Title: Love

Author: NNWest

AN: Thanks to friend Bill for the beta.

The Doctor closed the door behind him. Sensing his presence in the room, the TARDIS edged up the ambient light slightly to help him navigate. Laying his battered jacket on an overstuffed chair, he watched the form sleeping on the bed for a long moment.

Rose had kicked off her trainers, but otherwise had curled up fully clothed in the middle of the large bed on top of the duvet. He sighed, it amazed him how much this one little person frightened him. But, it was even more terrifying to be without her.

She stirred when he sat down on the edge of the bed to remove his own shoes. "Doctor?" she mumbled sleepily.

"Just me," he whispered as he settled onto his side facing where she lay.

"Wha's wrong?" her eyes barely opening before sleep began to reclaim her.

"Nothing..." he said, adding silently "as long as you're with me." He reached out to brush an errant lock of blonde hair back from her face. At the light touch Rose wriggled closer to him, snuggling herself so close against his chest he was forced to wrap her in his arms.

"Mmm, tha's nice. Warm."

"Yeah," the Doctor agreed quietly, her small sleep-heavy body a surprisingly comforting weight in his arms.

"Goodnight, Doctor."

"Goodnight...love." She was already asleep again.

Exhaustion took its toll almost immediately and he slept.

He woke later to find himself staring into her hazel eyes. He still held her hugged closely to him as he had when he fell asleep. He wondered how long she had lain there, watching him sleep, a tiny pouting smile pulling at her lips.

"Hi," she said in a small voice. "Sleep well?"

"Very well. You just watching me sleep?"

"Yeah, 'cause blimey, you look beautiful...considering you're a Time Lord," teasing him with the words he'd spoken to her the night they'd met Charles Dickens. The look on his face when he'd first seen her in that dress was still one of her favorites.

"Really?" He grinned.


For a moment panic gripped him, seizing his breath. He'd thought she hadn't been awake enough to remember that. She watched him intently, his internal conflict written in his expression. He couldn't bring himself to say the word, one little word -- yes.

After a moment he regained himself, finally giving a small nod still unable to find his voice.

Rose smiled. Closing her eyes, she moved the small distance separating their lips, kissing him gently.

"Yeah, me too."