Dean had seen her gazing at someone

The Plan: Jump

Author: snoflaik

Disclaimer: own nothing. . the producers writers and creators of this lovely show do. . so don't sue me.

Author's Note: The last part of the story. . . so sad so sad. .sniff. . ok read now while I compose myself. . .

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Dean had seen her gazing at someone. She rested her head back against his chest and had a small-satisfied smile on her beautiful face. He followed her gaze and saw Tristan dancing a few feet away with his date. He had a smile of happiness on his face. He was reminded once again of the time when he saw them kiss in the diner and felt the tension as they argued with each other. He then flashed to the other conversation he witnessed in the restaurant. He now knew the meaning behind the words and the tension that spouted between the two. He did not want to believe it and he needed to prove it to himself.

He pulled Rory even tighter to his body. When she felt his embrace tighten, Rory was knocked out of her reverie and looked up questioningly into Dean's eyes. She saw such love there but also a little bit of anger and jealousy. Before she could ask him what was wrong, he lowered his mouth to hers.

This kiss was completely different than all the previous ones. This one was forceful and filled with almost desperation. It lasted until the song was over. Rory was shocked and could not bring herself to kiss him back. When she finally pulled away, he knew his hunch was true. They had been growing distant almost right after they had gotten back together and now he knew why. She was in love with someone else.

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When Tristan saw her smile, he was filled with pure happiness. He had never felt this way before and welcomed the new but wonderful sensations that come with loving and being loved back. He went back to dancing with his date resolving to speak with her after the song was over. When he looked back at her, she was kissing Dean. His chest felt like it had been just hit with a ton of bricks. He couldn't breathe and he could feel the tears welling up in his eyes. The pain was so intense. He wasn't even jealous, but his heart had been torn into two. He quickly slipped away from his date and walked out to the balcony before the tears fell.

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After she broke away from the suffocating kiss, she instinctively turned to where Tristan had been. She saw him turn away and almost run out onto the balcony. And in his eyes she saw such anguish.

"Go to him."

"What?" she was pulled back to Dean and looked up into his eyes.

"Everything is perfectly clear now." He released her and stepped away,

"Rory just go. You know you love him. That's why you could never say it to me."

"Dean I. . . " began Rory attempting to explain and apologize.

"Just go!"

Dean turned and started to walk away leaving Rory standing gaping after him. He was just so tired all of a sudden.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tristan was in anguish. There was a reason why he had never fallen in love before. He never wanted any girl to get close enough to him to hurt him. Everyone thought that he was a player and it was true but he didn't do it because he enjoyed it particularly. It was purely a defense mechanism. And Rory had known that. She also knew that his love was true. He felt like his heart had been ripped out and stomped on. The tears continued and his body shook in soundless sobs. He stared at the moon and wondered when his life became so complicated. He wouldn't change what he had said or what he felt not for all the money in the world. He was so rapped up in his own thoughts that he didn't hear anyone come outside. He didn't notice that anyone was slowly stepping towards him.

When he felt two arms go around his waist and a head lean against his back, his body tensed. He relaxed when he knew who it was and it felt so good just to feel her touch even if it wouldn't last.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Rory walked out onto the balcony and saw someone leaning on the railing at the end shaking. There was no sound except the usual night noises. Silently she slipped over to him. She didn't know exactly what to do so she followed the instinct in her heart. She knew that if she didn't touch him she would break into pieces. *JUMP*

She slid her arms around his waist and just leaned up against his back. She felt his body tense in her embrace and them relax when he knew who it was who held onto him. It felt so good to have her arms around him but he knew he had to end it. He remembered why he had come out onto the balcony; To get away from Rory. He turned around in her arms and reached behind him to remove her arms from his waist. She stared into his eyes while he did it, but they were expressionless; the shields had been dropped once again. He wouldn't reveal himself to her again. Emotions were kept in check and words would not be spoken.

Rory's eyes blazed in the night but he couldn't tell what they were telling him. He stepped away from her.

"Rory what are you doing out here." He asked quietly.

"He knows."

"He knows what?"

"He knew before I did I think."

"Care to expatiate on this subject because I'm drawin' a blank as to what you're talking about."

"Dean. He knows." She stepped forward

"Ok, yeah he seems like a smart guy. I'm sure he knows a lot but if you could please use some different words here maybe I can understand."

"He knows about us." step.

"What about us. We're friends what else is there to know. I love you. You love him. Did I leave anything out yet?" he asked sarcastically.

" Oh one little thing." One last step and they were face to face.

"what?" he asked

"I think it's catching." She reached up to put her hand on his face.

"What is?" He reached up to move her hand but instead laid it on top.

"Your illness." At her words, his remembrance filled his eyes and the shields were dropped once again.

And with that he leaned down and caught her lips with his. The kiss was so gentle and so loving that it brought tears to her eyes. His arms came around her and hers twined around his neck and into his hair. When they finally broke away, they smiled into each other's faces and laughed together.

"You're crying again. How come you always cry after I kiss you?" asked Tristan, with laughter in his voice and a hand wiping the tears away.

Rory sniffed, " I think that it is going to take another one for me to figure out why they are so bad that I have to cry." She replied with a wicked smile.

"Oh is it? I think that that can be arranged."

They met each other half way this time and this kiss was pure magic. No caution or secrets anymore. Just the release of feelings that both had kept pent up and hidden for so long. It left them breathless and smiling once again. They looked up into the sky and saw a shooting star.

"Make a wish Tristan."

"I already have what I've been wishing for."

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The End

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AHHHHHHHH. . That was soooo sweet . . . I didn't know I could write such sappy stuff. Well that's the end of my story. Tear Tear. I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
