth, and everyone blamed it on the demon. The demon boy had obviously embraced it and was carrying on the legacy of destroying Konoha.

As time progressed, this demon boy named Naruto made a foolproof mask, a mask that was the exact image of what the villagers wanted to see, needed to see, because he was so different and more powerful. But beneath lurked a darkness, wounds so deep they couldn't be seen even with the kindest souls, like Umino Iruka. Depression bottled up and pushed aside only to be let out when inside the small dark apartment. Around Iruka, he wasn't a monster, he was a normal boy, albiet an annoying and troublesome one. It was already known that there was something other than himself lurking beneath what Naruto assumed was a ornate scar on his stomach. A large, horrendous creature with great power and even worse, whenever he slept or allowed himself to relax, his mask to be let down, the creature could communicate with him and fill his head with iamges of death and rot and destruction so horrendous it would make veteran shinobis blanch.

The boy knew death better than anyone in the village, he didn't embrace it because as hated and despised as he was, he craved life, and feared the alternative. This creature inside of him, this monster, it craved death. Not only for the villagers, but for itself. Strangely, when Naruto was small, the creature would talk to him late at night when he cried, not in a particularly kindly manner, though not grisly memories involving death either. The different seals and chakra controls he learned by age seven. Nothing ornate, mind you, just the basics, something to keep the kid occupied and on his feet. There was no kinship to be shared with Kyubi, only a strange kind of comfort that there was something even more despised than him in the world.

It also made social relationships particularly difficult when entering school. All the other children at first treated him like any other child, until the open houses and parent teacher conferences and other social events involving his class and their elders. The aura of hate and vehement whispers trailed after him and eventually caught on. Then the children became violent.

Naruto would drag himself home daily, covered in ugly bruises and sluggishly bleeding scratches created by nails. He was immune to no one, the pain staining his young mind and forever creating the scene associated with school into a cause of alarm.

Kyubi always urged him to kill, to bathe in the blood of his offenders and have revenge. But the blonde had no self confidence, no malice, just hurt and loneliness and a strange satisfaction in the pain because it was associated with attention.

Pushing himself over the limits to reach a level above his classmates was his dream and his one goal that he couldn't be distracted from. Naruto trained constantly, fondly dwelling on the memories of pain and exhaustion that distracted him, and fueled his desire to become stronger.

But he failed, again and again. Not because he wasn't good enough, but because his nerves around others were impossible to overcome. The dozens of eyes filled with hate and distrust zeroed in on him when inside the classroom. It didn't matter if it was Iruka sensei or anyone else, the blonde had learned to keep his head down, but his increased chakra level thanks to the Kyubi, always saw the edges of the person's aura that outlined the chakra. The main color he saw when they looked at him was black, then there was crimson. Hate and fear.

But finally, finally came the year when he was determined to pass. A Hyuuga girl named Hinata, had a snowy white and light pink aura, with tinges of crimson, but not in a bad way. She was obviously as unused to people and shy as Naruto. The white was purity, she was almost completely unexposed to pain or bloodshed, but the light pink signaled a still sore wound, though she radiated kindness.

Naruto instantly remembered to respect and be kind to her. A girl named Sakura..she had the strangest aura he had ever seen. Naruto's blue eyes followed her from the time she entered the classroom from there one. She caught him staring and snapped rudely at him. Unaffended, Naruto flushed and smiled bashfully, ignoring her aura of hate. She had practically a RAINBOW aura. So many conflicting emotions and stress, it almost seemed there were two people there were so many emotions and thoughts going on at once all the time.

The boy she had obviously become obsessed was was a boy named Uchiha Sasuke. Naruto flinched at his aura, deep bottomless black that matched his starless eyes and hair. On the edges of the aura was pink, but there was no trace of white as there had been in Hinata. The boy was a walking source of despair and pain, and it hurt to look at him. Naruto had to squint just at a glance, and Sakura took it as a glare.

Everyone's aura in this class was engrossing, obviously more evolved and interesting than the last class he had attended and failed. Naruto felt a kinship with these people, even if they did hate him, and he would pass, if just to watch their auras develope.


Ive started a new story..woohooo... Tired of Hating sequel will come later I guess...And Ive been getting more angry reviews from people who tell me Naruto's not the only one in pain...I know this. Its painfully obvious, and don't fret, I've noticed. But I usually write about the main character for one reason, Im used to him being the main character, I know his personality best ((even if I change it juuusttt a litttllee :XD) so its easier to write about him, and it doesn't seem so weird like if he was just a side character or something. No offense, its fun, but when I write multichapter stories I just like having Naruto as the main character. If you don't like it, Im sorry, but its just how I write.

Reviews please..